Friday, 24 November 2017

With the help of God and Two Policemen

With the help of God and Two Policemen was what my mother used to say. So today we may have just finally found a house. In fact two popped up. I went for a walk to test out the area and its ok, not perfect but ok. Its big enough for us and hopefully they'll take our offer.

If we don't get one we may get the other, but things are never straight forward in house buying. My wife fell in love with another house last weekend which is in a better area but I said it was not worth the asking price, and she decided to offer what I thought it  was worth. Which was rejected.

Another house which is in the best area for us but the owner is totally unrealistic about the price, when we viewed it I told the agent the cost of all the work needed on it. The owner was asking what was the correct price BUT only if all the work had been done on it, but owners believe agents, and then waste 6 months before selling it at a reasonable price.

We had another house like that where the owner rejected our offer but now 6 months later his asking price is near what we offered 6 months ago. Only the family no longer likes it.

Other houses we bid on but where we live is very hot property market so the nice houses go in a week. So even if you have the money you may still not get it. Because you need the help of God and Two Policemen as my mother used to say.

I would love to live in the house with a sauna in B17 which you can find on or in the brand new houses down the road in the same street which you can find on rightmove, should take you 20 seconds to find it if you are good on the keyboard. But that would take a lottery win, or for you all to buy my books on Amazon.

But my mother also said God is Good, so who knows maybe a wealthy arab decides to invest in my teaching English via comedy idea and then I could afford to buy a new 5 bed house with garage. I'd also buy a puppy dog. My daughter wants a labrador, but as I always tend to wear shades people might think I'm blind.Me, I think perhaps a Portuguese water dog might be nice.

 But to be honest just living to see my girls grow up and become a Dr and maybe an actress or writer that would be enough. Because the only wealth worth having is Health, and my dad said that.

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