Thursday, 16 November 2017

K shop

I just watched Kshop

a very bloody film an 18 certificate. It had 5 stars against it.

I give it 4.

However I would urge every Civics Teacher to get their kids to watch it.

BECAUSE it highlights the anarchy brought about by the booze and drugs culture on a friday night

With a bit  of horror and murdering and turning bodies into kebabs too

there is no happy ending

I used to see all this from my computer room window in the 1980s every weekend

Eating Raoul was a film similar in a way from 20 years ago   maybe, you can google for yourself

maybe I should have been a film reviewer

anyways don't forget to buy my books.

and like I said in a previous piece  KNOCK would be the best password to everything in North Korea then all their toys could be switched off.

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