Monday, 27 November 2017

A special message for my premature reader in USA

I spotted the fact that almost immediately after I posted Home Comforts a USA  reader with a mac, though it could just be a dirty brown overcoat had read the post. This would be about 5.30pm usa time on 27nov 2017. So thank you Columbo or Jared or White house Press corps, or just some guy on the desk in a hotel somewhere. All readers are more than welcome.

The Home Comforts from Abroad was a reference to a Book Title from decades ago, I did a quick google after I posted the piece and could not find it.  But for homework you can.

I would really love for people to start buying my books as I really do need a bigger house, hopefully with 2 bathrooms aND  4 bedrooms. But as I said to somebody in an email recently, this may only happen when Donald Trump becomes Humble, or Tonga enters the space race and starts a rugby club on the Moon.

I have had this dream of a big  house for years, I can see it on the back of a bedroom door, drawn in crayon by my daughters 10 years ago,when they were small. A big house for us all with rooms galore. Well we got the cat Totoro at least. so next stop should be the house and a dog for me.

Can anybody tell me  have I got a spy that makes my arrow pointer move, or is it just Windows 10 Creators edition bug? Other than that thanks for reading my stuff, I'm 72,366 words into 15Up my next book, so maybe by year end if I  reach 100,000 words I put it on Amazon, where none of you will buy it.
SOB SOB SOB, this is English for tears not the American sob which is something totally different.

Go to bed now  and make love to your North Korean Army girl or boy.

And maybe then Kim will just give up as Mugabe did. As all the Army are otherwise engaged.

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5190 post. Secret Service is it you?

 Secret Service is it you? USA reading me a lot is it you guys in the parking lot forever waiting for the clowns to turn up the ungrateful u...