Thursday, 8 December 2016

Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil

Tell The Truth and Shame the Devil ©

By Michael Casey

I don’t know about you but when I was a kid and I did something wrong my mum would say she would not hit me, just tell the truth and shame the devil. This has stuck with me all my life, so I just cannot abide liars, if you lie to me and I find out I will never trust you again. If you cannot be trusted in small things, how can you be trusted with big things. There is no such thing as its so insignificant it does not matter, everything does matter.

My mothers values were taught to her at the nipple, from her 19th Century mother, so maybe my values come from there too. The reason I mention this is that Post Truth is the word of 2016 apparently. In other words LIARS WIN, or they would if all of us were not careful. Today Trump has sacked the son of his Nation Security Advisor, check BBC for full and accurate report. Basically some cock and bull story about Hillary and a pizza house in DC, which ended up with a guy and a rifle turning up at the pizza place. This is madness, are people so stupid that they believe anything a blogger writes in cyberspace, have people lost their brains, do they only read the web and not BBC, nor ABC, NBC or even Fox, check facts  from 3 different sources at least.

So with Post Truth in mind can you tell what is true or fiction from what I’m about to write. Mark Zuckerberg is really black but has the same condition as Michael Jackson had. Facebook is really part of the Mafia, and if you go to the Italian version you can see for yourself that what I say is true. The Pope, Francis is really a pizza maker from Venice,and he has a gondola parked at the back of the Vatican, on a little lake he had 10,000 nuns dig with spoons.

Hillary is really Mrs Doubtfire, now that she has ditched the make-up you can see the resemblance, that’s why she looks so happy now she has lost the Presidency. As for Obama he refuses to move out of The White House, that’s why there is no room for Trump’s wife and son, its all a pretence that Baron has to finish school The Truth is that the Obamas are squatting, until Obama’s kids finish their school. Both the Obama girls are doing hairdressing courses specialising in hair cuts for seniors, and blue rinses for the over 95s.

Mylie Cyrus is really a construction worker, hence the wrecking ball in  her video, she is flat broke really, if she was making money from music then she could afford clothes, she’s broke that’s why she is nearly always naked. And as for Taylor Swift she is really a dwarf, she just performs on stilts, you look closely and you’ll see I’m right.

As for Bond, James Bond, Daniel Craig is really a woman, nobody could have such come to bed eyes if they were a man, his bedroom eyes proves he is a woman, you know its true. All the action sequences are done by a body double, another woman.

I can go on and on telling you the Truth, but are you prepared to accept it, the Truth hurts you know. Milk is not milk you know, it comes from the breasts of triple breasted aliens who have been give sanctuary on Earth so long as they give us milk. They can sometimes by seen in Playboy magazine, that’s why Hugh Heffner looks so happy, he has several living over his garage.

My 12 books are on Amazon and if you buy them girls will jump into bed with you. Or boys if you don’t want girls in your bed. Follow link. 

Now this Final Post Truth  statement is either the biggest lie or just plain bad or is it good marketing, perhaps I need to put it on Facebook before any of you believe me, cos if its on Facebook it must be true. Hang on Putin has come in to use my bathroom perhaps I’ll ask him for advice.

i came down stairs for pain killers and ended up writing this its nearly 3am

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far