Saturday, 10 December 2016

Hackers Galore

Hackers Galore ©

By Michael Casey

Well its after 3.15am, I had to get up again in the middle of the night because of the pain, when I lay down I get pain, but after 2 years  I can bend down more post unplanned quadruple heart bypass, its just my Arthur, my arthritis is such a pain too. Yes there are millions of people suffering far far worse than me, but remember its not a competition, just be kind to any folks you know suffering. And yes I do tell my daughter if she becomes a Doctor the Pain Relief is the greatest vocation, and then I’ll praise her.

So now you know the background, I’ve taken some pain killers, you can only have 8 in 24 hours or its dangerous, so I keep a record on top of the microwave. Now I had a look at the Daily Telegraph and it was on about hacking so I thought I’d talk to you about that while I wait for the pain killers to kick in, and when I’m so tired I nearly fall over then that is the time to return to bed.

Another thing to note is the different styles I adopt when I’m talking to you, flippant or sarcastic, or just bizarre, or sometimes even serious. I don’t know which is the favourite for you all from Singapore to Italy to Canada to Poland and many other places including China and Russia. Talking of Russia they seem to be very naughty boys, helping Trump to win the USA Election, because they think he’d be a weak President.

Now the Democrats did help Hillary too much, the rules were broken, Biden did not run because tragically his son had died, but the way Hillary was treated and the whole process to help her was Crooked, yes really and I speak as an avid News follower. As Susan Sarandon said she does not vote with her Vagina, sadly Hillary and the party thought all women would, when obviously they did not. As we are told by our BBC sadly all the candidates were pretty pants, which means Rubbish in English, it does not mean Hillary had a great suit on.

The other thing that struck me was the fact how easy it was to hack the DNC, secured encrypted server comes to mind, but hey I forgot Hillary’s private server was suspect too. There should be a law which makes servers encrypted and a 5 year jail sentence if they get hacked, the jail sentence would be for the server company, the hacker should get 10 years in jail. Or a trip one way to Russia, or to an embassy in London, then maybe things would change, but sadly I think not.

So what would hackers get from me, boredom, you all so cruel, my life’s work, 30 years of writing 12 books and 40 pages of 2018 New Horizons which will be my 13th book out in 2018. 3600 pages all told. Yes I secure everything, I was a computer operator back in1978 nearly 40 years ago, I know how easy it is to lose data as we call it nowadays. So backups galore is my motto.

From a Priest would the Hackers get the Perfect Prayer on his hard drive, or a diary of sins confessed by his parish, ready to blackmail everybody in future, or a best seller ready for his retirement. No you wouldn’t get any of that, you’d get a list of sermons that he’d given with a mark in the corner, an honest mark from the altar boys, judging just how bad his sermons were. You can get 10s or 4s for sermons, having sat through thousands my tip to any priest is 10 mins to 15 mins tops is the perfect length for any sermon. A priest is there to share the word of God and to explain it, a priest is not there to talk down or polish his intellect, its to be humble.

A Journalist’s computer is always worth hacking, if only to discover a list of the best pubs in England, followed by fish and chip shops. Without these there would be no news the Journalists just could not cope. I have an idea for Tears for a Butcher my next full length novel if ever I get around to writing it, in it the journalist is told he is granted Angel Gabriel rights on the company credit card, so in order to stay close to the story he buys The Windmill the pub opposite the hospital, so only NUJ members can get in with their Press Card.

Sorry I have to finish now its 4.15am and I’ll go back to bed now, but I hope you all secure your computers and have passwords in a mixture of 5 different languages, upper and lower case and symbols too. Five minutes thought can save your business and everybody’s job. 

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