Friday, 2 December 2016

My Next Word

My Next Word (c)

By Michael Casey

I’ve been thinking about my next word, or rather next piece that’ll have many words now that my 1,000,000th word is on the horizon. When I wrote my book my first book, finished on 29th Feb 1988 The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker was the title by the way, I knew what the last word would be. Yes it sounds corny by today’s standards, but I knew what I wanted to use as a last word because it had so much power and underlined the whole story, in one word. I won’t tell you what that word is, you’ll just have to pay a couple of quid to find out, my 12 books are on Amazon, it may help you win pub quizes in the future.

Another thing about words is how one word leads to another and how key words attract certain people. I used Putin in a story a couple of days ago so now I have Russian readers, though they are probably the same ones who sent me an email boasting about a Russian dating site. I deleted it unopened, I have a Shanghai wife so that should tell them that I lean towards the Far East. I’ve also had Nigerian scammers send me emails, those are all deleted unopened. I also mentioned the word Ghost in the same story, so will I receive emails from ghosts, or will they just stay in the graveyard?

I was looking at my site which isn’t this one, not unless you are on the wordpress one right now, and I stumbled on how to tidy it up. I only claim to be a writer not a web designer, though I do get web design offers from India, web designs, not Indian offers. I always cut and paste my Elevator Ad and a silly photo of myself saying NO THANKS, depending on mood. So I have changed my wordpress site and lets see if If I get any more traffic on it. There is now a Widget, which I always thought was a piece of plastic at the bottom of a can of larger, to help the beer pour more easily, in fact what it means is that its a button, so that when readers press it there is an instantaneous translation, its for lazy people, or for stupid people like me who cannot cut and paste to do a translation.

The thing about auto translate is that it is not always right, and bad punctuation, or a difference in style can be and is lost in translation. Did you know in Chinese they say Open the Light, not switch on the light, so imagine what auto-translation might do to that. Yesterday one of my bilingual daughters, they speak Chinese too if you didn’t know, said that she switches languages if Chinese is quicker than English when talking to her sister. Normally they speak English, otherwise only the cat Totoro would understand them, as the cat is bilingual.

So it would be nice if I gain more readers world-wide so all the Russians and Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese out there you can read me while they are drinking their cans of lager with its widget, just by pressing the widget on the screen, hic. If you then go to you can HEAR me read 50 or so stories out of my 900, about 2 hours worth, but you may need a drink after listening to me. I still have the vain hope that an Angel Investor will finally arrive and use my writing to help teach English to the world.

Well that’s enough words for now, I have used LibreOffice Writer to put this on the page, you’ll have to decide if it has improved the quality of the writing or not. No doubt I’ll get a ton of emails offering word processor software, the only software I need for Christmas, is soft winter under-ware to help keep the cold from freezing my, my, my, well you can choose which Word for yourself.

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far