Saturday, 9 July 2016

Three Weddings

Three Weddings ©
By Michael Casey

Well I’m waiting for my big daughter to come home from a Wedding in Hereford, her aunty took her there now they are driving home to us in Birmingham. How do I know that? A parrot flew to us with a message, a pigeon post message if you like, ok my daughter just rung us.  But my explanation was more fun don’t you think? Earlier in the afternoon my small daughter was singing at a wedding, her sister didn’t join her as she was in Hereford at the wedding as a guest. It also happens to be my dead parents wedding anniversary. Three Weddings and a Windy Day for the Washing if you like, could be a title for a film with Hugh Grant.

My own wedding was very unique, perhaps even comic. We got a lift to the registrar office from Dr William and Cindy. William had a PhD in Metallurgy and he was delighted to meet my dad a blacksmith. The Registrar was the sister of a guy I worked with at City Hall in the computer room. He had set fire to his toast one morning  which resulted in the entire building being evacuated and the Brigade coming to put the fire out, luckily no damage done. As  for the offending piece of toast, it was framed and kept in a place of honour.

At the wedding my old school friend was there to sign the register, he was called Big D after a brand of peanuts, he was just so small. He was also a PhD, in Biochemistry, he claimed I stopped his heart, just by punching him when we were both 11 at grammar school. After the ceremony we went back to my sister’s house for a small celebration, due to my dad’s state of health we hadn’t bothered with any celebration. He had come back from the dead after his near fatal heart attack, 20 years ago. Then after 3 years of daily visits I final met my Shanghai wife, and the rest is history.

After the celebration we went back to our house, the new Mrs Casey carried me over the threshold, Chinese girls are so strong. Then a few hours later my old school-friend arrived and the three of us went to MacDonalds, the newlyweds and the friend of 30 years. My wife and Big D did chemical equations on napkins, I forget to mention my wife has a chemistry degree from Shanghai. Celebrating our chemical union by doing chemical equations on napkins in MacDonalds.

Your normal average Birmingham England Wedding Celebration, but there’s more. It was also the 25th reunion of our old Grammar school. Now I’ve revealed too much, but maybe you’ll all rush out and buy my books on Amazon and then I can move house with all the Royalties, though I’d need a lot of books to be bought.

So we went and joined the class reunion in a bar owned by members of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. I bumped into my old Postman, who said I was Shanghaied and so I was with a Shanghai wife, he could not believe I was spending my wedding evening at a school reunion.  What else was I supposed to do, it was much more interesting the way it all turned out, after all I had been vetted by a Chinese ballerina from the Birmingham Royal Ballet before I was allowed to date my Shanghai girl. The vetting had taken place in the Queens Tavern, a straight bar in the Gay Quarter a year previously.

So there you have it my Wedding story, I was going to do a piece about Twitter but as the 3 weddings happened today this is was has turned up from the soup. The soup is my life experience   and like a dinner lady at school I ladle out the words to give you all a new story 2 or 3 times a week, so I’ve reached 760+ now. Twitter is fun, it’s like walking through a bar with drunks heckling each other, though there are some quiet corners of the bar. Then if you are lucky you can meet some great people through Twitter, or on other occasions you just meet me and 3 wedding parties in one day.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...