Saturday, 23 July 2016

Its too hot to write a story

It’s too hot to write a story ©

By Michael Casey

Well we’ve had a lazy 1st day of the school holidays, we’ve all been dressed in our slobs just busy doing nothing. That’s apart from being nagged as mum attacks us and the carpets with the vacuum. I’m listening to Celine Dion again, her French album, my small daughter has decided that her school bag is too scruffy for her next year, so a new Totoro theme bag has been taken from the back of the wardrobe.
My own 1st school bag was a gift from Embassy cigarettes, our lodger had saved the coupons and had a bag delivered. It was a secret but we worked out it was him because of the with compliments slip inside.  He’s gone 36 years now, but I still pray for his soul, he did get me a school bag after all.

As for my daughter’s bag I left it in the street, some child will love her panda themed old school bag, all they really need to do is put it in the washing machine. Girls do like new things after all, bags, clothes etc, so my small daughter has now moved on to a Totoro school bag. My Embassy school bag lasted a few years of grammar school, though as for cigarettes I detest them, any slight whiff makes me feel sick.

Though I believe Dunhill still to do some very high quality leather products. Which is interesting how brands change and morph into something else, I hope my writing morphs into a training scheme for English, anything really so long as it puts money in my pocket.

It’s still too hot to write, maybe 25degrees in the house itself, we have the doors and windows open, Totoro our cat has decided to hide under my sheets on my bed, she is not stupid after all. I always have to make sure she is not hiding otherwise she’d be a very squashed pussy.

What else can’t I write about, oh my plant corner to my right next to our piano. I threw one plant away, or rather banished it to the front garden because it had died, Totoro thinks eating plant leaves is like chewing gum for cats, so the plant dies. A potted plant is the same price as a lottery ticket, so instead of a losing lottery ticket I buy a plant which will last longer, or until Totoro chews too much from it.

So because of the minor heat wave we are having in Birmingham the plant on the naughty step so to speak seems to have come back to life.  This means it returns to the shelf by the piano and the other plant in the posh vase gets put outside, Totoro may have fresh breath, but the plant is on its last legs despite its posh vase.

I should take a photo really, but it’s just too hot to do anything, except talk about all the things it’s too hot to do. I’ve just remembered we have ice lollies in the freezer so I’m going to have one, before I’m told they are bad for me. Well the ice lolly was great and while I was sucking it I had a quick look at the Dunhill site, Duke Large Zip Tote  looked great, if only I could afford it, when I’m rich, though I’m still alive so that must count as being rich.

I’ve put the other Celine Dion album on, the one in English, it’s very good too, it’s still too hot to write a story and the clock is clicking, in 30 mins its 9pm when all the films start on tv, so I have to  finish for that. I do want to thank the merry band of readers I have. Sometimes 70 or so a day from all over the world, Switzerland and China have recently joined my readership. If your name is Jack and Weibo is your company, please get in touch about my teaching English with humour idea.

Though it’s more than likely it’s a guy in a takeaway in Hong Kong who has stumbled over me, or the gay fashion designer Gok Wan wondered what was so special about me and did a few clicks.  He’d need a double size tape measure if he designed anything for me. Whoever and whatever country you are from all I can say is thank you, it’s nice having any readers, and don’t forget to buy a few books on Amazon.  

The final ice lolly is in the freezer so I may force myself to have it, before we settle down for a film, we are a film critic family such is the level of our film knowledge. Did I tell you the end of my book The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker could have been turned into a film, it was another case of close but no cigar, but as you know I don’t like smoke. So stay happy and cuddle up with you own family and watch a good film or Sky 785 has some good Chinese series on, even with no Chinese you can laugh your head off. My favourite one was about a guy who worked in the marriage office!

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...