Ca plan pour moi
my Bolivia builder said, try walking bit by bit
not because my weight was buckling the floorboads either
So this is where I walked to today
Ca plan pour moi
my Bolivia builder said, try walking bit by bit
not because my weight was buckling the floorboads either
So this is where I walked to today
It's a sunny day here in Birmingham and you are all still far flung
10 places over on Wordpress where the Translations live
and a few more places over here on my Blogger
So thank you.
I'm glad the Translations seem to work, so thank Google
A relative in Australia was asking about Prepositions
And that's the quick way of spotting non English readers/writers
They get the the prepositions wrong
Meanwhile sat at the other desk my small daughter is doing
a very serious essay for French, if you are doing A level French
you may very well be doing the exact same thing
Bon Chance
As for me I'm enjoying my
But it is perhaps too violent for some
The genre is very oriental, shades of Dark Rain with Michael Douglas
but far more violent, but some of the quotations are worthy of note
If I put my film critic had on
Which reminds me of a piece from years ago
So I'll bring it back, while I relax, and talk to my Bolivian builder
Casey Film
School ©
By Michael
Now in our house we watch loads of films, 5 a week
and more maybe, and with Sky+ box you can record many more. I watched loads as
a child too, in black and white in them days. I think I was 25 before I bought
a colour tv for the family. Children
nowadays won’t watch anything not in colour.
I saw a documentary on tv with Keanu Reeves, the
programme was all about Film, as in the physical piece of material that goes
through the camera. It was comparing film to digital. There always is a “look”
to a film, I used to say you can tell if a film is rubbish just by the credits.
The old fashioned Technicolor as in Robin Hood, had
colours so rich it was as if a child had used wax crayons. Then there are
washed out colours for effect, to give a feel and a meaning to a film. Some
films are so dark you can hardly see a thing. Alien the first one seemed so
especially dark.
Most films I’ve seen on tv, we do have a good tv, I
spoilt myself 20 years ago and got a good tv, I was earning good money then and
I had interest free credit for a year. Toshiba is all I will say, just go to
John Lewis, get free 5 year guarantee and get a Toshiba. Our current Toshiba
replaced the old one a few years ago.
Now does the average person notice all the nuances
of the cinematography? I’ll say no, though I’m still on a learning curve
myself. I’ve watched a ton of films and as my girls grow up we talk about Film in the advert breaks, 3 mins
on satellite, but if we have recorded the film we zap through the ads.
Do you like
the way the actor does this or does that, could you see where the scary bit was
going to happen. Could you see how something was telegraphed? Telegraphed
things are probably the most we’ve talked about. I hope I don’t spoil the joy
of the thing with all this “Casey film school” material.
When you have seen Maltila, or Willy Winka or The
Mummy, all versions, then you too will become a little film buff. We really
hate it when ITV4 cuts the bit from the Mummy where they haggle for O’Connor’s
life, just before he joins them.
Getting back to the documentary, can modern digital
technology be trusted to give a good look? Technology gets better and better
and will be good enough for everybody in 10 to 15 years time. This is what I’m
guessing after listening to the experts. You also have to save some of the
machinery so that in the future you can actually read the film in whatever
technological format it has been shot.
Modern cameras, digital cameras are so light that
you can go anywhere with them, Danny Boyle was talking about one of his films
and he had 10 cameras for one section of one of his films. I didn’t know that
normally film cameras only have enough film in them for 10mins of acting
normally. Then they have to cut.
So imagine the actor has to get himself all worked
up and in the zone then the film camera has to be reloaded. How can the actor
get back to where he was emotionally after being stopped in mid flow. It’s like having a streaker in the middle of
an event, it would certainly put the vicar off his matins. So how can an actor
be expected to get back to where he was.
Now with digital the actor, male or female or both,
can keep on performing without fear, it’s not as if mom is knocking at the
bedroom door demanding entrance, while sonny is with Cher doing the same. So
digital allows uninterrupted performance.
The look and feel of the film is almost the same as
Film, because digital is improving so much. As an audience we may hate the look
however filmed because the film may look too trashy, or too slick, and so on.
The director and the cinematographer must have loads of discussions on how to
get it right, but when it IS right it really IS right.
But this now brings me on to the most important
thing of all, THE WRITING, speaking as a writer, awaiting news on my 1st
screenplay for a film, I think it’s the writing which is the most important
thing. If the story is weak or badly told then no amount of pretty looks will
save it.
It will look like a commercial, a bad commercial.
Film scripts as such are very bare, mine isn’t it gives plenty of direction.
I’m hoping its idiot proof and that the director and cinematographer can just
tell the actors “say the words” and if they follow their nose WE will have a
Perhaps I’m a little naïve, a virgin on the bed of
cinema. However a writer is taking a chance that the film of his book &/or
script matches what was in his head and was put on paper. In a way the writer
writes the score and the director then has it in his head. And just like a
conductor the director is getting actors and cinematographers and everybody
else to play their instruments, their bodies if you like, so that the result is
When it works it really works, just as Amadeus
really worked, the look, the style, the music, the words, the everything. A
director has to be like a general, a prostitute or a pimp, just to squeeze out
the right performance.
It all starts with words on a page, then with
pictures and together you have FILM.
Thank you Michael for all the stories
Is a great Subject Line
you can then write whatever you like
and just send it to me here
Everything in the body of the email
So there you go
I've had a Kdrama and pain day today
So nothing new, but you can find plenty here
on this site
so go explore
or you could get your boyfriend to give you a massage
or write a message asking for a message
a bit of a tongue twister that
This is ridiculous, and stupid. Moving a corpse, it could almost be a black comedy
The idiot who dreampt this up, comes from the Middle Ages and Spanish Inquistion
But that’s just my own opinion
We had “reputational damage” as the justication for EVILS being swept under the carpet before.
But to “rent a corpse” in an attempt to aid Santification just makes me sad
Sounds all too American, and “Religious Right” who are neither religious or right
in any denomition. Maybe I’m so sad because I’m excrutiating pain right now with
my shoulder, but can they just grow up. And yes I’m a catholic too, with a small c, but
a big C for COMMON SENSE.
Some of Cornelia Connelly’s remains were to be relocated to Philadelphia to improve chances of sainthood
Harriet Sherwood@harrietsherwoodFri 26 Feb 2021 10.25 GMT
The bones of a 19th-century nun will remain undisturbed after plans to move relics to the US to boost her chances of becoming a saint were abandoned by the religious order she founded.
Hundreds of people had formally objected to the exhumation proposal, and almost 1,500 people signed an online petition against moving bones of the Venerable Mother Cornelia Connelly from a Grade I listed chapel in Sussex to a cathedral in Philadelphia.Advertisement
Now the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, a global congregation of nuns founded by Connelly in 1846, has withdrawn its application to exhume the remains.
In a terse statement, the society said: “A decision has been made to withdraw the application to the Historic Churches Commission for the exhumation of the Venerable Cornelia Connelly.”
Approval to make an opening below ground level in a wall of the 14th-century chapel was required from the Catholic Historic Churches Commission, a heritage body, and Wealden district council.
Connelly was declared venerable in 1992, the first step towards becoming a saint. After an appeal to the archbishop of Philadelphia – where she was born and raised – to support the push for canonisation, it was agreed to relocate some of her remains to the US city’s Catholic cathedral.
The Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, the Vatican department that oversees the canonisation process, had given special permission for the exhumation following a request from the society and the archbishop.
After her death in 1879, Connelly was buried in a cemetery at her convent in the village of Mayfield, in East Sussex, but her remains were exhumed and moved to the chapel at Mayfield school in 1935. Now a leading Catholic girls’ boarding school, Mayfield was founded by the society a few years before Connelly died.
Antonia Beary, the school’s headteacher, contacted former pupils earlier this month, warning of the “considerable physical disruption to the chapel building”.
She said: “Cornelia asked to be buried in Mayfield and there should be no doubt that we will continue to value her presence, rely on her intercession and honour her wishes insofar as we are able and permitted.”Plan to move Sussex nun’s bones to US faces local oppositionRead moreAdvertisement
The Cornelian Association of former pupils described the proposal as “macabre”. The proposal did not “take into account the potential for reputational harm to the school, and the grief and fury of generations of past pupils who love this chapel, know all about the woman who created it and whose lives have been enhanced and validated by the wisdom of her teaching,” it said.
It added: “The gathering of relics, even of saints (which, officially, Cornelia is not) is virtually obsolete, and seldom practised in the modern church. Most people now regard it as a distasteful medieval custom.”
The society earlier said it hoped that Connelly’s remains would “provide an important focus for veneration at the cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, the place of her birth. Remains would also be retained at Mayfield school.”
Korea is loving Quick Stories so here’s the file again
I’m watching a new Kdrama where Mad Dogs get the bad guys, very violent, and gripping
with some great lines, saving a life is the best feeling.
Just the Way you Are ©
By Michael Casey
What have Barry White and God got in common? They love us just the way
we are. During my Tinnitus time, my mind wanders and between prayer and profanity,
staying awake all night is no joke. Though if you remember your Bible, the disciples
fell asleep, I am so jealous of them. Strangely right now the hiss seems to have lessened, as if the tide has gone out. My left ear always goes
deaf too, every time I shower, if it were my left foot it would not matter, but
hearing does.
So, as I look in the mirror of my imagination, what do I see, a George
Clooney look alike, or the Elephant Man? Well sniff, and don’t scratch, and
make your mind up. Though a workman did just barge into the toilet, so he’ll be
making his own mind up. A twirking Michael Casey, with a bum bigger than Beyonce’s
or am I just an Elephant Man? Sniff and don’t tell, thankfully this is not
Which brings us back to my hairy back, my stained left shoulder, with a mass of hair on it. During the Mass God sees
all, and as I said before he Loves Us, just the way we are. Even if we stop
talking and slap on the Movelot, on that very same shoulder, because we are about
to curse in pain. And yes I’ve just done that, curse my pain, and Tinnitus is
torture in the night, so that brings lots of things. But when Barry White
sings, that can be a cure for everything. I’ve just turned him on, not
literally, he’s a MAN, a very big MAN, but Ladies and Angels too, he’s in Heaven
And God doesn’t want me blocking the view of the Stage, so despite my
pleading, God wants me to stay, here in Birmingham while Barry sets the stars Rocking,
while I’m like a blind man lost my way. So will the Tinnitus disappear fully
and properly, will I get a big Grace, who knows but Big Grace is the dinner
lady with all the moves, who always dances in red shoes. Not as graceful as a
ballet dancer, but when she twirls as she dishes out the food a cheer goes up, big Grace knows God’s love.
And when she sings, people stop eating their dinner in the school canteen, a
voice of an Angel.
So that’s her and that’s me. We are all different as Joan in the Print
room used to say, and God loves us any which way. So never be hard on yourself
if you feel the mirror doesn’t match the way you want to be. Reality is what it
is, yes we can tweak and we can twirl, but just be kind to yourself, try yes,
but don’t let trying lead to crying. God can’t help himself, he loves us just
the way we are. Move over Clapton, God’s on guitar.
I stumbled over BoA in the night during my Tinnitus time.
BoA I'd never heard of but I have since googled
She is the Queen of Kpop
So I'll be listening more
I discovered she had sleep problems
So if she sees this, READ MY BOOKS
They'll send you to sleep with a smile
I write short stories mainly
She has 20 albums, I have 20 books
So BoA read my rubbish and fall asleep laughing naturally
Otherwise Merry Go Round of Tinnitus and Pain
So no new story. 3200 pieces on My Butcher Baker Undertaker site
so you won't starve
Otherwise here is the Translation List again
I hope to write something new in the morning
Unless your Lenten Penance is not reading me
Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England
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Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick StoriesWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015 – Copywin Wiersze dla wszystkichVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerTURKISH tRANSLATION OF bbuThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationsspanish-bbuSpanish BBUportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019PORTUGUESE BBU2019polish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translationschinese translation BBUchina-bbu-converted-1China BBU-convertedChina BBUbengali-translation-of-bbuBengali Translation of BBUbbu-russian-translation-microsoft-wordbbu-italian (2)bbu-in-arabicbbu-germanBBU UrduBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU ITALIANBBU IndonesianBBU in KOREANBBU in Indian HindiBBU in HebrewBBU in HebrewBBU in ArabicBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019В поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015
It is nice to see every day where you all are as you read my stories
It is over 80 places worldwide
I’ve covered all the major language groups and you can all buy my Original English
on Amazon
I only read emails in ENGLISH with a decent subject line and I never click links
Junk emails just get deleted unread
Now curl up in bed and read my stories
yes this is me on 14th Oct 2019, I think
My Day Out to the QE so they could take the pee from me, literally and blood as well with BP and weight on a scales clothed I was 119.7kilo...