Saturday, 17 June 2017

For my South Korean Readers click link to go straight to my other site and a full book of mine

I noticed that South Korea was looking at my stuff so

If you cut and paste the link below you can read an entire book of mine in Korean, google translated.

of just go to my site and scroll down.

Michael G Casey에게 이메일

당신은 사랑에있을 때 결코 혼자가 아닙니다 ©


마이클 케이시

사랑은 함께하고, 사랑은 미소,보기, 터치

또는 한숨 쉬다, 왜 당신이 서로를 선택했는지 정말로 알지 못한다.

그럼에도 불구하고 당신이 죽을 때까지 함께

사랑은 당신의 몸을 따뜻하게하는 볼에 부드럽고 온화한 키스입니다.

마음을 쓰게되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

키스는 더 많은 것을 이끌 수 있지만 나는 열정을 안전하게 잠그고 떠날거야.

침실 문 뒤에서

열정은 사순절을 위해서조차도 포기하지 않을 것입니다.

너는 따뜻한 포옹에 거짓말을하고, 잊어 버린 것을 기억할 것이다.


속삭임과 약속이 만들어지고, 미래를위한 계획과

그녀는이 방법으로 그녀의 머리카락을 넣어, 당신은 그것이 그녀에게 어울릴 것이라고 생각하니?

그 다음 킥킥 웃음과 그 이상의 포옹, 밤이 끝날 때까지

갈빗대에서 발굴하면 그를 움직일 수 있습니다.

그럼 당신의 하나가 완성, 당신은 그의 차가운 발로 참아!

그러나 당신이 떨어져있을 때 당신의 마음은 여전히 ​​하나입니다.

생각 반은 결석 한 당신은 여전히 ​​하나입니다.

침대 밑에있는 양말과 네가 한 말대로.

그의 "장난감"은 흩어져 있었고,

그가 돌아 오는 몸의 보온과 따뜻함.

그가 당신을 흥분시킨 후에 당신을 차게하는 그의 차가운 발은 아직 결석하고 있습니다.

생각은 당신을 미소 짓게합니다, 적어도 당신은 잠시 동안 편안함을 느낍니다.

그의 미소와 leers, 적어도 당신은 미소 지을거야

잠시 동안 평화.

그러나 그의 마음은 여전히 ​​당신과 함께합니다. 사랑은 항상 거기에 있습니다.

너의 공정한 머리카락처럼 밝은.

눈을 감고 그는 여전히 거기에있다.

그는 당신의 얼굴을 가로 질러 손가락을 연주했습니다.

꿈을 꾸고 귀에 속삭이는 것을 기억하고 따뜻하게 해주세요.

그가 과감하기 전에 어깨에 키스. 사랑의 온기

당신의 피로 솟아 오릅니다.

꿈을 길게, 깊은 꿈을, 당신의 남자는 수면 중에 수고를합니다.

너는 별거 다. 너는 아직도 날씨가 무엇이든간에 너와 함께있어. 너를 위해서.

그가 당신의 마음에 갇혀 있기 때문에 결코 분리되어 있지 않습니다.

때로는 그가 시도 할 수도 있지만, 절대로

당신의 사랑을 위해 우는 것은 언ying은 것입니다.

그가 항상 떨어져 있어도 마음을 채운다는 것을 항상 기억하십시오.


feel free to tell all your friends in Korea and Japan and China and anyplace else.

my books are only 3USD or less on Amazon so buy all 13 of them plus  4 Translations.

And yes I'd love a spot on the radio, reading my stuff between records, any form of music you like,
Or you could get a KPop star to read my stuff out in Korean.
Perhaps I could become a cult, just like Gangham Style but far far fatter and older with silver hair, I have my own shades, I love Ray Bans by the way.

Hello South Korea

Well I just spotted South Korea on my readers list. So hello to you all.
KPop rules ok.

Gangham Style I taught him all his moves, go ask him and see what he says.

If its the Dear Leader having a sneaky look then all I'll say is why not come and visit UK, we have great food here. We even have Korean Food stores.
If China can develop, then, a United Korea could lift all the people up, LCD TV, PHONE, MOBILE FOR EVERYBODY IN NORTH KOREA AN MUCH BETTER FOOD AND HOUSING and no more Political TV shouting at the people.
or he could just push that button and all of Korea burns.

Enough of the serious stuff, hello Korea hope you like what you read, tell all your Japanese and Chinese friends too. Tell everybody, you can come on tours and visit me in Birmingham. We have some very good hotels here and the food is good too. Or I can recommend some good supermarkets.

Google Benny Hill, I'm not him but some may say 2% of my writing is like his.  my other site has auto translate if you click on square with lines through in top right corner.

Friday, 16 June 2017

An Idiots guide to Writing, by an Idiot

An Idiots Guide to Writing, by an Idiot ©
Michael Casey

Well its a bit after 3am I had to get up because of the pain, so after I had a hot drink and Totoro our cat following me downstairs, I let her out into the dark of the night. So while I’m waiting for the pain to ebb away, like the tide going out as I am a Canute with wet feet I have decided to write this piece for you.

Immediately I can relate a story about 1st year in grammar school and how I mispronounced Canute in class with Mr Reading our teacher. Need I say any more. That’s how I write, I get an idea or just a title then I go with the flow. Like a Cunute disappearing under the waves. Ok I’ll stop with the Canute references, but because I chose ebb and tide going out that led to him in the first place and me getting wet feet.

So if you are a draughtsman everything is planned and finally you have the end result. For us Wordsmiths things are a bit different. Now I chose Wordsmith not because I’m pretentious but because I could then mention the fact that my dad was a Blacksmith. I could talk about the Smiths the band or the film Mr and Mrs Smith. Which would then lead to marriage and love and marriage, horse and carriage and the old song from an old film. Or just go down the Brad and Angelina route.

See it really is that simple, well if you are this idiot writing then that’s how I do it. If you remember trivia too then you can slip in alliteration always, no matter if you think its pooh. See a bit of doggerel as well, what more do you want. And on it goes, even if the reader wishes you would stop. At which point my shoulder hurts so much from sleeping in just one position for 2 years since my unplanned quadruple heart bypass, that I nearly have to stop.
But like Canute I command the pain to stop so I can finish what I’ve started.

See or is it Sea? Its like rolling that cheese down that very steep hill, it was on tv recently, hence the reference, anything in peripheral vision gets drafted into the web of words. Spiderman Spiderman you are a writer if you can, see I didn’t say it was pretty just a witty ditty. Which brings me back to 1st year at grammar, maybe 46 years ago, I made a witty comment and Terry O’Callaghan said it was a S**tty comment, so HE got the pump from Mr Ely our gym and woodwork teacher.

 And that may have been the start of my career as a wit and then writer, though my sister sagely says, people don’t understand my jokes, they think I’m serious. So do I need to telegraph my jokes as Americans do in their tv humour?

All in all words are like water, they flow, I am just a beaver who blocks the way and sends words this way and that a way. The moral of the story is, if a fat silver haired writer in shades from bloody Birmingham can do it, then ANYBODY can be a writer, just like this idiot talking to you. I have to stop now and take a pain killer, I wait till I cannot stand the pain before I take them. With my internal organs the way they are I don’t’ want them poisoned any more. I have kidney scans next week, they could scan me to try and find my personality, but a rectal scanner would just disappear into a black hole. Always finish with a smile, and then go to bed with somebody to cuddle up with, flesh is a great hot water bottle after all.  

p.s. my books are only 3 USD to buy on Amazon

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Fancy Food

my books will be only$2.99  under 3 USD each during Summer Sale  

Fancy Food ©
Michael Casey

Well I said I’d write about fancy food, so here I am, though I try and make you hear my words not just read them. I’ve been having a rest for a few days, now I’m back with another story. You see my big daughter is doing her first set of exams in her life, the ones you have at age 16, then you can legally leave school. Though in her case she’ll do 2 years of A levels, advance level schooling.

Then she’ll try and get into Cambridge, where one of her uncles went, the other went to Oxford. Yes really, I’m the stupid writer brother in the family. My daughter hopes to study Medicine, so that would be 6 years if she can get into Cambridge. So it’ll be 8 more years at least of study, before becoming a doctor. I told her to tell the interview panel that her Irish grandfather was a blacksmith. My brother says he got into Downing Cambridge because of inverse snobbery. He was a coal miner for a year before he applied for Cambridge. Though having four straight As at A level does help too.

Yes I do love to name drop, me and Andrew from the Daily Mail do have that in common, nothing else other than that. So now that I‘ve done the prologue as Frankie Howerd used to then I’ll begin. My daughter wants to be pampered by food as she studies hard, and she is studying as hard as I can remember my other brother studied 50 years ago to get into Queens Oxford. He used to lock himself into the front room to study with a reel to reel tape recorder with a tape of Cream blaring out of a speaker. I still have that speaker by the way its in a corner of the living room behind me.

So I’ve being experimenting with Coop and fancy food, their food is more expensive but always nice, same goes for Sainsburys. So I’ve changed my shopping habits to please her and to encourage her with her studies. So what makes foods immediately better. Bread. Bread is the answer, French baguettes and a different brand of brown bread is always nice. Though my small daughter does hanker after Warburtons white sliced loaf.

Butter, spreads, margarine they too can alter and lift humble bread up. If you are a rice person, as is my Shanghai wife she’ll know at 100 paces the difference between this rice and that rice and all 50 shades or rice, grey does not have the monopoly on shades after all, now its up to you to consider have I thrown in a metaphor there, or am I just messing with you.

Simple additions of this and that can expand your taste buds. Cheese on toast is just boring cheese on toast, no it is not. It depends on whether or not you toast one side or both. If you have a bit of ham or chorizo or Polish ham lying about, then you can add it to the bread and have the cheese on toast with that as an an addition under the cheese. So the cheese melts into the bread and the topping. Then as you eat it the juices melt and the best fun is licking the juices off from your fingers as you wash it down with an ice cold can of Stella Artois or anything cold you like.

Ok not very fancy food, but its nice, add to the mix the loads of different cheeses there are then you are in heaven.The angels go to the very gates of Hell to melt the cheese on their toast before fluttering home to Heaven to wash it down with wine. There is always wine in Heaven, what was the very 1st miracle after all?

Eggs are always nice, and even if you cannot cook you can put 2 or 3 eggs in a bowl in the microwave and hey presto you have scrambled egg. Just still every 30 seconds or so, while the microwave is on for 3 minutes you toast some beard or split a baguette. The eggs the top the bread, Polish eggs are great so gloriously yellow inside, or free range eggs if you can afford them.

You can add pickles to the scrambled eggs to give it bite, or any combination of meat. Food is a jigsaw puzzle, so please yourself how you put it together. If it tastes nice to you, then you have put the puzzle together correctly.

Different brands of supermarket fish fingers have different tastes, some are dire and you should feed them to the cat while you eat the cardboard packaging, yes really. Ditto if you eat salmon for the Omega 3, some supermarkets have very nice salmon which is good for you, remember post quadruple heart bypass I read all the labels now and check the traffic lights on packaging. Other brands are so bad you would not even give them to the cat, nor eat the plastic packaging yourself.

Cereals are good for you, Sex and the City for example, but the eating kind are good because they help you pooh on time in your very busy life. Though if you have Ckd then you and your bathroom are very close friends already, no need of cereals. Try different brands and see what you like. The copy ones can taste almost as good as the real thing. Cheerios are very nice, but twice the price of the copy called Hoops. A copy bran cereal is great too, but never as good as the real thing, though it can be 1/2 the price.

I used to work shifts all my life, including 14 years of night shifts, so throwing a package meal into the oven was my way of life when I came home. Sadly I’m told that all the MSG in them may have helped clog my arteries and lead to my unplanned quadruple heart bypass. I never used to eat vegetables either, meat, milk, bread was my stable along with the packaged froze meals which I always oven baked. I never used any oil to cook so I thought I was ok. My Pharmacist said I should write about this so here is a paragraph on it.

Perhaps I should have called this Simple Food instead of Fancy Food, in the end though whatever makes you happy is best. Obviously fruit and vegetables are a good idea. Though I never smoked in my life, just ink and printer dust from my computer rooms. And growing up with alcoholic lodgers means that I am practically a none drinker, 24 pints a years maybe. Fizzy pop has always been more interesting to me.

Yes, do try different things, variety is the spice of life after all. I can remember having French toast for the first time ever when I was in Boston USA in 1980. We are reintroducing our family to it now, as well as the rice with everything that you have in a Birmingham to Shanghai family. If you have 2eggs you can turn all your leftovers in the fridge into an omelet, add a slice of whatever that is in the back of the fridge, basically everything goes in the wok.

The clock is about to strike midnight so I need to go to bed so that I can wake my daughter up for her last 4 exams, Pure Maths and Physics. If she oversleeps I can always give her a bowl of cereal and some fruit to fire her up for the last lap of exams as she dashes up the road to school and exams.

And how will she celebrate when the exams finish? I’ll probably take her to Subway, let somebody else be the chef for a change.   


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Summer Sale my books will be only $2.99 each that's less than 3 USD each now

Summer Sale  my books will be only $2.99 each    that's less than 3 USD each now

So  check out the prices in a  few hours when Amazon goes around with the sticker gun and changes them. It's just like in Fairy Tales where the Elves help the cobbler make shoes,

So have a good read with me and help us move house, we are viewing yet another one soon.

So as I view houses you can all view my 13 books and 4 translations.

 Even the Translations will only be less than 3 USD too.

So you have no excuses now. Or do you want to make me cry?

check them out n a few hours time, wherever you are in the world.


Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Fancy Food will be the next piece I'll try and write it later tonight

Fancy Food   will be the next piece I'll try and write it later tonight

As my students demand better food at home, so I'll write something later

Just look for Fancy Food Ready in Post Title Bar  then you can read it

My brothers introduced Beans on Toast with eggs mixed in to the Cambridge and Oxford students when they were at Uni there years ago,
Me I introduced Ham and Cheese microwaved at 4am to my  computer room people, 4am used to be my dinner time.

And I hope you all love my realistic photos, none of your pretentious posing ones, the final photo of me on the music chair is the most recent from a week or so ago.

now buy some books so I can buy more beans and eggs for my haut quisine 

Too rough to talk

I picked up our tv yesterday so my surgery scars hurt today. I've gone from being an Ox to a Lamb which is frustrating to say the least.

So I'm bringing back some older popular pieces, so scroll down and find them. I've reposted the foreign language ones too , so have a view. 27 pieces of me.

Don't forget that on my other site

there is a ton of stuff to read and TRANSLATION available just by hitting the square box with 3 lines on. Hit and pick your own language.

Other than that, have a nice day. Which nobody ever says in UK, except in MacDonalds.

Cheerio, which I say because I'm an old old old woman.

Triple or Quadruple?

Triple or Quadruple? Well my 10 year anniversary is coming up I was told prior to my op it would be a triple BUT when I had a 6 month review...