Thursday, 2 January 2025

5090 thats the total of pieces on this blogger site

my head is exploding with tinnitus

yesterday I was screaming with pain, yes  REALLY

my back has popped out, a 15 year old injury that  pops every now and then

then in the night I was screaming again

you try sleeping with a back injury on top of the other stuff

my slap on pain killers dont seem to work as well

so PAIN is there, trying to kill me, along with the Tinnitus

one daughter will go back to School at the weekend

then the week after younger sister will return to her School

then 2 weeks after that The invader from Shanghai, the mother in law will return

I'll probably never see her again, as I'll be dead or she's had enough of me

the girls may see her again, if they go travelling to Shanghai

ckd stage 4 and , quadruple heart bypass 10 years on now

the maths is simple 10 more years

though obviously I'd like 4 more sons etc

But God's sense of humour does not stretch that far

eveb though Trump got elected again

because the Price of Eggs was the most important  things

And the Irony is getting shot won the election for him

BUT remember he did NOT get 50% of the Vote

and a Company of Clowns will be running things

So Watch Midas Touch Network and Legal AF

for a dose of Reality , Michael Pocock et Al

I spend 3 hours a day keeping an eye on USA

and crying is my biggest reaction

How can a Nation be suckered by such a con man

Billionaires wanting to improve things

Line their own pockets

Destroy the banking system with Crypro

Who owns Crypto

Its get rich quick nonsense

The working Joe will suffer

Ok that's all for now

my Tinnitus is peaking and my arthritis too

I need a warm climate or a better central heating system

and money to pay the utility bill

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USA having a big read today, is it Jeff Bezos looking for material?

 so make me an offer for my back list Based on a Michael Casey SOB story would be a good selling point but hurry, considering the state of m...