Friday, 3 January 2025

What's the Point

 What's the Point

I just read about yet another Russian war crime

So I cut and pasted it and sent it to 20 emails in Moscow

Maybe they all go to the Junk

Or maybe one is read

They do read me in Moscow

and I must be on the radar

years of daily emails

no Salisbury perfume sent to me yet

and the Russian Ambassador Mr LieaLot smiles as he bats away everything

we are not all morons LieaLot

So  I hope eventually Like Chinese Water Torture

the drip drip drip will erode and have a result

The Colony Lands died the most in Ukraine

the White European Russian Boys the least

Because the Colony Peoples from USSR / Russia

are worthless according to Putin's Moscow

So I have put translations galore online in Russian and other languages

To Point to a Better Way

A better Ballet

In between my bouts of pain which are daily

and enough to destroy anybody not just me

with Tinnitus to drive you insane

So my little bit for Humanity

Is sending emails without Profanity

Showing a different path

As the world goes insane with a bankrupt puppet President

being manipulated by a scent

It's my little bit to save the world from Hell

and Tinnitus is the sound of Hell in my head

So that's my Point

If you all replicate this, then eventually

The World will spin over the rough spots

and my can Trek the stars in Peace again

Cuddle Up and stay alive  as the snow falls

Stock up before the snow fall

and don't eat yellow snow

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