Monday, 13 January 2025

I'm still. alive

 I'm still alive

thats what I said when I woke up after my unplanned quadruple heart bypass

10 years ago today

13 Jan 2015

a nice porter wheeled me in for the Op

years later I met him again

HE is my next door neighbour at the new house

yes really

Plus an old next door neighbour is a neighbour

somebody I used to work in the same office with

he is another neighbour

the girl from the bank is another neighbour

the nice lady from the shop is/was another neighbour

and if you think that is mad

another neighbour is a Doctor and looks like my Shanghai grannie

6 of the best

So has God got a sense of humour

Though they are probably sick of me


one of the local child minders lost her husband 10 years ago

they have 2 daughters

I have 2 daughters

So I'm still here

Though my kidneys are at stage 4 kidney failure, GFR 22

BUT have stopped getting bad and I'm avoiding dialysis

BECAUSE I now eat as much fruit and veg as a

Gorilla and drink bitter lemon every day

so for a year my Kidneys are not getting worse

I don't want to be plugged in 3 times a week for 4 hours

QUALITY of LIFE is important

So annoying the World gives me quality

AND if Jack Smith report is released TODAY

it would be the Cherry on Top for me

LEGAL AF, Midas Touch Network is the place to Go

Read 3 newspapers too, and watch TV news

I should have a political journalist in another life

But I never really ever was a drinker

Seen too many alcoholic lodgers......

oh and yes my girls wanted a pet 

I said a dog if I die or a cat for a heart attack

No sooner had I said that then I was in hospital

So be careful what you promise to your daughters

Coldplay are playing FIX YOU on a church organ

Lights will guide you home

Their Uni was close to Post Office Tower in London

God is DEFINATELY a Depeche Mode fan

I can hear laughter on the wind

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