Wednesday, 22 January 2025

5120th piece

 I want to be a man of peace

but I'll invade Panama

Hats off to Trump

I believe in Law and Order

so I'll release Criminals who Trashed the Capital

People have Buyers Remorse already

Defence pick, beyond belief BAD

BUT  Trump is picking everybody in his own Image

It's SAD

A cancer within, will destroy America quicker than any outside enemy


SUCH monumental ignorance of basics

a Tariff is an IMPORT tax, folks in USA will pay

But I explained this only Yesterday

Maybe I should sing the song Yesterday

My own Tinnitus is killing me

worse thing in my life ever, and I've had too many bad things

Why do you think I write Comedy

as an antidote

And the Rosary is a anchor, to all my Tinnitus

I'm far rom holy but a Rosary can save anybody

Perhaps we should send one to Trump

Or did Uncle Joe leave one in the desk

Trump's claims to be a Christian are a bad joke

It's how you live, not what you say

Has Trump ever been a Good Samaritan

to anybody

Putin claims to be Christian too

But look what they did in Ukraine

the world is insane

so keep on praying everybody

all faiths and none

Just say God Help Us, all of Us

and that'll do 

 the view from my mother's place Cromane Lower Killorglin County Kerry Ireland

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5190 post. Secret Service is it you?

 Secret Service is it you? USA reading me a lot is it you guys in the parking lot forever waiting for the clowns to turn up the ungrateful u...