Thursday, 14 November 2024

Trump Hiring Now

TrumP Hiring Now

I’ll give you a job, your hot dog stand is so good, Food and Drug Administration for YOU

I’ll give you a job, you were investigated frequently, for the same sins as me, so AG for YOU

I’ll give you a job, you hate foreigners as much as me, so Home Land security for you

I’ll give you a job, you know how to let sleeping dogs die, so Intelligence for you

I’ll give you a job, you know how to to kiss my ring, so can be in charge of Sing Sing

I’ll give you a job, you served in the Military, so now you can be in charge of All of it

And on it goes, Mickey Mouse People in Top Drawer Jobs

If you live in Florida you have a better chance, as you can come by and clean the Pool too

There are more lunatics in the world now, so who’s afraid of a Big Bad Senile Wolf now?


Stormy Weather Ahead

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There is no Method in his Madness

There is no Method in his Madness Trump wants a final big deal to finish with So he wants to steal all of Ukraine's resources for USA so...