Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Tinnitus hell plus HK and Singapore big readers again

 I was in bed waiting for the doctor to ring, and I missed the call twice

or so I was told when I rung the surgery  hours later

whats up doc

so can the doctor just ring me  cos we did not connect


procedure says no





basically that's it

so I have to join a Q or Line as you all say

and maybe in 3 weeks time I'll see somebody

so that they can continue to provide me with my Meds



People don't realise chronic pain makes me scream

and tinnitus on top is beyond imagination

folks see me for 5 mins in the shops

but the rest of the day i;m in various degrees of pain and noise

no need to be graphic

the 5 mins in the shops is my best 5 mins of the day

i'm typing this with one hand as my left shoulder prevents 

me from using my left hand

so ill slap on pain killer and after 30mins i may be revived

because its my left should the fumes from there go up my nose

which is sickening

but at least my cossack hat keep the ice cold. out of my ears

so i was able to go to the post office and my cousin will get her christmas card

i'm a email junkie myself  and its free

thats all for now i have to slap on some pain killer, i use 4 different kinds

and pray for peace , putin can just turn around and go home

as for trump less than 50% voted for him

Trump a liar with conviction

Means he is Scot free

God sees everything 

And God has the last world 

As pipers pipe

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There is no Method in his Madness

There is no Method in his Madness Trump wants a final big deal to finish with So he wants to steal all of Ukraine's resources for USA so...