Friday, 8 November 2024

spoke to my girls about writing Children's books

spoke to my girls about writing Children's books

they said give it a go so I'm thinking about it

they remember me writig a new piece and reading it back to them

and asking for marks out of ten

see what they suffered

but you can learn form anything

I had a picture of Totoro our cat in a box

so I randomly Google Cat in a Box meaning

It came up with result about science

Being alive and dead simulataneously

so when I mentioned it to mu daughters

they had studied it in Philosophy A level

its also a science thing


So that's how I randomly learn things

Clever People learn the hard way

I just stumble into everything


1000 words by tea time

"Cat in the box" is a reference to Schrödinger's cat, a famous thought experiment in quantum physics that illustrates the idea that particles can be in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed: 
  • Explanation
    The experiment imagines a cat in a sealed box with a mechanism that could kill it. Until the box is opened, the cat is considered to be both alive and dead. This is because the cat's fate is linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. 
  • Purpose
    Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger created the experiment in 1935 to criticize the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. The Copenhagen interpretation states that the state of an atomic particle is unknown until it is observed. Schrödinger's cat was intended to show that this interpretation was flawed. 
  • Impact
    The experiment has become a cult classic, inspiring T-shirts, memes, and many articles. It has also led to other ways of thinking about quantum theory, such as the many worlds interpretation. 
"Cat in the Box" may also refer to a quantum trick-taking card game for 2–5 players. In this game, the color of a card is not determined until it is played. 

  • Schrödinger's cat - Wikipedia
    In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a cl...
  • What Is Schrödinger's Cat? (Definition, How It Works) | Built In
    Schrödinger's Cat is a famous thought experiment that demonstrates the idea in quantum physics that tiny particles can be in two s...
    Built In
  • What is Schrodinger's cat? - New Scientist
    If the Copenhagen interpretation is correct, then before any… measurement has occurred, the atom, and so also the cat, are in a su...
    New Scientist
  • Show all

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