Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Tinnitus Time

Tinnitus Time

which lately is all day long

I have to thing in sing song

to get past the noise in my head

have a EEG and an MRI due

I missed before as NOISE was so bad

I was curled up in ball

I have an ear test for deaf aid

but I was in hospital for a day, so I missed that

So anyway I have to force myself

really force myself, to beat the gale

to get medical appointments

and as for my Blood test, thank God for the experts a City

Now I have had loads of ideas

They never stop coming


If my Tinnitus is so bad

I even have to stop watching my Kdrama

Yes stop watching my Kdrama

My big daughter as arrived back from London

she has to pack and then go away again

back to her very own University

then my small daughter has to pack and go 

to her brand new University

So I am left daugherless and penniless

As all I have scrimped and saved 

and my my tiny private pension

ends up not in my pocket but theirs

So forward to your kids success

and your own poverty

118/120 which is 98% plus for spoken French

the examiner did ask were her parents French

I said she should have said Mon Pere es ecrivan 

to get the full 100% 120/120

but her French teacher who is French was happy enough

when she shared the feedback today

So that's it for now my Head is Screaming

But it might be good for my Soul

but not really my head

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