Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Michael Casey from Birmingham England

Michael Casey from Birmingham England (c)

by Michael Casey    that's Me

Google Blogger thing popped up with something new this morning, so I've decided to create another outlet for my words. Michael Casey from Birmingham England. Let's see if it beats WordPress when I google michaelgcasey. It's strange how things appear on a google search, there are several Michael Caseys after all. There is a Monk, a Journalist in USA who's now a teacher, there's even another michaelgcasey, this latest one to pop up is an Irish Guy who's older and far cleverer than me, but he does look ever so serious. I try to avoid looking serious myself.

You know its me because of the silly photos of myself that I attach to my writing, you won't get any pretentious posing, mickey takes of pretentious posing but no actual pretentious poses. The same goes with my book covers, you'll see a photo of me. The same as you see a picture on laxative medicine, by the way there are 2 side effects from taking pain killers long term, man boobs and you get constipated, hence the need for laxative.

I nearly forgot on the printed versions of The Butcher The Baker and  The Undetaker plus
on 300 and Not Out    you get cartoons  drawn by my daughters, otherwise you get silly photos of me.   

is the link to buy my books, and as you all know IF you buy my books then we can move house. I have 12 books on Amazon now, so please buy all of them.

I spotted that my readership is far and wide, 10 to 15 countries all over the world, so thank you all. Though some of the traffic sources are very exotic or even erotic. I clicked on a few only to discover there were sites not connected to the printed word but to more free spirited things, I'll leave that to your imagination. I'll accept readers from everywhere, even if posted on sites as a joke, people expect one thing only to get me instead, it must be such a disappointment for them.  

So that's all I have to say for now, I need to visit Aldi once I have a hot drink to warm me up.
Thanks for visiting this new place. cheerio from chilly Birmingham England

Michael Casey 

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