Friday, 18 November 2016

Behind the Face

Behind the Face ©
By Michael Casey

Well the USA election is over now we’ll have the governing pantomime, everybody wanting to get the most of the 4 years Trump will be there, we all wish him well as we need a strong and kind USA. Now the election has thrown up a few questions. Such as who wears the most makeup Hillary or Donald, and who really really wanted the job the most. The election could also have been called a load of bollocks, as we say in England.

Was it Trump’s bollocks or Bill’s which was the main topic of conversation, and did we hear any policies? Now the real work begins, we have already learnt that The Donald likes his bling, but when you are that rich I suppose you flaunt it. Which brings me to the question most are thinking about, will he wear his baseball cap when he is in office, does he wear it in bed? Or will he have a new crew cut to make him look more dynamic.

But seriously folks, what is behind anybody’s face, why do we present such and such an image? I used to work in a computer room for 21 years, we became part of ACNielsen, now once we had a visitation from a European boss an American, and guess what, he had a Mickey Mouse watch. Obviously I spotted it and obviously I asked him why, I am the child from the Emperor’s New Clothes after all.

The thing was his wife wanted him to stay grounded so he had the Mickey Mouse watch. If anybody wants to give me a watch a Cartier Diamond Bleu Automatic that would be very nice, hang on I just saw Donald Trump hang-gliding past my window. You can read about the Donald hang-gliding on Facebook news pages.
Why does MZ always appear to be an adolescent child who won’t listen. News is supposed to be fact Mark, not BS that 14 year olds contest is Truth in the playground. Speaking as a news junkie with 50 years experience  PLEASE CHECK THE FACTS FROM 2 OR 3 SOURCES before you give it space in cyberspace.

Sorry I just had to say that, there is so much “news” that is just lies, and Facebook has a Moral Responsibility to FACT CHECK, you would not publish a science text book with MC=4C in it would you? How often does your Chinese wife slap you Mark IF you are like that at home. It was in the Facebook News Feed, so it must be true, you are not the national Enquirer. And by the way Mark, my Chinese wife would hit me with the wok if I didn’t fact check, so please stop acting like a 14 year old and grow up!

Why does Michael Casey, yes that’s me if you didn’t look at the top of the page, why does he tend to write comedy, or what he thinks is comedy? He must have had such an easy life, and having such a pretty family. In actual fact 20 years ago both my parents nearly died in the space of 8 weeks. My mother did die and dad nearly died 8 weeks later. We even picked the hymns for his funeral, he was in hospital for 12 weeks, and we fully expected him to die soon after he left hospital. I visited him every single day for 3 years and then one day I met my Shanghai wife. It’s all in Padre Pio and Me which is on the Internet.

So now if you didn’t know that you see me in a different light, I do look better in the dark, as you don’t see all my faults in the dark. So it goes to prove that you need to dig deeper and find out more, 360degrees shows you more of a person and improves your decision making with regard to that person. I’m not suggesting we should all be naked  and that way get to know each other , Biblically or not biblically. I am saying look past the makeup.

Look at the images of Hillary post Election, now she looks very mumsy, and would not have had any chance in USA. Over here we are not as fickle, we had some very good MPs, Senator is the nearest comparison, our MPs could be as ugly as F, F , Facebook News item. Anyway just ugly badly dressed with spots and still get elected, why because we are interested in what they SAY, not if they are wearing Tom Ford or LV.

A face tells a story, each line, each wrinkle gives character, so when makeup and fashion hides all this then you are not seeing the real person. You are looking at Christmas presents all magnificently wrapped, so you do not know what is inside. What is the real Politician or Plumber or Cleaning Lady inside the package. Or as with Easter Eggs, so much packaging and then the disappointment when it’s NOT Cadburys chocolate inside, the Cadbury factory is 2 miles away from where I’m talking.

So you can see why it’s so important to know the person behind the face, the real person, and NOT the manufacture image. It’s also important not to lie on your CV, if you run a football team, or soccer as you call it in USA, you should at least know what the offside rule is and there are no Time Outs either.

And if you say it’s on your Facebook it better be because when Mark Zuckerberg checks you out before employing you for his news service, and he finds out Flower Arranging is your true love and not football, then you won’t get a job. Though he might just employ you as you would be perfect for his news service, economical with the truth or even no truth at all. Well Mark if ever you read this I really am available to write for you, and if I tell my Shanghai wife that, she would not believe me and just hit me with the wok.

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