Sunday, 4 September 2016

Appearances Are Deceptive

Appearances Are Deceptive ©

By Michael Casey

Well the pain has ebbed away now, its 11.36 on a Sunday in September, I was thinking of writing about Pain again, but that probably bores you all, so I was thinking what else to talk to you about, I read the headlines in the DT and I did have a few ideas, so this is what I’ll talk about today.

As I sit here I am wearing women’s PJ bottoms,  light blue with red roses galore on them, plus a thin sweat shirt top, and as I feel a bit chilly a chunky red jumper, and my Clarkes blue trainers, which are my house slippers. I haven’t shaved for 2 days so I look a bit vagranty I will shave later on, but I do look like a very good Bruce Willis in Die Hard mode. I don’t wear vests ever anymore, I wrote a story called Real Men Wear Vests but that was over a decade or two ago, Sir John Major may have inspired it.

So if you saw me what would you think? A sad sack of an old man, I bet he farts constantly too, I’ll have you know I was once called a burnt out old has been, though I went on to write 10 books and as for my accuser I believe he became a vagrant, yes really. My other thought is that God’s sense of humour dictates that people like me, the unwashed and unloved DO achieve great things, His Folly is greater than Our Wisdom. Well that’s what I tell myself, and I think we all should as well.

There are many examples where people surprize us, to the good and to the bad, I spotted a piece in the newspaper about The Hairy Angel, that great singer Susan Boyle, she is an example where God has touched somebody with his Grace and they have a great Talent.

If you saw my daughters and then I said I was their dad you would think I was a liar, because I look like their Granddad, the white hair and so on, but I am in fact their dad. Their accents are very posh English too, so you may say it was impossible for them to be half Shanghai Chinese, when they speak Chinese, they speak it with a posh English accent, oh and the family is Irish, Casey.

You see a fat man, but put him on the dance floor and he will glide and slide, Strictly Come Dancing has a lot to answer for, and am I rooting for Ed Balls, no, with a name like that he should be a juggler in a circus, or a Chancellor or something.

We all have party tricks that we amaze or even bore people with. I’ve just remembered my old one, I could drink a pint of water from an old milk bottle faster that the works coffee machine could fill a plastic cup with coffee. I remember showing Mike Whale that trick nearly 40 years ago, Mike went on to work in the Arab world in computing, so hello to him if he ever reads this.

It’s when people or our masters proclaim they are holy that you have to watch them. Too Good to Be Wholesome is a truism, but it has proven to be so true. It may be that after their fall that our masters do their best work, being Humbled leads them to be better people. As for me I’m in the gutter with Oscar Wilde, but at least I’m looking at the stars, and best of all the pain has ebbed away for today. See God is Good as my mum used to say.

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