Friday, 9 September 2016

Facebook Censorship and Me

Facebook Censorship and Me ©

By Michael Casey

I haven’t picked this title to get a higher Google ranking, it’s just that something is so obviously wrong that even I have to add my 2 penny worth. Facebook banned an iconic photo from Vietnam, a child running from Napalm. You can go and read your own newspapers for the full details.

If you remember Apocalypse Now  which is a great film, in that somebody writes F*&&& on a bomb and is put on a charge, the question being which is more horrendous, a bomb that’ll kill or a word written in chalk on a bomb. I can remember talking about this in my computer room days.

In Internet Story a piece I wrote 10 years or so ago, the tag line for a joke is “and send me 10 dollars” and guess what the BBC, the BBC itself banned it from a website of theirs because “it solicited money” So you can see I despair at the stupidity, and straight-jackets big corporations put themselves into.

I don’t expect Cartier to send me a Cartier Diamond Blue large Roman numeral automatic watch just because I write it in a story, I’m more likely to get a Chinese fake sent to me, that’s if anybody can track me down. I do have Chinese readers now, but they are busy working hard no doubt.

So to the point, Facebook is a good tool, though I am not on it, nor any social media, I just attract mad people like a magnet. I get too many people pretending to be billionaires who want to give me millions of dollars, so long as I email all my details, including my inside trouser leg measurement, its 29 by the way, I have short but very strong legs. So I have self-censored myself out of that world. If they want to give me money there are 10 books on Amazon that they could buy, 300 and Not OUT is a very good place to start.

Mark Zuckerberg was disconsolate we had exchanged messages on how to live with a Chinese wife, and as his wife is a doctor and my daughter hopes to become one we did have that in common as well. But I told him, everybody was contacting me to get to him, does Mark want any manure for his roses, he can have 2 wheelbarrows full for the price of one. Or I can arrange fresh to be delivered, I just have to back up the Police horse to dump directly into his garden.

So I censored myself out of Mark’s life. In life in general we have to control our online life, as something posted may come back and bit us on the bum. And being bitten on the bum is very painful, if you have ever played Rugby you will know what I mean. Though once you are on the scrapheap you do have more freedom as nobody important is ever going to see your silly photos, and it won’t stop you from getting a job. Facebook is like having a tattoo in an inappropriate area, or of a naughty nature, so you have to have laser treatment to remove it.

So what do I do with all the Time I don’t waste on Facebook, not needing to pretend I have a perfect life, with a perfect family. Well I just write stories, this one is 820 I think, and I add stupid ugly photos of myself to them, if an ugly SOB like me can write and still look like George Clooney with the body of George Foreman then anybody be a writer, no need to send me 10 dollars, so the BBC won’t ban this story now. Though you could all go to Amazon and buy my 10 books, Thanks and Goodnight and please watch 3 sources of news not just Facebook, they may censor other iconic photos, which is naughty and not nice.

Link for my 10 books below


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