Sunday 3 June 2018


Qualifications ©
Michael Casey

There are many forms of qualifications, our kids are taking exams right now that’ll lead to qualifications, then you do more study followed by exams and you gain even more qualifications. Then you go to University and do 3 years of study and get your Bachelors, or 4 in USA, so you can be in that sports team. Over there sports can be king and the study secondary. Over here the top university leads to Footlights and the best comedians or actors are also the most highly qualified, Cambridge leads to Edinburgh Fringe and a lifetime of tv. Originally their mum and dad were so pleased they got into University and are bemused that that became Monty Python’s Flying Circus. But some might say that’s the problem with the British education system, too many clowns in it.

My own path is varied, BBC Radio 4, which is quality speech radio, not Howard Stern, being a major foundation in my education. Why? Well if you listen to clever knowledge people talking for 20 years, you should learn something, not unless you are intellectually deaf. It’s fuel for your own brain, ditto if you hang out with mechanics like the girl in My Cousin Vinny, you’ll learn a lot. Osmosis really does exist in knowledge, its not just soppy plants. Being a Concierge allows you to pick a lot up,as does covering 10 other roles in a hotel, its all part of your qualifications, your life skills as they say.

Politicians should have life skills, they should not have just done PPE at University and then worked as a researcher before being parachuted in to be a candidate. So you have snotty nosed people how have never worked sitting there in Parliament. Over in USA we have Donald Trump who people admire because he is super rich, born with millions which is now billions. Though does he owe money to Russia we’ll never find out, not unless his 3rd wife divorces him.

You should never have unbridled respect or affection for any politician. Respect has to be earnt, courtesy we should give everybody, even those we despise, but assuming somebody has our best interests in mind has to be proven. Was it Animal Farm where the leaders were just as bad as the originals because they were corrupted. Ditto with Politicians, whey should we trust them? At least we can throw them out every few years, which is not the case in the majority of the world.

But I digress, qualifications are a good thing, as is study. However having seen and lived both sides of the coin I’d say experience is all. How would you like to learn about sex, from a book or with a girlfriend or boyfriend, or both, in the interests of balance I have to say that. Which reminds me of a sentence from Pucktoon a Spike Milligan book I read over 40 years ago, you’ll have to dig it out to find out what I’m on about. Then you can see if I’m qualified in surreal comedy.

Yes, experience is a four lettered word. And some Politicians have plenty of experience in that, though we only find out when they fall from grace and its all over the newspapers or TNZ in USA. Others are teflon coated and no matter what they do they get away with shooting people in New York, to paraphrase somebody with a big suntan. Only History will judge were they qualified enough for the job, or was it that the alternative as equally corrupt, so people said what the heck and put their cross where they put it. Then the leader is the cross the entire country carries, until he crucifies everybody either side of him.

So with resurrection we get new beginnings and new hope and almost magical powers. By which I mean political comebacks, or 2nd chances in your regular job. If you are eclectic then you can fit in anywhere or you are the perfect host because you have a sentence or two about everything. You appear far cleverer, much more qualified than you really are, because you have a wide general knowledge. If you are asking about the flower arranging with the local body builder, and heavy metal with your parish priest, or the best contraceptives with your local politicians they each feel loved by you.

We like Jack, he’s the perfect host at the local superstore, yes really he’s head security guard with two tasers and 5 martial arts assistants and 2 dogs. But he’s such a nice nice man, has a good word for everybody, so well spoken, they say he listens to BBC Radio4 all the time. He did break that man’s arm in two places, or two men’s arm in one place. But they deserved it, they pushed that handicapped lady over when they were trying to raid the store, they wanted flowers for mother’s day. They nearly got flowers for their own funeral. But Jack is such a gentle gentleman.

So Jack is qualified for his position, he has a kind word for everybody, apart for naughty boys that is. So qualifications are great things, they are proof that you have a certain level of knowledge. Though especially in USA you can be a PhD in Gibberish, and have a certificate too just by sending 15dollars to 555 5555, I have mine handing just above the toilet roll dispenser in our bathroom.

Experience is the best and cruelest teacher, you won’t make that mistake again, so long as you learn from each mistake, like don’t park there or your car will be scratched, so think more about your parking. Talk to everybody, even the toilet cleaner, because everybody can teach you something. Learn from their life experience and add it to yours, this adds to your qualifications.

If you think you know everything and you don’t need anybody, and that you are the most qualified person in the world, you will be rewarded by Life in the end.
Or you could just become President of the United States of America.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Camp David Reading my Amazon Uk profile

Michael Casey
I'm Michael Casey sometimes listed as Mr. Michael G Casey
or just look for my face, fat and silver haired usually wearing shades
so check both till you find all 15 books
I did get 21,000 Polish readers just by word of mouth on my Site, for a Translation of the finale of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker in just 3 weeks.
My books on Amazon are a Shop Window until Rupert Murdoch or anybody else picks me up, though I am very heavy, so don't hurt yourself
I started writing a long time ago. 1987 to be exact.
It took me a year to learn how to write. I spent 20 years listening to BBC Radio 4 BEFORE I picked up a pen. I used to read by the yard too. I hope I write for ears if that doesn't sound too pretentious. So that's 50 years in love with Words, yes my birth certificate is so old, not me. I feel 20 in my head, though on pain days I feel 95. Don't get Arthritis ++++
This year 2018 is the 30th Anniversary since The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker was born, in the iiving room behind me as I huddled the gas fire.
My Face is on all the books so you know who to blame.

Stop Press, for those of you who wished I'd stop writing, well it nearly happened. I had an Unplanned Triple Heart Bypass in Jan 2015, and I didn't even know I had heart problems. 6 months later I learnt I had 4 grafts, so is that a Quadruple? Anyways Thanks to Birmingham's City Hospital and our Queen Elizabeth hospital I am still here with you. Though I'm still getting pain as it takes a long time to heal, and just for fun my Arthritis plays up too. And yes I write about pain as well, for without pain in our life we have not experienced all of life. Though I'd love a break from all the pain, as would all of us. Its 2ndJune 2018 now and I've reached about 1,320,000 Words or nearly 4000 pages if you stack it all up. Its taken my 30 years now, I know I only look 25, well in my imagination anyway.

I've been close but no cigar most of my life, such as having a play accepted by a professional theatre back in 1989, the play was Shoplife. Life is not a straight road, its more a long and winding road. I can even remember being at grammar school when Monty Python first came out. And look what happened to them. One of my brothers was actually at the same college and University as John Cleese, Downing Cambridge. Another brother was at the same college and University as Mr Bean, Queens Oxford. I'm name dropping just in case the Daily Mail editor is reading this. As for me I went to work. Our dad by the was a Blacksmith then sweated for 40 years in a steel works, in Brasshouse Lane Smethwick. Me I was a computer operator back in 1978 on Dec PDP 1170s, 40 years ago,and then a variety of other jobs, I had my working life in reverse.

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is a slow burner that really does catch fire, and the best place to be when a book catches fire is, down the pub, The Trader in the book. Hidden in the cellar since WWII is a hoard of whisky, whisky galore you might say. When the street of shops in the book is threatened the shopkeepers can and will resort to anything. Such as a Poet and Undertaker using blackmail. When Patrick finds his one true love, and breaks the bed to prove it what does his priest do? The priest makes him organise a fete for the children's home, now that he has made a baby he has to take responsibility for it, and the children's home fete. The priest too uses a little blackmail, so the local police stop all traffic and detour it so as it passes the children's home 3 times, just in time for the fete. The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is a fun book for all the family with an explosive ending.
So buy it. Amazon Kindle books can be downloaded to Kindle, PC and Laptop. So you have no excuse, or does the writer have to persuade you?


Now my book of blogs has many funny pieces in it, here's a taster of what you get if you buy the book. 300 and Not OUT, called very funny by one publisher.

Stuffing Tony©
By Michael Casey

Stuffing Tony, what am I talking about, no not our tame turkey whom we've decided to eat, nor anything else. Tony is in fact a soft toy, he's my small daughter's favourite, the one she loves the most. He's a white tiger, he was in fact he was her sister's Birthday tiger from a few years ago, but she cried until she owned him. Tony is a very washed out bleached kind of tiger. Tony has been through the washing machine a couple of times, he was very very dizzy when he came out. Yesterday Tony got a brother, his brother is a ginger tiger, now christened Ginger. Ginger makes us laugher because Ginger is how English people call my wife if they cannot pronounce her Chinese name.
Tony is one of 40 stuffed toys the girls have, they live up a corner behind the sofa which is just behind me. They are allowed out to form a class when my small daughter plays teacher, afterwards they climb back into their Iceland bags and go to sleep. There is a problem with Tony though, he's lived in the fast lane and lost a lot of weight. So following strict instructions, today I have done a stuffing transplant, which is like a heart transplant but much more important and dangerous. Today without any sedative I have made Loony Chick donate some stuffing to Tony. I took the scissors and make an incision in Loony Chick's behind, I then proceeded to remove the stuffing. I had previously made an incision in Tony's neck at the back, it was then a process of removing from Loony Chick and stuffing Tony.
The whole procedure lasted 20mins, Tony now looks very plumped up and proud, as the leader of the pride should look. As for Loony Chick, he, she or should I say it now looks as if he'd had a few dodgy kebabs, very slim, but at least the head still looks plump. When the girls come home from school we'll decide what to do with Loony Chick, should we stuff him with chopped up old clothes, or bubble wrap? Or should he face the death sentence and be sent to a Charity shop, I know it sounds cruel, but since he came back from Shanghai in 2009 he'd mainly been a cushion.
These are the very serious things a modern parent has to deal with, luckily I know how to sew, and I have a special relationship with all the toys. Now that Tony is full and looks like a weightlifting Tiger I hope Ginger won't be jealous, otherwise one of them may have to end up in a zoo, or the closest equivalent, in one of the 13 charity shops near our house. to hear me read my stuff

are places to read my stuff, comic in the main.

I am no longer on Facebook, I just attracted too many odd people, though I did meet a few very nice people too.

I would love a spot in a newspaper or magazine, print or online.
I'm honest/conceited enough to say I'm as good as the stuff you read online.
I would love a spot on the radio too, 90 seconds with Michael, could be expanded to an hour.
where I'd read a blog out on the radio every day. I have 1800 inc repeats.

So if you agree with me that it would be a great feature do get in touch

I also think a book of my stories with facing page translation plus my audio
attached would be a great way to teach English via humour to foreigners
I have enough material for a series of books.
So Angel investors get in touch

My shorts/blogs are 90 seconds long, I have 11 hours worth recorded already.
My 15 books can be bought here on Amazon Kindle,

Friday 1 June 2018

Putting it Off

Putting it Off ©
Michael Casey

Well I’ve left my day bed, which also happens to be my night bed, my only bed in fact, I just wish it were a bigger bed in a bigger room, in a bigger house, some place else. By mentioning my bed I’m putting off starting this piece, I’ll be giving you an excuse next. I checked the list for Excuses and I did write one 5 months ago, I could have been real lazy and just reposted that, an excuse would have been reused as an excuse for writing something new. But it would have been a lame excuse, but I’ve been raised from my bed, not by anything Biblical, but by the urge to use the toilet. So now that I’m up I may as well start, not on old excuses, but on new Putting it Off, or Puntinitoff a new Russian friend of mine, he’s big in, well I won’t say as I’ve probably upset him already, on verra.

Now why do we keep on Putting it Off? Because we are lazy or because our word processor does not work, and Visa is playing up tonight so you cannot buy a new one. But I recommend the free download WPS Writer, as I did to Putinitoff today, so you all have no excuse, go write War and Peace, or just go back to bed with your wife and produce war and tears in 9 months time.

We all keep on putting things off, we waste time, I know my dad said when God made Time he made plenty of it, but we should value Time, and use it wisely. So I have stocked up on chocolate so my daughter is fully loaded to lock and load and attack the books before her Chemistry and Philosophy exams in a few weeks time. Students the world over put off hitting the books, they have to watch Riverdale, or dear Dale Winton repeats, and only then will they study. I’m sure Dale is in Heaven screaming on his support for students everywhere. Stop what you are doing kids, and hit those books.

Put the boyfriend away for a few weeks, he’ll still be there and eager after you finish the exams. Stop practicing your time tables with the girlfriend, just hit the books. You must be in it to win it, or your nose must be in the book, so you have a chance to get what you deserve, Dale is singing this chorus from Heaven with George Michael at his side.

We put off bad things especially, like going to the doctor when you have a rash on your bum, you finally get an quick appointment, after three weeks. Then you go through the door, and its a female doctor, or an old man of a doctor, it’s always the wrong gender of a doctor when you have to show your bits off. Bitsoff is a friend of Putinitoff, by the way, Bitsoff is a illustrator for books, maybe Putinitoff will introduce me to Bitsoff, only my introduction is always delayed. I think it’s because Putinitoff hates me, all I did was borrow one of his watches. Russian watches are indestructible, well that’s what they say, but for me, a watch only lasts 1 year, or less, but I don’t want to talk about the accident. I’m putting off telling him what happened to his Vostok watch, it was an accident.

We put off going to see our loved ones laid out in a coffin, if we see them for the final time, then we have to admit they are gone, we’ve seen the evidence. I know in England most people don’t do that, it can be frightening, kissing your most warm hearted mother as she lays in her coffin, her cheek is as cold as ice, like kissing a can of Coca Cola. You can’t put it off to long, in the morning it’s the funeral, so its now or never.

The thing about fear,or embarrassment is that once it is faced you realise Churchill was right, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Its a bit like losing your virginity, once gone a whole new adventure awaits. So don’t be afraid to do things, never put anything off. I’m not saying dive in without thinking, I’m saying don’t be afraid, have Churchill and Jiminy Cricket as your guide. If you wait too long because you keep putting things off then you may die all alone, like a writer who was too shy to ask a girl out. So finally God had to practically throw a wife under his feet, because he was too stupid, and was always putting Life off.

Being a writer gives you a chance to talk about anything you like, you may restrict yourself and run out of material as you are in a cul de sac of writing, so you have to break out of the cul de sac and hit the high road, or low road as some reviewers might say. Putting off what you think you can or should write about may waste years of your life. Your best piece could be your last piece that is locked away in a drawer, though some reviewers might say it should have been locked and buried and the key thrown away.

So I’ll finish this excuse for a piece of writing, it’s a docx file to add to the 1800 plus pieces of writing that’ll live in the car park of cyberspace and on Amazon in the hope that Stanley will discover me. So carry on up that jungle and don’t put off anything, it’s Friday night 1st June 2018, Dale and George have invited me to the club in Heaven, and if Putinitoff finds out I’ve broken his Vostok, he’ll be breaking something of mine off, and then I’ll be a eunuch dancing in Heaven.

Well its Half Term and Still Exam time here in UK

Well its Half  Term and Still Exam time here in UK

so If you are having a break from the books

there are 1800 stories to graze on below

Just keep on going down as Corrie said in Finding Nemo

You won't find Nemo but submerged below in all the writing

There will be loads of stories to help relax you

I'm 85,000 words into Sweet 16, so by end on July that'll be

uploaded to Amazon, in the vain hope you all start buying books.

Though if you are Rupert Murdoch just send me a publisher please

That's all I may write something new later, I have to pose with Trump

for a cheesy photo later, I will be in drag of course on his Oval carpet


Lady Gaga and Me , but really about TRUMP

Saturday 3 February 2018 Lady Gaga and Me I had to get up in the night for an hour due to pain.  I've just read about Gaga  having to ca...