Poems Float by
15 nations last night and 12 so far today on Wordpress
There are far flung nations here on Blogger too
Austria peaked last night
so hello to them
The Hills are Alive to the Sound of Music
Julie Andrews must be a fan
I do get poems floating by while I'm in bed
with Taylor Swift, just her music
her last 3 albums are so good
Is it the boy from the chip shop
making her smile more
is it his mushy peas
anyway Thank You Taylor
Tinnitus is always in bed with me
but you make sleeping easier
Anyway I get a line or two in my head
I say to myself thats a poem
Then I rattle though a line or two more
I'll put that on my sites in the morning
Only they are lost
If only I had a secretary in bed with me
to write down all the ideas
But Poems are lost under the duvet instead
My ear popped recently
I read All Saints and it popped
Then I heard All Saints in a song
the next day and my ear popped again
So I can hear in my deaf ear
so long as Tinnitus is kept at bay
It's taken 4 hours since I woke up
from my last 2 hour slot of sleep
before Tinnitus calms down again
maybe I need a kick boxing secretary
to beat the noise and silence my Tinnitus
who sounds like a gay Roman lover
but is just a lot of hiss
or is it the sound of Putin's soul burning in Hell
It is BonFire Night after all this weekend in England
You get bullet points like this until
I can conquer Tinnitus more
I hope you'll forgive me
but there are 20 books on Amazon you can read
and a ton of stuff here, 4000 plus pieces
and Wordpress has Translations Galore
So the whole world can suffer equally in multiple languages
There are many many sadnesses in the world right now
in Korea while having fun too many lives were lost
in India a bridge fell down
all over the planet too many tragedies
So we all pray in every way that the pain will ease
Always remember too
The prayers that I say tomorrow will have helped Yesterday
And don't forget God is for the losers
Not just the winners
So if somebody is not helping the least of society
Then they are not doing enough
That is the way to judge people
Not the Social Media
the self indulgent stuff
The palaces and PR rubbish
But helping those who are in the gutter looking up at the stars
And that means you and me
not just the glossy picture crew
And finally please Mary hurry up and end Putin's War
before he destroys even more of the world
Pax Vobiscum
Michael Casey in Birmingham, the one in England