BANGLADESH and10 other Countries
are my readers today here on my 3 bloggers and my Wordpress
so hello to you, let's pray for Russia too, Putin's adventure into Ukraine
could end with a big flash
So let's pray common sense prevails
I spotted the stories some of you were reading so I read them too
It's like reading a diary of sorts, though I never kept a diary
You're getting 50 plus years of memories plus stories
I hope you all continue to read them, or BOTHER to read them
So thank you if you do
It's good for my ego to see the readership spread
Nobody pays me, the theory is that eventually before I'm dead I get a Media deal
Because of the 7 degrees of separation or whatever it is
somebody who bothered to read me knows somebody who knows somebody
Or is the cleaner to somebody who is somebody
Australia is reading me again today, but I doubt it is a Murdoch
More like a Vietnamese refugee from years ago, who enjoys my stories
Hello to her, if it is her today
If it is a Murdoch, hurry up and let me Shine
I've had 6 years post quadruple heart bypass now, I won't live forever
Though I'll try, just to spite my Pension company
They always assume 20 years, so to pay you less
On that happy note I'm going to potter to the Post Office
I've had an itchy hand so maybe I'll win some money on the Lottery
Two student daughters, I'd like to leave them some money
As I look like Howard Hughes, the dishevelled look
By the way Tinnitus is kind of tamed these past few nights
God keeps me awake. till 4am, so I pray the Rosary
and annoy people with emails during my Tinnitus time on the phone
Then get up for a hot drink, then finally I go back to bed
And pure exhaustion makes me sleep
But only in 2 hour chunks, which is my norm, but it is an improvement
I wont bore you about the pain attacks, but sometimes my tone of voice changes
and my hernia hurts
And yes that's why I write comedy or my version of it
To make you all laugh, so take that into account as you read
That's all for now, let's see if my itchy hand turns into a prize
At least here in UK, a lot of Lottery money goes to Good Causes
So if I lose, at least a Good Cause has got some of my 2 quid