Thursday, 1 May 2014

Give a Beggar a Buck and Stay Healthy

Give a Beggar a Buck and stay Healthy ©
Michael Casey

I stumbled over an advert for healthy living the other day, and no I was not looking either. I wondered would it say what I’ve discovered for myself. So I watched it, and I thought it would be a list. And on the presentation droned on, and on and on and on. Don’t folks realise this style of presentation just irritates.

Finally, before I fell asleep. The punchline or rather, the price, not 100, not 90, not 80, it was a reverse auction. 40 bucks or whatever, but would I pay, NO!

Here’s my tips and they work, and you don’t have to pay me, just give a beggar a buck. I love Orange juice, and I blame Florida for it. We were in Florida in 2006 and a gallon of  orange juice cost next to nothing, so I got the habit. It’s a healthy habit, but I was surprised to discover that it can actually make you put weight on, because of the sugar in it.

So I’ve experimented with less orange juice, and switched to the real thing, oranges instead. So in a matter of a couple of weeks I’ve lost 7 pounds, or half a stone as we say in England, or 3kilos if you are metric. Was this hard, no, well a little bit as I really love orange juice. So half a stone lost with no effort involved.

Now in my print room days at a major law firm here in Birmingham, before Arthur came a visiting, to my joints, we had a free drinks machine. So obviously I drank lots of chocomilk, but I did do an experiment there as well. I stopped drinking the lovely  drink, and hey presto I lost 7 pounds. No effort required.

So if you want my tips, here they are for free, don’t pay me, just give a beggar a buck, or a packet of biscuits as you leave the store.

1.Drink Green Tea    every day
2.Eat Garlic              every day
3.Eat  Brown Bread  every day
4.Eat   Sweet Corn    every day
5.Give up Coffee         TODAY
Now when you see the practice nurse and she checks your fat levels and your BP what will the result be. YOU are HEALTHIER.

You can eat other vegetables, I drank coffee for 50 years, then I just stopped and gave my left over coffee to my local church’s coffee morning crowd. Good things will happen in a month or so. You’ll be healthier but nobody will want to kiss you. I’m sure those who really love you will still kiss you.

Look at the NHS website, its free too. So I imagine all the USA readers of this will crash the website now. This costs nothing, what I’ve shared cost nothing. It will help you be around for your kids’ weddings and grandkids graduations.

So payment to me NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH

But please give a beggar a buck.

Yes I’d love you to buy my 7 books on Amazon too, but you don’t have too, a book a day if you like. Laughter does help Health too.


p.s. The other day somebody sent an email offering weight loss pills to me, and they’d pay Amazon postage too, IF I just wrote a review. Obviously I’d love for a total stranger to poison me. But seriously don’t take any weight loss pills. Eat less and drink water, that works too, because your belly is full of water and you don’t eat any more calories. Now that’s really the end

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