Thursday, 3 January 2013

THe Light (c) By Michael Casey

The Light (c)

by Michael Casey

Well the girls are watching 17 again on tv, JJ was talking to her mum in Shanghai earlier, normal happy family stuff. I was thinking about writing a new piece. I was going to talk about "The Light" the title came because I bought a cheap solar light in pound land, you just switch it on and it charges itself by day and then at night a light sensor switches it on. It was designed for garden paths but I bought it so my girls could have a night light, and then we could switch the landing light off. Well it worked ok for 2 days or nights should I say and now it is bust. Short lived. However Light can last a lifetime, all kinds of light.
I remember when I was smaller than my girls are now we had a torch with red and blue filters, you just pressed a button and the filter came down and you had different colours. In the 1960s to us that was a big deal, we also had another light, a tiny hand held projector that showed a Yogi Bear cartoon in a loop, we all gathered in the big bedroom and closed the curtains for our own picture show. Only after a few sessions the loop of film broke. We rushed down to the Grove cinema and asked the projectionist to fix it for us, a James Bond film was playing at the time with a hairy armed Sean Connery.
Leave the light on in the yard, this was needed because one switch put the yard light on and the outside toilet light on. Dad would come home and switch the light off to save electricity, a shout would go up, "put the light back on" , dad would always say "I did not know" Years later we had a grant for an inside toilet, so the light was redundant.
Interior lighting is a big deal nowadays, people have their spots in the kitchen and wherever, we have energy efficient bulbs. Whatever happened to the 100watt light bulb, we had a tall brother who was pressed into service to change the light bulbs, I still use him to change the light bulb above my stairs in my house as I'm not tall enough, you have to hang like a mountain climber off the top of the landing wall and then jiggle and then hey presto the bulb is changed.
Lamp shades of all manner of designs are also available, "what's wrong with a bare bulb" I asked when my wife when she decided that we needed lamp shades. So we had a family day out to B&Q to pick some lamp shades up. Once home the creative director, or wife pranced about sticking shades on lamps, when asked “it looks good?” I replied, “I prefer it the way it was”, “FARMER” was her reply. Though I do believe it’s the interior light, which is always more important than any exterior illumination.

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