Friday, 21 September 2012

Why I should be the next ArchBishop of Canterbury or JKRowling (c)

 By Michael  Casey

I was reading about the job vacancy for Arch Bishop or Canterbury, I immediately thought I should apply. My eyebrows are just as wild as the present post holder. I could work one day a week, Sunday, and enjoy all the perks. Canterbury is very nice too, my friend did his Bsc and PhD there, I was even at the PhD ceremony in the cathedral itself, must be 25years ago now. I even remember his mum bought a new hat but in the end did not wear it. Then years later I got him to sign the wedding register for me with his Dr title, hoping that it would impress people in the future. There was another PhD there, Dr William from Taiwan, who was a metallurgy expert, and enjoyed meeting my dad a blacksmith.

I'd love dressing up in all those costumes too and the fancy "walking stick", all the fun in the cathedrals would be nice. I was an altar boy for a number of years. The incense was always fun and disposing of the charcoal down the drain and watching it fizz was fantastic for an 8 year old. Funerals were my favourite, I did 30 of them, all the smoke and candles, and splashing of holy water. In them days Black was king, but the reading about Lazarus was so nice. Coming back from the dead. I do of course have speaking experience too, I used to read the 2 lessons from the Bible that we had at every Mass. So I remember tons of Bible passages, as I've heard it all my life. So all in all I'd make a good Archbishop of Canterbury, and I love Lambeth Palace as a London home. Though there might be one problem, I am a Catholic, but perhaps that is the future for the C of E crowd.

As for JK Rowling, God bless her, no she doesn't need to kiss my ring. She is brave trying to try a different format for her writing, a grown up book, for grown ups. People will be disappointed whatever she does, her past will always be compared to her present. I wrote a play called Shoplife and immediately it was accepted for production, though not finally produced. See Amazon Kindle author page for details. You or rather she may be fantastic at her Harry Potters, but anything else may not gel with the audience, people want what they are used to. You have your coffee, or is it horlicks at this time of night, you have your bedtime drink, it may be 4 pints of Stella. But you have what you like and you enjoy it. Nobody would change CocaCola colours to green and blue would they? It is what it is. So for JK Rowling to change she really is taking a chance, take a chance on me as Abba sings. I read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got fed up with Sherlock Holmes, so I can understand JK Rowling wanting to get out of the straight jacket, she just wants to break free, as Queen sings. Comedians want to act Hamlet, Frank Carson was always sure in his skin. He stayed at our hotel once, Roger drove him to the airport in the morning and nearly crashed the van, why? Because Frank had him laughing and crying with laughter, because Frank Carson was always switched on.

So JK Rowling, if you want a change of gear and to get away from your past, why not run for ArchBishop of Canterbury. You will have to fight me first for all the fancy costumes, and somehow I doubt you'll ever have the bushy eyebrows.   And maybe its time for a female head of the church.But both of us would make a better job of it compared to the present guy. MIAOW

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