Wednesday 21 August 2024

crazy rich asians again

Wednesday 21 August 2024

3280 Crazy Rich Asians again

Crazy Rich Asians again

Clarice is being sung by  America as I talk to you

is that the name of  the girl in Singapore reading me again

I just did a few random Clarice Singapore google searches

found some very clever people

I may email one

so if you get an email 

its me

my moon night pole dance

totally random email

But Singapore is my biggest reader after USA

so check your email Singapore...

chance is a strange thing

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3280 Crazy Rich Asians again

Crazy Rich Asians again Clarice is being sung by  America as I talk to you is that the name of  the girl in Singapore reading me again I jus...

Monday 19 August 2024

4949 Heaven's Devils , somebody was reading this from 6 years ago , it made me laugh


Thursday 26 July 2018

Heaven's Devils

Heaven’s Devils ©
 Michael Casey

Rodrigo was a bad man, a very bad man. He had lied and cheated and killed his way all over Central America, but he was good at his job. He was a killer for the cartels. Obviously he was going straight to Hell, the hottest part of Hell itself, but he neither cared nor believed. He was BAD with a Capital B, Michael Jackson could sing and dance and prance as much as he wanted but compared to Rodrigo, he was just DEAD with a capital D. Jackson was not Bad, he was Sad with a silly voice and bad dance moves, and he was DEAD. Rodrigo was the MAN and his moves left a trail of Death all over Central America.

Rodrigo had no friends, but he did have one cousin, Miguel was his name, and he too was a bad man, a very bad man, who like Rodrigo lied and cheated and killed his way all over Central America. They used to send postcards to each other, with cartoons written on the back showing how many and how they had killed their latest victims. The postmen just assumed it was children scrawling things. But to the FBI it was evidence.

Rodrigo and Miguel were tasked to kill a priest who condemned the drugs trade from the pulpit. So obviously they sat at the back and enjoyed the sermon, they would slit his throat after the Mass and steal the offerings too on the way out. Only Fr. Camillo had other ideas, he was not stupid he knew when death was calling him, and today after Sunday Mass was the day. But the thing about Death is that it is not the Master, there is only one Master, and today the Holy Ghost was in town. Now the Holy Ghost was faster and quicker than any assassin, so Rodrigo and Miguel had better watch their backs.

Now who or what is the Holy Ghost? Well the Holy Ghost was a retired CIA assassin, he knew Fr. Camillo from high school, and every day Fr. Camillo had prayed for his dark and evil soul. If the thief on the cross could be spared and Saul could become Paul, then the Holy Ghost could be saved too. And so he was, the Holy Ghost became plain old Sancho, he was Fr. Camillo’s invisible bodyguard. Any time the cartels sent a hit man to kill Fr. Camillo the hit man disappeared off the face of the earth. In actual fact, Sancho cut their ear off and posted it back to the cartel. As for the hit men, they just retired to Miami, thanking God they were still alive, though slightly hard of hearing. They grew their hair and enjoyed all their ill -gotten gains.

Rodrigo and Miguel were about to strike, when Sancho hit them first. They awoke to find themselves  tied up chickens ready to go in the oven. Fr. Camillo blessed them with Holy Water, Sancho  who had been drinking relieved himself on them. They were about to swear, but Sancho hit them with two Bibles across the face. There will be no more swearing ever, Repent or Die, with that Fr. Camillo threw a bucket of Holy Water over each of them. Now the Holy Spirit the real Holy Spirit works in most strange ways, Rodrigo and Miguel had come to kill, but now they would become savers.

They were shackled and told to read the Bible, every day Sancho fed them and Fr. Camillo blessed them, the Holy Spirit did his work too. That is the real Holy Spirit and the Sancho the retired assassin. Sleep deprived and forced to change, this was no road to Damascus, this was Central America. How many months it took I do not know, but I do know, light began to shine in their hearts, a tiny tiny light, but Fr. Camillo could feel it. The Holy Spirit was at work. Sancho had to go away with his donkey Panza for supplies, so with a wave and reminding the prisoners that there would be a 1000 question Bible test when he returned he disappeared like a Ghost, a Holy Ghost maybe.

Now an ill wind blows no good, and fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The cartels had not received any ears lately so they dispatched an entire squad to kill Fr. Camillo. Would they manage to finally kill Fr. Camillo? In the jungle whistles broke through the animal sounds. To Rodrigo and Miguel it was obvious what was about to happen, they smiled. The old priest would get his comeuppance. But as they read their Bibles, the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit fell upon them. The Padre Pio prayer card which had acted as bookmark, fell from their Bibles, Padre Pio’s face gave them a hard stare. As Mrs Casey would say, don’t give me any cheek or I’ll slap you in the puss with the mop bucket.  They had had enough of murder, it was now time to save.  This was their Damascus moment.

So like any good assassins, Roderigo and Miguel broke free from their shackles and slipped away.

The assassination squad numbered 10, but 10 divided by 2 is 5, and 5 to 1 were easy odds as far as they were concerned. As Fr. Camillo prayed they took action, then 10 became 9, became 8, became 7, became 6 and then Panza the donkey came to the rescue. Panza distracted the assassination squad while Miguel and Rodrigo with the returned Sancho finished off the 10. All of whom were tied up like chickens ready for the oven.  

Don’t think you’ll not having your Bible test, after supper will be you final test. They spun round it was Fr.Camillo who had finished praying.  They followed him into the jungle, there on the ground was another 10 men, how come to assassinate him. They were the advance party, I sorted them out myself, they were such amateurs. So they tied those ten up and dragged them to join the others. 20 men sent to kill just one priest. Roderigo and Miguel bowed their heads, you love God so much and the send so many killers to get you.

Fr.Camillo blessed them and they all had supper, afterwards Sancho gave them their 1000 question Bible test. So what happens now? Well said Fr. Camillo, Sancho has some friends in the CIA they could use men like you. But we aren’t killers any more, you know I think we could become Christians, real Christian, do you think your boss would accept people like us. Of course he can, but listen to Sancho. So Sancho explained the CIA or the friends of friends  of the CIA needed bodyguards, not close protection ones, but invisible bodyguards to protect special people from a distance, and maybe sometimes to intervene. They would become Ghosts, Holy Ghosts if you like.

Roderigo and Miguel took all of 2 seconds to say yes. But don’t you need more than 2 sometimes? Well yes explained Sancho, after I cut off all those ears and previous assassins are official dead I stay in touch with the “dead” so to speak, and they do me favours occasionally. What about these 20, they are the worst of the worst. Well you could help us re-educate them. So after they had cut both ears off all 20 assassins, they chained them up and Bible school began. Fr. Camillo was left alone after that the cartels gave up on him, the Sicorro was blowing after all.

Now where did Roderigo and Miguel go? Well if you remember Mrs Murphy likes to visits lots and lots of churches and some are not in nice places. And her Jewish friend Esther has a zillionaire son who makes satellites for CIA etc. Well a satellite is all fine and dandy but Esther worries about her friends, her close friends. So it makes Esther sleep easier knowing that the Holy Ghost Protection Society is only a heartbeat away.   

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Another Brick in the Wall , or cake making for beginners

well the bricklayer came to fix our garden wall

maybe too much twerking while leaning on it

or my fat backside broke it

anyway the bricklayer

he survived listening to me

though he did mention Japan

maybe just to get far far away from me

he could still hear me

here's a sample to impress his lady

You’re Never Alone When You Are in Love ©


Michael Casey

Love is being together , Love is a smile , a Look , A Touch

Or Just A Sigh , Not really knowing why you chose one another .

Yet Together Till You Die

Love is a Kiss soft and gentle on the cheek which warms your

heart and makes you glad you chose one another .

A Kiss can lead to more but I’ll leave Passion locked Safely

behind a bedroom door

Passion spent you’ll not give up each not even for Lent .

You’ll just lie in warm embrace and remember you forgot to say

grace .

Whispers and Promises are made , plans for the future and if

she put her hair this way , Do you think it would suit her ?

Then giggles and more embraces ,  Till the Night is over and with

a dig in the ribs you make him move over .

Then your oneness complete , you have to put up with his cold feet !

But when you are apart your hearts are still one ,

Thought half is  absent you are still one .

His socks under the bed , and after what you said .

His  “toys” scattered about ,  and the clout you’ll  give  when  he

returns and the warmth of your body he yearns .

His cold feet to chill you after he thrills you , are absent yet the

thought makes you smile , at least you have the comfort for  a while.

His grins and leers ,  which makes you smile at least  you’ll  have

peace for a while .

But his heart is still with you , the love is always there – as

bright as your fair hair .

Close your eyes and he is still there ,  Remember the embrace as

he played his fingers across your face .

Let your dreams go and remember the whispers in your ear, warm

kisses on your shoulder before he gets bolder . The warmth of love

that soars through your blood .

Dream long , Dream deep , your Man toils while you sleep, though

you are apart you are still together whatever the weather , for you

are never apart for he is  locked in your heart .

Though sometimes he can be trying , there’s Never any need of

crying for your love is Undying.

Always remember he fills your heart even when you are apart


Fat Dave and the DJ

%%% somebody was reading this last night It made me so happy to read it again myself 6 years old this story I hope everybody can spot and pl...