Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Feeling Guilty


Feeling Guilty ©

By Michael Casey


Now is Guilt a Religious concept? Let’s throw you right in the deep end, and as ever a memory comes back. I remember “rubbish” if only I could have remembered “quality” stuff maybe I’d have had a less strenuous life, less carrying stuff. Now  I’m using my brain, despite what you think, and I’m sat here annoying you all, whereas all my working life I was carrying stuff, go read my About Me, wherever I’ve dumped it. Like heavy paper or suitcases. And yes the Mental is more tiring than the Physical, you can debate that in a Socially Distanced way. And yes don’t kill Grannie, me for that matter, as I’m a high risk person, and I’m not saying steer away from such a low life as me. I  know you’re thinking it, so I say it first, if there is a smarty pants in the room, it’s always me. Though having seen my braces and trousers you may all be thinking I’d belong in a Russian Circus, but they would not have me. You are all so cruel, you feel Guilty about Nothing, just keep on upsetting me.


But back to Guilt. To know Guilt you must have a value system or actually know you were doing something wrong. You are free to roam everywhere in the garden, but do not eat the fruit from the tree. But the serpent tempted Eve and she ate the apple, and they knew they were naked and fashioned loin clothes from leaves. Then God appeared and asked how did they know they were naked. I remember this passage well because Carmel in primary school had to read it out, I was given the other passage to read, it was in a school Mass, over 50 years ago. Appropriately  enough Carmel went on to become a Midwife, then a mother of six, just as my own mother was a mother of six, I am 5 of 6 in Borg designations.

Which brings us to the point, why do we feel guilty and does guilt have a purpose? With Guilt we have a barrier, a way of protecting the Order of things. That way we don’t have unwanted pregnancies, or so goes the theory, because like Adam and Eve we feel strange when we are naked. It’s not normal, so we naturally cover up. Except if we are a Kardasian, then we show everything, and in the media everybody shows everything, and it ends in pornography. And what is more obscene, I’ll ask you a film quiz question. No, not what you are thinking. When I saw Apocalypse Now, in one scene somebody wrote “*&^%”  on a missile about to be used on the Vietcong. The airman was put on a charge for writing such a word, but what is more obscene, I discussed with Janine, a word written, or the missile that’ll kill.


So fast forward to today, when somebody demands a Nobel Prize,  when really HE has been an Arms Dealer, yet blames his Top Brass, something to make you think about. Should we feel guilt about anything. Regrets I have a few, but I took the blows and did it my way, as Sinatra sung. The Vietnamese are now a labour on demand, dollar loving economy that  the Chinese love as their own labour source is not big enough.


But back to guilt, what is the reason for guilt. It is a way of protecting us from ourselves. If we know right and wrong, and they are taught, then Society is more well balanced, and the survival of the fittest does not Trump everything, as some would prefer. If  we know what is right and wrong we don’t steal from Grannie’s purse, nor climb through windows and eat pies, as I confessed to my thieving past when I was 5 or so. But our lodger got the best of the deal, because though he has no family I am still praying for his Soul, as he was like an uncle to me, 40 years since his death he still is remembered.


Some people could not be honest even if you paid them, is what my own dad used to say, pick your own Celebrities or Politicians from the news, they have no sense of guilt or shame. However if you have 3 kids and no regular man, what are you to do? Will laws stand in your way of feeding your kids, is what you are forced to do so terrible that you have no sense of guilt, just a sense of duty to your kids. Sounds like a song from Dolly Parton, or other County and Western stars, what was it Lucile Don’t Take your Love to town, though I’m more of a John Denver lover. Life can be really tough, and who are we to judge as somebody once said, and if  you are without sin cast the first stone. Then there are the Jesus he Knows Me Brigade, who fleece the stupid and drive around in fancy cars to their Mega churches. But when the winds blow refuse to accommodate the folks without homes, they are Guilty of Avarice, and Bastardising the meaning of Charity. It’s all hot air to make money, and they are the Guilty, while the meek are left in squalor.


Yes, you can see, I despite  all those who think Religion and Charity is a business model, those who have no sense of Guilt. The I did More for people, when in actual fact, they were not a Good Samaritan, they have no faith, no hope, no charity, just Love of Money, which as we all know is the root to all evil. I respect those who are honest about their lack of honesty, the how else can I pass without  cheating people, and I’ve met those kind of people too.


But the sitting on the neck of opportunity people, they should all be voted out. So don’t feel any Guilt when you get off the couch and vote every last one out. For as my dad would say, that would be the Will of God.






Tuesday, 8 September 2020

I look so sweet, so don't cough all over me + A POST FROM 4 YEARS AGO

me looking like a banana spilt sweet

me a chef, I cooked this frozen Iceland Lasangna like I did in the photo years ago

maybe a new story tomorrow, nearly reached 3000 items on this  site, 2000 must be staight stories
Cyber War 2016 The Year Politics Caught Up ©
By Michael Casey

Well we just had a pollution explosion in the living room so I’ve opened the window and am hiding in the other room. This will be my last piece of 2016, I wasn’t expecting to write any more today but here is the last piece of 2016, as I recover. Now to me or anybody who watches any science fiction it really is bleeding obvious that technology is the way forward. So if you attack your enemy’s sewage plants for example then not only does it cause a very big stink it also bring disease to your enemy.

And you can see but not smell the reason this came to mind, add electricity and gas to the mix and folks are on their knees. Its a bit of a laugh for an hour or two, you just go to bed. Then in 9 months there may be a baby boom, but if the disruption is longer than a night of passion then you have problems, big problems. You can add traffic lights and air traffic control too, then hey presto an advanced civilisation is at the same level as a 3rd world county.

I wrote a piece about this somewhere in the last 900 stories, so if you find it you’ll have read about Bruce Willis in his films. The USA 2016 Election was a mess, without all the hacking. A weak candidate thought women would vote for her because she had a vagina , I’m paraphrasing Susan Sarendon here. The hacks revealed that the Democratic Party did not want a cranky old Jewish guy as the candidate so they colluded to give it to Hillary. That basically is the truth of it, even though the younger Hippier base of the party did want the old Jewish guy. Because he sounded like an old uncle who loved them.

Now if it wasn’t Hillary’s turn then nothing would have happened. Instead we had the daily drip drip drip of news. All because somebody should have said this is FAKE, instead of confusing legit and illegitimate, when asked about an email from gmail. IF the person said this is FAKE, then Pedesta would not have changed his password which led to an open door for the hacker.

Personally I wanted Bloomberg to be a White Knight candidate and save USA from itself, sadly he did not run. On the other side everybody in the Republican Party was playing by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules, all except Donald Trump. That in itself will be a book and a half Dr Tim Stanley who writes for the Daily Telegraph is no doubt writing it right now, if not I suggest you get him to do so. You should have had a Lenny Bruce attitude to Donald Trump, then you have had a different candidate. BUT Donald did win the Electoral Vote, when folks realise you cannot turn back the tide, not even he is King Canute, then his problems will begin.

Now as for Hillary, he lax attitude to security were a millstone around her neck, and a hack just waiting to happen. She had too much baggage, she decided NOT to divorce Bill all those years ago, hopefully there was no deal then that she would run for president and he’d support her. I hope the I love Chelsea more than than I want to castrate you won.
Otherwise Machiavelli was alive and well in DC, which is very sad indeed. Though it did fail if she thought people would vote just because of her gender, I don’t need to use the V word any more.

We all use computers and we all know they go wrong and passwords should be kept a secret and you never believe anything in an email from any stray source. IF Pedesca’s team were fooled by a basic email con then frankly I would not ant them to be in charge of my allotment never mind the country.

Now its obvious Trump will deny the Russians swung the election for him, but he can’t contradict all 17 intelligence agencies. In the end it will come back and bite him on the bum.
So he needs to stop being a wise guy and be humble. The wisest part of his new job is knowing how to listen. Listen to everybody even the janitor, and then when you have every piece of information you act fast and decisively. So Help You God.

That’s it really, protect infrastructure, bury it physically and electronically, it should not be protected by just one firewall. In Colditz the hardest Nazi prison there was a big secure gate, with security galore, and right besides it as little unused garden gate. So which gate did one enterprising British prisoner use? Think outside the box Donald, how may clubs in your golf bag? Use them all and even switch hands and change golfing glove, then you will be a wise and wonderful President, who deserves the title, it wasn’t just your turn, you proved yourself. 


8th sept 2020 here's a new photo this morning post wash, so I don't smell as bad

8th sept 2020 here's a new photo this morning post wash, so I don't smell as bad, I even shaved

I'm holding my chest hernia in all the photos

by the way hello to Egypt from Wordpress

and multiple language readers too

See I make you all suffer equally

I've been having a look at the Atlantic today

a very sad eye opener

and Mrs Jobs thanks for supporting it

Monday, 7 September 2020



Procedure ©

By Michael Casey


As Fool on the Hill plays in the background, a version by Sky, I sit  here and begin again. Yes I am a fool, and I do live on a hill, the steepest hill in the locality as says the Postman. The Postman, actually used to live in our house many years ago, he is in fact a painter. I met him on the hill as I gasped for breath, we got talking so I invited him and his wife in. So beware who you meet in the street or you could end up being sat opposite me in our kitchen. There’s a thought, all alone and in a kitchen with me. I am no Mickey Rourke, though tea with me may feel like nine and a half weeks. I don’t serve cold drinks or ice cubes either, you’d have to bring your own.


But I was going to start on Procedure, as I have to follow a procedure at the moment, but luckily everything seems to be in order. Which made me smile as I just remembered a dittie my mum used to say to my little sister. Jane Doe wants a man, the hem of her shift wants a lift, to keep her drawers in order. I’ve substituted Jane Doe for the American audience. See key words lead to memories, and procedure be damned. Boring people follow procedure. However if you break or lose something, Procedure will help the most, as well as a Logical approach. You watch your cleaners at work, in your hotel, or in your home, or anywhere. They are smooth and very quick, 20mins a room was what CPNEC used to give the crew, I “helped” Vicky by staying out of her way and cleaned the toilets for her, hello to her if she is in the Hacienda.


Doctors and Engineers follow procedure, it’s the best way to sort things when they are bust, mechanical or physical, though both merge nowadays. When my computer breaks I follow the path until I fix it. Not skilled, but dogged, and I get there in the end because I don’t give up, besides what else have I got to do?


I have a procedure for when my left  shoulder hurts, I take my shirt off and slap on the Movelat gel, then I wash my hands and wait till the pain ebbs  away. So be warned if ever you are sat having tea with me, as I may just whip my shirt off, and no it’s not Mickey Rourke, and no need to get excited, it’s me in pain. But all of this is me, side tracking myself again. I was going to talk about circles you have to go around before you get this or that. Fill in the form, get your mum’s signature, and your dad’s if your mum even knows who he was, then we’ll give you a 2% discount, or whatever. But if you are poor you have to follow all the rules and procedure.


If you are rich, then you pay a bribe and you’ll get into that university, of course you are that skilled, and really should get a sports  scholarship. That does not happen over here, so how 2 inner city lads got into Oxford and Cambridge starting  50 years ago, perhaps they actually studied hard, very hard. My brothers. Which brings me to procedure when you study, my small daughter is today starting as her 6th form college, a very good one, same one her cousins went too, and her big sister went to. She is very organised, no I’m not boasting, I’m telling you a fact, an organised person will  catch up and beat a cleverer person, application is everything. If you just Play all the time then you may have more Fun, but when push comes to shove, you don’t do as well. You have to have a plan, and not waste your time chilling so much. Put chilling on  the timetable, but talking till 3am because you are having fun will come back and bite you on the bum. Yes breakout occasionally, but a Timetable is the most important thing in any form of study.


Obviously I have the luxury of no timetable, and frankly such are my sleep patterns adjusted by Tinnitus and pain, I could never have a proper timetable, but I do come here to my desk and  talk to you all, very regularly, I am the laxative of writing or talking, as I hope this really reads as a Voice, though you may prefer vice with Mickey Rourke on the floor. The other “trick” is inserting a joke, and then repeat it, again and again, a great rhythm method. I also use verbs that’ll make you smile, like licking ice cream from your fingers. Yes, as Gill from StatsMR will tell you, I have you up the garden path, with little or no effort.


So as I need to fill my belly, and find a new Kdrama on telly, I’ll finish for my day, I may come back later to annoy you all, as I check my reading figures again, remember you are all in different Time Zones, so I need to check a few times, through the day. Procedure works, as I go now to mop up the kitchen floor, no I wasn’t copying Mickey Rourke, I’m just inserting a joke at the end, the best place to finish, so long as the floor isn’t slippy. Garden Path again.


Labor Day Translations Galore reposted from my Wordpress




Reposted Translations Galore just click to download your language

Well 300 and Not OUT seems to be a hit with you all, 2200 downloads in days

it would be better if you all went to Amazon and bought a copy but it’s more likely that

Trump name drops me on tv than that happens. Anyway thank you all and spread the word but not the virus, mask up everybody, not unless you are French kissing your girlfriend.

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore

Posted bymichaelgcaseyPosted inUncategorizedEditALL in ONE place Translations Galore

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore


OUT이 아닌 300Downloadkorean-translation-still-alive-2015DownloadKOREAN Quick StoriesDownloadkorean-translation-still-alive-2015Downloadbbu-in-koreanDownloadall-for-koreaDownloadoutec9db4-ec9584eb8b8c-300-1Download

Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick StoriesWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015 – Copywin Wiersze dla wszystkichVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerTURKISH tRANSLATION OF bbuThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationsspanish-bbuSpanish BBUportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019PORTUGUESE BBU2019polish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translationschinese translation BBUchina-bbu-converted-1China BBU-convertedChina BBUbengali-translation-of-bbuBengali Translation of BBUbbu-russian-translation-microsoft-wordbbu-italian (2)bbu-in-arabicbbu-germanBBU UrduBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU ITALIANBBU IndonesianBBU in KOREANBBU in Indian HindiBBU in HebrewBBU in HebrewBBU in ArabicBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019В поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015   

It is nice to see every day where you all are as you read my stories

It is over 80 places worldwide

I’ve covered all the major language groups and you can all buy my Original English

on Amazon

I only read emails in ENGLISH with a decent subject line and I never click links

Junk emails just get deleted unread

Now curl up in bed and read my stories


The naughty son v the good son parable

hello folks this Labor Day as you spell in USA

below are the readers today on this site.

Maybe I'll get the Nobel Prize, just like Churchill

ha ha ha

as for the parable, if you open your Bibles and not just use them as props
then you'll remember the son that said Yes but did nothing
then the bad son who said NO, but did actually do the work
Simple really
Today we have Cohan tell us all what Trump really thinks
behind the back of "faith" leaders.

But only an idiot would not  know that already

Ted Cruz lost support 4 years ago

So who has  been using who

and when will honesty finally return

Caesar made his Horse a Senator

what has Trump done to USA

and when will the scales be lifted from the eyes

it's too late after Election Day

and how corrupt has GOP become

it's the Trump party

Consider that as you party

I'm in Birmingham England

what power or influence do I have with a pen?

I only have words, but words begat ideas

and America is an Idea....

today's readers
United States

United Kingdom


United Arab Emirates





Triple or Quadruple?

Triple or Quadruple? Well my 10 year anniversary is coming up I was told prior to my op it would be a triple BUT when I had a 6 month review...