Tuesday 2 July 2024

no wonder God cries

no wonder God cries

Democracy is the least bad form of Government, a Churchill quote

and now Divine Right of Kings, and  Droit du seigneur

with Trump as King

America has gone back to 1776 and more

so the only way is to VOTE Trump out for good

For GOOD literally

I spend my Tinnitus nights sending emails to Moscow

hoping to change one mind

and one by one and then another one

till eventually with the aid of a Rosary 

Russia will change and Putin will be gone

I don't want my daughters having a life

with shadows from Hitler reinvented by Putin and his evil trinity

so everybody needs to vote for one good person

not a  cult or a tribe, but one person you could trust

and then hope that they become a jigsaw of a greater good

too many idols wanting to be a LEADER

when they should be a servant

God knows the future

but we can influence it by asking his mum, Mary

Monday 1 July 2024

so Biden could kill Trump today and get away with it?

so Biden could kill Trump today and get away with it?

Because Biden is President or KING

So he has the Power to Kill and NEVER be prosecuted

Where is Team Six right now?

Has Trump manufactured his own death?


this post will no doubt be put behind a Fence by Blogger

Supreme Court Ruling


the only way to change that

A landslide Election for the BLUES

Change all the Laws

Before Maga wins again


not unless the Manhattan Judge

Sends Trump to Jail

SOAP opera at its very worse

And why were three planes at airport together

Trump's Russian Embassy and UAE



playing with smart speakers

playing with smart speakers

no not talking to Politicians

but seeing how to get the best sound

while I'm sat here talking to you

and I do have music in bed too

I am a Tortured Poet after all

Tribit is my cheap and cheerful recommendation

I have a good phone by my head to take the Tinnitus away

Tinnitus is the worst cross I carry

Flaming Pie by Paul McCartney is playing

go dig it out

I will accept high end speakers

Denon or Sonos would be nice

obviously nobody will send them

I worked my butt off in a hotel 20 years ago

so I know how to ask

Thank you to the Barney the Dynasaur guy

he gifted me a tricycle for my infant daughter

now she's at a top university, and so is her sister

so THANK YOU, you helped her on the journey

2002 to 2005 Crowne Plaza NEC

if you remember me

And the nicest people of them all

were the Northerners from the Rag Trade

they were so kind, and worked so hard

and were the best guests ever

I was like having Bet Lynch visit

in the best possible way

old photos to jog your memories, 

YES Northerners were simply the best, the kindest of people

yes there were many nice people, but the best. 

Rag Traders from Up North were the best, they treat everybody nice

and me or or less today

in need of a shave

Sunday 30 June 2024

computer updates and hackers

computer updates and hackers

I was scanning the press

Update your windows 11 TODAY

the hackers are about

too many hackers

Russians and North Koreans especially

and NOBODY bothers with computer SECURITY

June 1978

yes 46 years ago I started on DEC PDP 1170s

yes I still know nothing

BUT I do know SECURITY is everything

ANd it must be made LAW

Computer SECURITY and all that

Forget the BIG BONUS

Built the Fire Walls and Backups etc

You can screw a society with a CLICK


and where is all the Magic Money coming from

After the Election

I don't trust any of them


and Nigel is a Trump supporting Riff Raff

God alone knows the Future

Trump runs for President from a Jail Cell

we will all find out on the 11th July

and what if Biden throws the towel in

The whole world in a spin

and yet another Astroid homing in

Trump will be running for a Get Out of Jail FREE CARD


As for me got out of bed, had enough sleep

But my left should pain is insane

would drive you all to drink

and the pain killer that I slap on my shoulder

is never strong enough

and others just destroy my kidneys even more

ZZ top brothers are passing by

my neighours have serious serious beards

meanwhile Taylor Swift is torturing me

no not kinky or like that

just her singing

maybe it was her beau passing by

come to smack me for calling her tortured

he wouldn't be able to carry me

I'm heavier than Tyson Fury

19 stones or 266 pounds now or 120kilos or so

and 5 feet 10

its my serious thighs and toned backside

Beyonce sends me hate mail still

because I twerk better than her


me 30 years ago below

the old house where I started writing in 1987

30th June 2024

 well i got up as Tinnitus was screaming

I've had breakfast and let cat out

my head is making me bow down

the weather is a lot cooler

i have to unjam the curtains later

in a bit I'll go back to bed to finish my unsettled sleep

six more weeks and first student goes back

for a 2nd degree

then 4 weeks afterwards, student 2 resumes university

3rd year, with a plan for a Masters after that

So I need to check my lottery, see if I can help out more

if I win money

PhD maybe as she'd need more backing

then not one but 2 kind of doctors in the family

But I'm happy so long as they are happy

even if the work at Woolworths

because where you feel at home real matters most

Read SHOLIFE from 1988 its in Amazon

these words won't appear in any book of mine

but they do rack up the total

that's why I estimate 3,000,000 words now

Hong Kong are the new big readers

Singapore sucked everything out and have had enough of me

And yes Publishers, you could all pay me

Or is the size of Kim's backside more newsworthy

now i'm exhausted enough to sleep through Tinnitus 

So I'll go back to bed to resume my Rubic cube life

ON the UK Election

Nigel is a bar room bore, in love with the sound of his own voice

You should all be voting Tactically always

And there are far too many strangers appearing

in constituencies, claiming to love the area

even though they are from 100s of miles away

Read chapter 9 and chapter 10

of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey, that's me

I was ahead of my time, 36 years ahead of my time, as far a GAMBLING

on elections go


time for a FART

then back to bed

Saturday 29 June 2024



reading me today

and somebody claiming to be from there sent 

an email today

so if it was you

try again without all the rubbish

a normal straight letter 

but to prove you are real

you have to have  a roll of toilet paper

balanced on your head

this proves you are real

and not a fake

and have a sense of humour

I'm in far too much pain and noise

to put up with nonsense

here's a link to me reading stuff

all about Peace Love Harmony

the things Putin does not believe in


this is me today, 29th June 2024 in need of a shave and more. 

Vote for people who love People NOT money, 

for the LOVE of money,

 not money, but the LOVE of Money like Putin and TRUMP

is the root of all Evil,

 and was it that writer Saint Paul who said that.

 I agree with my fellow writer

though somehow I don't think I'll ever be called a Saint

and you may think I'm not a writer either.

I am just a SOB

Son of a Blacksmith from Kerry Ireland

it's in my blood

Thursday 27 June 2024

The Sad thing about America

The Sad thing about America

is you believe in salesmen

instead of evidence

there is a difference

So Trump has verbal. Diarrhea

he thinks he's talking great

when really it is just ______

and Maga folk believe it


read several newspapers

or listen to BBC

or follow Legal AF


I've stumbled over them

you should too

as part of your daily diet

And Fox News

Is just a PR company

they were FINED

was it nearly $1,000,000,000 for Election Lies

but Fox makes so much money

they can afford to take a HIT like that

so read/listen/talk to folks with differing Opinions

then make your own mind up

Repare mi casa

was what Saint Francis was told

and USA must do that

Returning to a Blustering Old Fool

with fake everything, is not a way forward

Emperor Trump

Instead see Trump as he is

The Emperor is not wearing New Clothes

he is Stark Naked

and everybody knows it

But is afraid to say it


Because They Follow

Fools Gold

Trump Tower , maybe

and my head has been exploding all day with Tinnitus

its so loud it hurts

on New Amsterdam  Biometric Pressure was one case

and I said that's me exactly

still no cure

maybe  I have to deny sleeping with Trump

then I'd be cured

Now how many will believe me, or am I joking

Sleeping with the enemy/enema maybe?

4991 God Help Us

4991 God Help Us so Trump is a genius, obviously NOT 6 times bankrupt Trump is great, he gave 1,000,000 USD to Butler widow Then makes asini...