Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Prayer and Dreams and What they Mean

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Prayer and Dreams and What they Mean

Prayers and Dreams and What They Mean ©

By Michael Casey

I was thinking about I should write about on my way home from Aldi and up popped Dreams, then when I got home I saw a piece of research about Near Death experiences and how they reckon your entire life flashes in front of you. I’ve known for over 35 years how when you are electrocuted all your life DOES flash by. Richard Hudson can confirm this, assuming he is still alive, he was a guy I worked with in my early computer room days, he told us after HE was electrocuted.

Perhaps torturers in North Korea will use another method in future as electrocution sounds too much like a trip to the cinema or a flick through the family album. One man’s torture is another mains or should I say man’s joy.

But what about dreams, why do we have them? In a dream you can be a hero, Heather Small is singing in the background that’s why the word HERO popped up. So in a dream you are a hero and you get the girl, or boy or both, we are living in a Liberal world after all, so in a dream you can be or do anything you want. I’ll pause there so you can have a cold shower, as they say “on y soit qui mal y pense”, forgive any mistakes with my French.

You can have high hopes, which is also a song from an American musical, you’ll have to Google all the references for yourself, I am just the signpost, but the trouble with being a signpost is that dogs come and pee on you, and cats scratch. Our dog peed on the signpost, the for sale sign post and that’s how I bought this house, which was my big dream. See life is strange, or is it just my writing?

A dream or an ambition is a good thing to have as it gives you a target, you’ll get a better flat, you’ll study for AAT or become a nail technician, or you’ll stop squeezing those spots and give up all the fast food. A dream does not have to be “one day I’ll be President” for such dreams lead only to sadness, people will hate you, wherever you are President, and even if it’s just president of the book club they’ll always be total bores like Michael Casey insisting that all his books should be reviewed and stocked with bumper sticker saying also available on Amazon worldwide. Irony and Pathos you get it all in my short pieces.

Once you have the dream, the target, are you prepared to work hard for it? Will you make sacrifices for it or do you think it will fall all in your lap. I suggest that people nowadays want things now, and don’t want to work for it, like I did and previous generations did. The Utube generation, the Geordie Shore generation think life is reality tv, well actually it is not.

The other sad thing is that once you have achieved your dream, what do you do next. Me I started writing, so I can say one thing led to another. If you don’t have an After That, what are you going to do? You won’t win the lottery and be live happy ever after. Or you could grow up with no qualifications and marry you friend’s cousin, as a way of escaping you own family. Then you have kids you don’t really want, who are dragged up. Sounds harsh, walk down your own street and see if you can spot people like that.

This is where Prayer comes in. A prayer is like a dream but with more effort involved. As you work all the hours and shifts that God sends you are sticking to your dream, and sticking is the right word, if you hold to a dream it might slip away from you, you have to glue that dream to you. Or nail that dream to you. I know cos my dream took me 10 years and more to achieve.

Now somebody once said “form a Christian family if you want a little Peace” and yes you can substitute Jewish/Muslim/Buddhist or even Doubting in front of family. The thing is though that Family is Glue and it will save you when life’s ocean swamps you. And if you are one of these families with perfect teeth and a nice dog, who have never had any trials and tribulations, all I say is I may have to pee through your letter box later and I bet you’d blame the dog and have him put down.

The thing about Perfect Families is that they are not, Money is all they love, the average Common family, and I include myself, a common family, or Common People, which may be a track by Blur from the 90s, go Google, they will look after each other, we may be muck but we love each other as Mrs Brown from tv might say.

Which brings us back to prayer, a dream is an extension of yourself, but Prayer is an extension of God that reaches into us.  You can get your 5 year old to draw a cartoon of it. House, roots into earth this is Dream. House, roots into God, and God is everywhere, this is Prayer. Perhaps I should copyright that as a Tee shirt idea, and then I make my first 10 million. Ha, how do you copyright God. 

We are his copyright after all.

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...