Wednesday, 18 May 2016

And the next thing is

And the next thing is

Well I launched my 10th book on Amazon Kindle yesterday, Undiscovered Words 2016,
so I’ll be starting on no 11 next. I don’t want to start it with a piece on Pain so let me just say,
Arthritis and post bypass pain is a total pain, and ckD on top. That’s why I try and write humour,
otherwise I’d just be crying. Had to explain what shorting is to my girls,not the stock exchange one
but where Totoro the cat has knocked the wires and you get a noise. I told them to google shorting
It’ll open their eyes. In my dreams I’d love to meet a Legal Secretary, then I could dictate my comic
novel Tears for a Butcher. OR just send a usb stick with me dictating it, then  by return email I’d
get the text back typed nicely. Legal Secretaries go at 100WPR so in a couple of hours or 3
I’d have an entire chapter done. So if I had access in 4 months I’d have
Tears for a Butcher done. As for the girls, they’s have the dubious honour of hearing it first.
I could not afford to pay them. You could even broadcast the audio, as work in progress,
So much for my dreams. Chips and sausages with the family tonight was a nice change from
my monastic diet. So I’ll say goodnight and hope the pain doesn’t keep me awake, its such a lottery

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