Monday, 28 September 2015

Motivational Speakers

September 28th, 2015 10:18

Motivational Speakers

Motivational Speakers ©
By Michael Casey
Do we really need Motivational Speakers? Hitler was a motivational speaker, encouraging people to dress up in fancy dress and parade, and invade too. Mel Brooks’ Springtime for Hitler always springs to mind, The Producers is one of my favourite films, I remember Mel’s original on tv. Now the thought of that has made us all smile, comedy can always bring dictators down to earth, Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator also poked fun of Hitler.
So why the need for Motivational Speakers? Churchill was obviously the man for Britain when our backs were against the wall, when we were all alone and it was the Few that saved us all. We’ve all seen the King’s Speech too, which for younger generations was an eye opener, in those times rousing words were needed, and really did keep the home fires burning.
Moving on a generation we had Kennedy and his Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech, words are like whisky for the spirit. For the Black Watch words and bagpipes were inspirational and motivational, their spirit is legendary. So we all know just how powerful words can be, and if we look all the way back we have, In the Beginning was The Word. So words have a powerful hold over us.
People are perhaps yearning for somethings bigger than themselves, I say perhaps because I don’t believe everybody has to be a sheep and follow anybody or anything, we do have free will after all. However we DO follow Manchester United, or Abba, or the Press Review on Sky News, or New Girl or Grimm on tv. We do all have our addictions.
Words are sexy, ask Byron and any 60s musician, words can open doors, and spread  your wings and fly, if you remember your Rod Steward lyrics. So if you are a wordsmith you are a Rock Star so to speak, which gives you power and privilege, which can be used any way you like. Nowadays in America especially you can have a whole career as a Motivational Speaker, which means you do nothing, just tell others how they should lead their lives to make them just as rich as you, but they never will be. They can of course have their teeth done, whiter than the North Pole, which makes us laugh over here in the UK, but it’s all part of the look.
Its pseudo religion, pseudo everything, you pay your 500dollars and you get 2 lectures and a goody-bag, not to mention a chance to buy the Speaker’s books and dvds and     T-shirts, all  outrageously overpriced, but you must have them so you can wear them back at the office on Monday. Or rather back in the basement where you work alone in filing for a major company, but at least you have been inspired. Maybe the girl in records will happen by and be impressed, she’ll spread her wings and fly, because she has the same T-shirt, she’s been motivated too, motivated to hook you, time is moving on, she always wanted a baby…..
Motivation can make you decide to change your life, to get out of a rut, so has the Motivational Speaker done it, has he, or she made you be the person you’ve always wanted to be. No. You have reached a point in your life when you want to make a change, you’ve gone to see the speaker speak, and you’ve thought this is sucks, why did I pay all this money. You do decide to get your teeth fixed, and in the bar you meet a girl who knows a good dentist, it’s her brother.
So you spend the rest of the day talking to this girl, she’s your motivation, she won’t tell you for 6 months, but she’s decided you are husband material. She feels comfortable talking to you, you are nice, normally this means you are not boyfriend/husband material. In your case though, you are the one. So really all the money you spent on the Motivational Speaker event  was a waste, but you did finally meet the girl of your dreams.
Really Motivational Speakers  state the obvious, the really obvious, but with the zeal of a born again preacher, in USA people like preachers. Over here in UK we think they are a bit  loony, and are to be avoided, and as for motivational speakers, it’s an American thing, not something we want, not unless you work in sales.
So what would I say if I were a Motivational Speaker? I’d say the answers are inside you, don’t look outward at a guy in a 3000dollar suit, with too perfect teeth and a tacky designer Rolex, which looks like a fake as the design is so huge and tacky. What do you really want from  your life? Sex, drugs, rock and roll or an intimate relationship with your god, whatever it is.
You have to decide what you want, write list on a piece of paper and work your way through it. The list may have one thing on, or loads, you make your shopping list and then stick it to the fridge with a fridge magnet. So every day you look at the list and try and do something about it. There are no Road to Damascus experiences, there are one step at a time experiences, like The Long March in China, but eventually you WILL be on the moon making that one small step for man, and it will be your Giant Leap.

p.s. My dad once said “do what you like but do your best”   my mum said “you are as good as anybody”
should I charge $500 for this advice and buy myself a 3000dollar suit and have my teeth fixed, though I’d get a Cartier Diamond Bleu if I had any money from Motivational talking.

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