Thursday, 30 January 2014

SingOff instead of War

SingOFF Instead of War ©
By Michael Casey

Hope you all liked the videos from The Daily Telegraph, it did make me think. Should we have a Glee competition for armies, instead of fighting wars, we have a sing off, just like a walkoff in Zoolander now we have a singoff Glee style instead of wars.I'll be see Pope Francis tomorrow, he always pops in for a pint at our local, The Insense and Candle public house in Old Forge and Singing Anvil where I live. So I'll ask him his opinion, he does like a good sing song, he does enjoy a quiet Guinness when he can escape the Curia. Glee is the word to end all wars? What do you think ask listeners less

p.s. I'm sure Pope Francis will laugh if you pass this idea to him. Dave Allen was a hero of mine.

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