Thursday, 11 April 2013

At the beach, new experiences

Well I'm still on hoiday in Malta so forgive another Malta themed post. Today me and the girls went for a stroll along the coast road, we stopped and took in the view as we went along. For me it was a new experience too, this was the first time I'd taken the girls to see the sea. Such a simple pleasure but such a great one.  My mother was born on the Cromane peninsula in County Kerry Eire, she heard the sea every day of her life until she went to work at 14 at a farmer's house. Her home was 7 metres from the sea, my cousin David measured it.
So today watching the girls enjoy walking by the sea made me think of my mom, she would have been 93 this week if she was still with us. Hearing the sea break against the rocks is such a basic emotion, as is having rain facing against your face, wind touching your face and blowing your hair about, that if you haven't gone bald yet. So for me watching the girls paddle about in the sea was a first for me and a first for them. I took a load of snaps so we can show grannie back in Shanghai exactly what the girls are up to. One daughter was holding her denim dress up so it would not be splashed, even though they weren't going in deep, the other daughter had her hot pants on so she was safe from splashes. As for dad, I was sat on a bench taking the photos and musing would they remember this experience when they were big. In Shanghai a beach was built and you had to buy tickets to use it, that was in 2009.but today they were in Malta enjoying the real natural thing.
I can remember enjoying the view in Cromane County Kerry, mum's peninsula is opposite Inch and the Dingle Peninsula, where Ryan's Daughter was filmed. So that is the mark any beach has to reach in my opinion, I doubt if many can reach such a peak. Fort Lauderdale was great and I nearly forgot that beach, as I was thinking Europe in my head, that was way back in 2006. Then we lost a toy on the beach so we had to buy a hush puppy dog to make up for the lost toy, Saw Grass Mills Florida saved our day.
In England people go to Blackpool which is very windy, or to Western Super Mare where the sea is so far out you may not even see it, and if you are a nudist or gay then you go to Brigton. Other beaches exist but you can google them for yourself. Again in England we have/had donkey rides on the beach, and buckets and spades and you make sand castles. Brothers also bury each other in the sand, I can remember my brother burying me with 2 feet or 1/2 a metre on top of me, it began to hurt and dad told him to dig me out. Seaside means hot dogs and ice cream. So dad would have to buy 8 ice creams, one for each of us, I got an extra one, so I was the pet. Dad first  discovered hamburgers when we were in Rhyl, he liked them so much he asked for another, and another and another, he was waiting for them to be cooked. In the end he ate 6 in a row. The most I've had is 3, but that's fair as I'm only 1/2 the man he was.
My girls got hungry so we went for a meal, its strange that on holiday we'll spend on one meal what we'd spend on  a week's groceries, but holidays come but once a year, or 5years in this case. We may have walked 3 miles today so we hopped on the bus to get back to "home" as we call our hotel here in Malta. I asked did they like the view, one said she wants a house right by the sea, which is where my own mother started, right by the sea. That was in the West, grannie lives in the East near the sea too , the China Sea and Shanghai. Where will my daughter get her house, by the sea in Florida, by the sea in California,  maybe Monaco or even here in Malta. I don't know, but I do know that having the sea as a neighbour is a great thing. When I'm gone I'll tell them that when  they think of the sea they can think of me. Big large and windy, evoking laughing, and turning tides, but always there loving them

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