Monday, 18 March 2013

Fairy Tales and Tall Tales (c) by Michael Casey

Fairy Tales and Tall Tales ©
Michael Casey

Phillip Pullman is dead right in the piece in today’s Daily Telegraph, Fairy Tales should not be forgotten. I have his book and The Brothers Grimm on the shelf behind me. Telling Tales should be encouraged. My own dad used to tell us tales all the time, that's one of the reasons that I've ended up a writer myself. Switch the tv off and hide the games consoles, he also says read the Bible too, all of these things happen in our house so one of my girls will become a writer too. Community and spirit is built by gathering around the fire and swopping stories. It’s a natural thing in my life and in my family’s life. So gather around with fizzy pop for the kids and something stronger for mum and dad and let’s see who can tell the best tale. Memories created in the hearth are chains of steel that bind us together and will save us in the future when we need a friend. A memory will make us strong in the dark of the night and those who shared stories with us will come to our aid, because we are bound together by love, chains of love and laughter from our youth will last forever.

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...