Thursday, 8 November 2012

Building a Bookcase

Building a Bookcase ©
By Michael  Casey
Well you buy your kids books to read, to expand their minds, then you need a bookcase trouble is the flat pack had no tools, normally an allen key is included. So I went hunting for the tools, mine used to belong to one of the lodgers, 30 year old tools, I got his tools when he died, he got my prayers. He has no family so  only my prayers are helping him get into Heaven, a trade off. He was like an uncle to me, he gave me my 1st watch for passing the 11 plus. So I always remember him, whenever I see the time. I think he got the better part of the deal.
So I root out my tools and then I have to put the bookcase together up the corner of the girls’ room. If I found the posidrive screwdriver than I could have doen it in 10 minutes. I had tipped my screwdrivers out all over the floor and the bed. I had to use the traditional/normal screwdriver with plenty of brute force. I did half a job. The I sat on the bed and I sat on the correct screwdriver the posidriver, the cross shaped one, the one that GKN invented in the 70s. So with a sigh, or maybe a curse I finished off the job in a couple of easy minutes. Then just the matter or tacking the back on with a hammer, I do have a nice hammer of my own. Then ever so carefully I manoeuvred the bookcase into the corner. The girls were happy and I left them to stack the shelves.
I returned to discover they had filled it. Luckily the shelf depth is such that you can put 2 rows of books on each shelf. Maybe we should have bought a full height bookcase. £22 from Argos was what I got, for double we could have doubled the height of the bookcase. I do have” teacher’s corner “in the room downstairs, so maybe when the girls have filled their bookcase double I’ll invest in a new bookcase, a full sized double width one. Then my teachers corner can be tidied up and they can rent out a shelf or two from me. You don’t think of all this when you read a book or two, or when you encourage your kids to read. Yes we do use the library at the bottom of the road but there is a nice satisfaction in owning a book or two.
Amazon sent me a list of books I may like:-
The Time Keeper – Mitch Albom; Hardcover
Have A Little Faith – Mitch Albom; Paperback
Tuesdays With Morrie: An old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson – Mitch Albom; Paperback
The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom; Paperback
The Book Thief – Markus Zusak; Paperback
Life of Pi – Yann Martel; Paperback
And they are  on my to read list once payday and the lottery arrives
But I need to make sure of one thing, I am not sitting on a posidrive screwdriver when I need to build a flatpack book shelf again , and that could be very soon.

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