Saturday 31 March 2018

HOPE a piece from 5 years ago

 Michael Casey

I've just watched Star Trek again, the film version by JJ Abrams. I really enjoyed it, especially the fact that Spock gets the girl. It was an exciting film, and most of all it was about Hope.

Yes HOPE, without hope we are nothing. Without Hope we are no better than animals or insects even. Small and Nothing. Hope is love, it is future, hope is our smile. A man, a great man once said Pray, Hope and Don't worry. His name was Padre Pio, I believe it was him who saved my dad's life back in 1996 you can read Padre Pio and Me on my  timeline.

I hope I pass that exam, I hope that girl notices me, I'm too shy to talk to her. I hope he notices me. Our whole life direction can start or stop, all because of hope.  Or lack of hope, and perhaps courage. It takes courage to take that 1st step, putting yor feeling out there. To be accepted or rejected in an instance.

If accepted you go forward slowly. If rejected you go away and cry maybe. But that's where Hope comes in, without Hope you just want to stay in bed and give up. You have to shake yourself and start again, and again, and again and again. No matter how many times it takes for you to have your confidence back.

Hope should always be in your heart, even if you feel destroyed you have to gather your spirits up and try again. Or if you are very lucky you stand by the fridge after you have got home and look at your dead mother's photo. Then you make a prayer. Always  remember to pray, even when you cannot pray because all Hope seems to have been swept away. You just pray, hope and don't worry. Even if your only prayer is "teach me to pray."

There is always hope, I was talking to somebody recently, and I hope they read this and take it to heart. You may be flat on your back in the gutter, and I've been there too, but you can look up at the stars, misusing Oscar Wilde's quote. All of us can get up off our back and start again. I'm smiling now, why? Because I have a bad back which is a life changing thing for me. My path has to be different from now on.

My path I hope is writing, writing for Radio and Film too, if I'm lucky and if I pray hard enough. Even if it's not, I'll still write at  and even if nobody ever reads my words I'll still write. Because I have Hope. I've had Hope these past 26years.         I have a family now, all because of Hope.

So never give up or give in, sometimes you have to give yourself a kick up the backside, just as sportsmen do. Wind yourself up like clockwork and get back on that horse. Get back to that sewing machine, get back to the classroom, or back to driving that taxi. Whatever it is do it, just do it.

Go look at my photos, see how silly I look. If I can talk to you the way I'm talking to you   right now then how much better are your true friends. I'm not here to inspire you, go inspire yourself. Have a rest tonight, and in the morning start over, each day is fresh, straight out the fridge if you like.

So make yourself a fresh new creation, every single day.



its's 30/3/2018 now tonight I wanted to write a new piece but I'm too tired and 5 years on my back is playing up again/still. I wanted to be clever and write about Despair/Hope as tomorrow is Holy Saturday, if you like Jesus is dead, so how must everybody have felt. Utter despair, they were not sure that Easter would come. So I thought I could squeeze in a bit of writing to add to the 1,280,000 words or so. So the obvious theme would be Hope/Despair but as I checked for Titles, so I don't use same name for a new piece of writing. I've written 1300 to 1600 individual stories now, hence I check. Anyways I spotted this so I thought I'd load an old piece up and the maybe in the morning I'd write a new piece. I was at Mass via the Internet today so thanks to them, its amazing what you an find if you just look.
The clock has just struck Midnight so I'll finish, the wife is watching Silence of The Lambs in the other room, I may just try and make her scream on my way to bed.

mum's birthplace in Cromane Lower Kerry Ireland

Friday 30 March 2018

Unshaved Profile 30th March 2018


My blogs

About me

Gender MALE
Industry Arts
Occupation Humour Writer of 1,275,000+ Words spread over 30 years like butter, ok I'm just a housewife really, who writes while the breadwinner and kids are at work and school
Location Birmingham in England,, United Kingdom
Links Audio Clip, Wishlist
Introduction I'm from Birmingham England, Don't confuse me with the Monk, or the Dublin guy or even the USA guy, all of the SAME name. They are NOT me, I did get 21,000 Polish readers in 3 weeks just by word of mouth when I put a Translation on my site. So join them and read my stuff. Prose is so pretentious, I write stuff. Good stuff, judging by the reader numbers. I STILL HAVE TO BE Discovered or Disinfected one or the other, As I am not on Anti-Social Media. List of my 15Books, written by me, Michael Casey The fat silver haired writer in shades. from Birmingham. 1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 2.Shoplife 3.Essays and Plays 4.Blogs 2011 5.300 and Not OUT 6.Shorts 2013 7.More Shorts 2014 8.Quick Stories 9.Still Alive 2015 10.Undiscovered Words 2016 11.Still Smiling 2017 12.Altogether Now 13.New Horizons 14.14 Up 15.15 Down *********** I've gone past 1,251,000 words now 10 Feb 2018 please buy a book as I have 2 teenage daughters and the bill for the shower is massive. my sites are these:- The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker, Michael Casey from Birmingham England, michaelgcasey cartoons made with words
Interests Writing, watching films on tv with my girls. I'm from Birmingham England, Don't confuse me with the Monk, or the Dublin guy or even the USA guy, all of the same name. I am clean shaven. They are NOT me, I write Humour. I have written 1, 275, 000+ that's OVER ONE MILLION WORDS now it can translate just click on square in top right corner ******** List of my 15Books, written by me, Michael Casey The fat silver haired writer in shades. 1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 2.Shoplife 3.Essays and Plays 4.Blogs 2011 5.300 and Not OUT 6.Shorts 2013 7.More Shorts 2014 8.Quick Stories 9.Still Alive 2015 10.Undiscovered Words 2016 11.Still Smiling 2017 12.Altogether Now 13.New Horizons 14.14 Up 15.15 Down my sites are these:- The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker, Michael Casey from Birmingham England, michaelgcasey cartoons made with words
Favourite Films Its a Wonderful Life, RED & Red2, Hot Fuzz, Star Trek films, The Quiet Man, and good Thrillers, Link is to 1950s Don Camillo film in English.
Favourite Music Everything, I almost carried Eric Clapton's bag when I worked at a hotel 15+ years ago. CPNEC Bham. I did make him smile when I said my wife drove a Skoda. I like JMJarre. Annie Lennox, Clapton. Amazon has my books if you hack through the jungle
Favourite Books Don Camillo, The Book Thief, The Daily Telegraph and most online newspapers, Even the Guardian. Amazon has my books if you hack through the jungle

Thursday 29 March 2018

Good Friday 2018

Good Friday 2018 (c)
By Michael Casey

If I were clever I would write about Jesus on the Cross and his sacrifice. I'd compare my own aches and pains to his, and say I was an utter fool for doing so.  How could I compare myself to the Lord. No doubt some would burn me at the stake just for even mentioning such an idea even though it was just a passing thought, a half whispered muse, not even a thought.

That's the trouble with Religion, or rather People who abuse religion, all religion. Why, just so they can lie and cheat and steal their way to the top in the name of religion. Or rather their abuse of Power.

Jesus was all about that, all about showing up the lies and hypocrisies, and as in Winter Song, he got busted for befriending the wrong sort. So why is Good Friday good, because it wipes the slate clean and we can all try again.

You can find all sorts of people suffering on their own crosses, and the ugly sweaty dirty people may be the best Christians you will ever find. They may not wear the flash clothes and have the ultra bright teeth like American Evangelists have. They may not have the gift of fancy words and their only language may be foul bad language. But you may just find that these people the kind Jesus would hang out with are better people than the well educated smart people.

Give me a cursing drinking bad man, because he'll give you a lift in the desert. He'll help you when you are down and almost out.  He'll help you out of pity. Whereas the Rich man  the clever man, would only help you if he thinks there is something in it for him.

See Jesus in the common man, see Jesus hanging from a tree, in the ordinary people you meet like you and me. You don't need to look to high heaven to learn about Peace and Goodwill to all men. Peace comes from a stranger you meet on a bus, who listens when you need a friend to talk to but have none. Peace comes after all your pain when you realise though horrible, some people's valour puts you to shame.

So over Easter as you over indulge on the Cadbury's chocolate, and for some Easter justs means chocolate and not Jesus on a cross, so over Easter remember after death comes rebirth.

So every day is Easter, it's a chance for you and me to get closer together and put our sins and pain to one side and walk with Jesus into the Light of happiness and sharing and caring,

For when we have Faith, and it can be any faith, or just working men cursing each other, because deep down we are all sisters and brothers. So we should love one another.

Love and Chocolate from 2003 before our 2nd daughter arrived   13/june/2003

The child in me , was always there , but the child in me is the child of mine fast asleep in the rocking chair . Her mum fast asleep beside her , another child swims around inside my wife’s belly waiting for his call to centre stage when he is ready to appear . So though I want to stay a child its time for me to grow up , but I decided I won’t . I’ll stay a child too , I’ll be a big kid , a 40 something big kid . Why waste my life being all grown up , I want to enjoy childhood forever and that is what I’ll teach my kids . Be a child forever , refuse to grow up , be a kid forever . Its more fun that way , why give up chocolate and pop ,just for grown up beer or wine and just an occasional treat . I know what tastes better , its pop and Cadbury’s , so I refuse to grow up . If I encourage my children to do the same then they’ll always have that quality that’ll make them different , more interesting than the bland “grown up “ qualities of adults , the pretend attitudes , the hidden lusts . Just be open and natural , that’s what I believe in and I hope my children will follow this example . Sure I want them to be clever and go to  great universities and even win a Nobel Prize , but the greatest prize is a family love , a simple , perhaps even naïve love , which is based on the love of pop and chocolate .

Wednesday 28 March 2018

I'm Not On Facebook but Still the World Pretends to Care

I’m Not On Facebook but Still the World Pretends to Care ©
Michael Casey

Yes, I’m not on Facebook, really, I was years ago but only mad people were attracted to me, so I gave it up. And yes MZ did send me a crate of Stella Artois as a thank you. Now I’m telling everybody to BUY his shares as they cannot go any lower, but what do I know about shares but my brother did do Economics at Cambridge though. So as Facebook is all over the news it did spring to mind as a subject to talk about. But I’m not on Facebook. Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham is not on Facebook. Though like Mark Zuckerberg I do have a Chinese wife. I bet she is really kicking his a**&^ right now.

None of this is what I really want to talk about tonight, what I want talk about is why and how people pretend to be concerned about my Health. I get so much Junk Email, which I delete unread, but they pretend to love and care for me so much. It’s as if they read my stories here on  and then send me junk emails inspired by what they have read. Now if Barron Trump has discovered me, as he is a computer whiz after all, maybe he’s concerned and sends me emails about Heart Attacks and Health Insurance. So if it is you Barron, thank you I am very touched, but just ask dad to retire and help you with your golf game during his Golden Years. Besides thank God and Xi the rocket man is going to give up his mad quest, so your dad can claim that Nobel Prize. So HE should retire and play golf with you.

I also get ads for Lyft, and I do not even hold a driving licence, I would not even be allowed to have one anyway due to my many aliments. You cannot drive a car if you could suddenly get a stabbing pain to the heart, which turns out to be Skeletal Muscular Pain. It’s nice to know its not a heart attack, its just like having Hitchcock’s Psycho suddenly and randomly attack you, as I’ve had a few times tonight. Its when it repeats itself spread over a whole day, that’s when Hitchcock stops being one of your favourite film directors.

Now no doubt I’ll get offers as an extra in films. I did actually meet a very big guy who was an extra in Gladiator, or some Roman action film. We both had cortisone injections on the same day back in 2013/4 If ever we finally film The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker he’d be right as Big Sid the Butcher, but that’s just a dream. Close but no Cigar is the story of my life as I said to my specialist at hospital today.

I also met a very nice 44 year old lady while I was waiting for the bus, I forgot to ask her name. We had a good natter on the 48 bus, so if she reads this I hope she gets in touch. She has lots of transportation knowledge and customer service experience, maybe she could get a part time job to fit in with her new obligations. But I won’t embarrass her too much. I was very impressed by her and her knowledge base. I did say I could end up mentioning her in a story. Though she may be saying to her friends she met this fat Santa Claus lookalike. I happened to be dressed all in red, like a Santa with the shaved beard. She did give me some advice, and NO it wasn’t fattie get lost you are boring me, nor stop sitting on my handbag. No she told me to buy a lottery ticket so I could afford to buy my dream house which the bus passed on the way home. So when Lent finishes I will take her advice and buy the lottery ticket.

Now I’ll get offers for bingo and lotteries galore in my email account. Microsoft scans emails so I’m now wondering is it Microsoft after all. Nobody is reading my stuff and then sending emails full of junk. Its Microsoft scanning my Blogger email that gets sent every time I write something. So that is my sad conclusion, people don’t care enough about me to send me junk emails. It’s dear old Microsoft reading my Blogger email about my latest post and then I get the glorious junk emails.

I still get the With Utmost Respect rubbish, and you have won, when its a link that’ll kill my computer. And dating rubbish, if somebody wants to seduce me they need to do it face to face, over the chilled food section in the supermarket. Emails don’t entice me. Read Shoplife my play its only 2quid on Amazon Kindle, that has lots of romance in a supermarket.

One of my sisters used to work in retail as the posh call shop work, and a friend from work Dave Eaton used to work in retail before he ended up working with me in computers. And both said Shoplife was so very true. While I’m on the subject if anybody who is reading knows Andrew LLoyd Webber my play Shoplife could easily be turned into a musical. And then I’d be financially secure till I die.

I also get junk about Life Insurance, nobody would cover me, and I have no money. Books on Amazon do NOT mean money, go to KDP and see how easy it is to have a book on Amazon. Writing is easy,as is using KDP, but actually sales, now that is almost impossible. And yes I’ll get ads for publishing your book, only 1000 dollars now. KDP costs NOTHING, so everybody should use that and then hope Rupert Murdoch stumbles over you. My only hope is that when Rupert is chatting to Donald then Barron Trump interrupts to say that Michael Casey is a funny fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England. Though the reality is that I’ll get even more adverts for sunglasses. Real Raybays for only 10 dollars instead of 120dollars.

All in all you can see I just attract junk, like a clothes brush, or is it a Devil Duster. I’m a dandruff collector. So as the millions leave Facebook if only they would come and visit my sites. I have 26 different countries at least and I watch the map turn green on my Blogger site and on my Wordpress site. If only the Facebook refugees went to me. 

If I could make a few quid. But now I’ll get offers from Lyft again, or money laundering galore job offers. Or stuffing envelopes, or meeting girls from X Y and Z. But that’s enough it’s time to go to bed. My pain levels have lessened now so I’ll try and sleep. I am glad I met that nice lady today, talking to a stranger can be very therapeutic, though it may have made her head straight to the off licence. I forgot to tell her I spent 20+ years working for a market research company into alcohol sales. StatsMR which became part of ACNielsen.

Now that’s more than enough for tonight, Easter hols start tomorrow so I’ll be the housewife the more while my girls are on holiday. Though one has her exams after the holidays so she’ll need pasta and chocolate in large quantities while she revises. But I would not mind if Occado sent those to me. Instead I’ll just get email advice about not eating too much, and how to brush your teeth. My own advice to the Dentist my daughter’s best friend is try Downing Cambridge, if it was good enough for my brother I’m sure they’d love to have him.    

this is my dream house in b17 id i win the lotter

Tuesday 27 March 2018

State of Play

State of Play. Its tuesday night, I've seen the American a 2010 Clooney film, worth a watch
and yes I need a pain killer before bedtime. Tomorrow I have kidney specialist appointment plus 2 viewings for my house.

I may write about Happy Endings tomorrow wednesday when i sit down here in my chair.

So you have all been warned.

A big thank you to Canada again for passing by, I enjoy all the map being shaded in as my words creep all over the world.

That's about it for tonight. As every if you have clever kids tell them Pain Relief is the only worthy  occupation. From Doctors to Comedians and Patch Adams in between.

And yes when my boat comes in I will build that Pain Relief centre here in Birmingham.

Though some nights I feel as if I might die, yes it really does hurt that much.

Yes millions of others have much more pain, I just bitch more eloquently, so be nice to your old grannie etc.

Finally as my daughter is doing Maths behind me with the Dentist over the phone here's a maths puzzle. 

 mc=4c    work it out and win a prize. 


Dazed ©
Michael Casey

I’m wondering what to talk about today but I’m too dazed by pain to think clearly, so let’s see where I end up. Dazed has all kinds of meanings and connotations. You can be dazed when you are punched, or when 2 lads jump you when you are coming home from school with your mates. Like in 1973 maybe when one lad jumped on my back and held my arms while another dropped the nut, before running away. The 3 or 4 friends I was with were too slow to react. I’ve just remembered that story after all those years. I can remember feeling dazed and asking them when they did not intervene. The rubbish secondary school hated us from the grammar school, hence I was a target.

Since then I’m taller and far heavier, but I can remember being dazed and my head throbbing. So nowadays I always watch people’s hands to see what they are doing and to see are they clenched as. I potter about down the street. Taff used to work night shift with us and every night we all had to pass through the really dodgy underpass with Jags in the middle of it. Two bright sparks asked Taff for a light and grabbed his arm as he did so. Unfortunately for then Taff was martial arts trained, so he hit them both before running to the shelter of out building on Smallbrook Queensway. They were the dazed ones.

I have also in my time worked with dazed people who should have had the night off. So I’d make them sit in a corner for a few hours before persuading then to finally do some work. Working night shifts in themselves does make you feel dazed. You also go through a wall rather like the Marathon wall, but in the case of night shifts you are just so tired until you get your 2nd wind. You also go through the Sillies, you just Laugh at the Silliest of things. If you have never worked over long night shifts you may have never experienced this. Speaking from 14 years of night shifts and a lifetime of the late shifts, maybe 30 years worth I’d say avoid night shifts if you can they are bad for your Health.

On a night shift you wake up again before Shift Handover, your brain I’m talking about, not your body, though I do know that other people can and will be naughty. When you get home you are awake again so you watch a bit of Daytime Tv before going to bed at 9am or so. But when you get up at 5pm you can feel dazed until food. So you have a few hours to yourself, before catching the 10pm bus to town and your computer room. So now after all those years you really are observant, nobody is going to jump you. Besides you have your Lunchbox for protection, or rather your ham and Red Leicester sandwiches in a plastic box. My lunch for a decade.

Now pain does daze too, you cannot think straight or you repeat yourself, or you repeat yourself. Death brings about daze too. I’ve had a lodger die on me when I was 21 or so, I also been the one to hear bad news first when the Police to the door asking for Mr Casey. Then they tell you one of your lodgers has been found dead on the bus, horse riding with a heart condition is never a good idea. I can remember stuttering and repeating myself because I was so unbelieving. Then we had send the body home to Killybegs, I remember all that and its nearly 40 years ago now. That lodger was actually like an Uncle to me.

And on life goes, you finally marry and have kids. You are so happy when you hear you are going to be a dad that you cry in the computer room at SMBC, the lads are embarrassed but you are not. It’s such a great feeling, a dream come true. Though I know for some a birth is a disaster, but not for me. Then the baby is born in the middle of the night and you are tired and happy and dazed. At 3am you go home to tell your Shanghai mother in law she has her first granddaughter. Try doing that in sign language when you don’t speak Chinese.

What else can I say about being dazed, probably more but I really am dazed right now due to all my pains. And my daughter was sick at school this afternoon, so maybe there’s sickness in our house. And no it’s not my writing that makes us all sick, if you say that then I’ll hit you with the mop before I wipe up any sickness. 

well autumn is here, our cat keeps on going out despite the weather

well autumn is here, our cat keeps on going out despite the weather she's a WHOer cat, if you use the Irish pronunciation On one level y...