Friday, 13 December 2024

Singapore is 3/4 the USA total on this site

Singapore is 3/4 the USA total on this site

considering you are 5m and USA is 330m

that's fantastic

or Singapore people have an affinity

for Gorillas with Rosary beads

you've seen the photo

there are much nicer photos, but I'm like Prince William

even more gorgeous in real life,

I do think his beard is stupid and does not suit him

I could never kiss a man with a beard

nor a woman

I started wearing hats this year as I was so cold after my Kurdish haircut

but then a dog went for me, as it did not like hats

I'm sorry if all the talk of Tinnitus is boring, just you try walking in my shoes
and pray for Peace, Russia under Putin is EVIL and Trump does not care
he'll sell them down the river, would he give Florida away if Mexico invaded?
But he'll hack off Ukraine because he's deluded about EVERYTHING

How did America become so Angry and Negative
hopefully 2 years and the Mid Terms will sort it

a Rosary is a  great comfort and source of hope, trust me, so if everybody reading this says one, or other holy prayers of all faiths and none, Putin's evil can be beaten

Just keep the faith spinning

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