Friday, 11 March 2016

Touched by the News

Touched by The News (c)
By Michael Casey

As you all may know I am a news junkie, I love my BBC and Sky and a bit of arguing Fox, they always seem to be arguing on Fox, if I were Rupert Murdoch I’d go in the newsroom and slap the backs of their bare legs with a ruler. That’s when he gets back from his Honeymoon, Lune de Miel is the French for it, I only just remembered that so I thought I’d throw it in. Rupert and Jerry is a name for an ice-cream you get at a pizza place I believe, it’s also a feel good news story. So God Bless both of them, and don’t forget to buy a decent wooden ruler ready for when you get back to USA.

Today Friday 11th March we had Nancy Reagan’s funeral in California, that was sad but nice too, nice because it looks like such a great Love they had between them. So we remember the Love they shared and indirectly USA shared too, so that is worth remembering too. I think her son said there may be a ghost in Chanel at the Library in future that is such a nice way to remember your mum. My own mum is dead 20 years soon, she never wore Chanel and wouldn’t even know what it was, something to do with the English Channel perhaps, but a mother loved just as much as much as Nancy was.

So we hear items on the news and we are touched by them, it’s the news editor’s job to pick the best for us. Puppy stories and long lost relatives meeting after years of separation, or babies lost and found. Though you can have unexpected endings. In today’s news a child separated for 18 years, but then deciding to stay with the “mum” who raised her, so the real mum is devastated. Personally speaking if I was raised by somebody then they are my parent I’d never want to go on a quest for biological parents. It’s an insult to those who did raise you, and it’ll always end in tears.

 So as its getting late I’ll have to finish soon, I can report my own news, I had my first pint in 15 months. A pint of Stella Artois, what else did you think it would be? It tasted great and went straight to my head, it may be 15 months before I have another, it did feel good for 3 hours, but it was nice being normal again. Though with all the heart pills, it’s a very very special treat. It would be nice to dream of having just one more pint of Stella Artois to celebrate Rupert Murdoch giving me a slot in one of his papers, but he’ll probably sent me a ruler in a brown paper envelope, with a message “measure your own column.”

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...