Saturday, 24 October 2015

Message to Spammers

Message to Spammers

I’m fed up of idiots putting spam comments/adverts attached to what I write. On my other sites their comments don’t even get read as they have to be approved, and I just delete them    un-approve them
so here’s a comment I added to a spammer on my previous DT, knowing your audience post.  Can the moderator also delete her account, she an American spammer.

Hey, or should I say hello as we are in England. You really don’t know your audience. You are probably a little old lady of 87 with no teeth and plenty of body smell, WE don’t believe your are the girl or the name in the picture. I HOPE THE MODERATOR DELETES YOUR PROFILE, YOUR EVER SO SECRET PROFILE. DT readers earn that kind of money already. Its a newspaper for clever successful people, would you cut and paste your rubbish into the Washington Post? The poorest person is me, just waiting for the Undertaker to get me.Whatever your name is please desist, STOP< CEASE< or just GIVE UP as nobody reads your rubbish. Any comments posted to my sites do NOT get seen as I have a filter,ME and I just delete them UNREAD, and they do not LITTER my site. So go do yourself a favour, and that;s how we spell over here we use OUR not OR, just read a book, or write one, and AMAZE us with your wit and intelligencce. Then maybe one day TROLLS, that what we call people like you over here, maybe a TROLL like you will be as Big as James Bond, and yes that’s my Day Job. I am 007.
Michael Casey 007 ©

By Michael Casey

I had a security pass with 007 on it, so it got me thinking. What if I was in a Bond film. There will be a new film and Daniel Craig will be the man again.

Could I be a baddie? No I couldn’t possible do that, I mean I don’t look like a baddie do I? My girls wouldn ‘t like it either,  daddy couldn’t possible be a baddie, and as for the wife, I was her Panzi after all. Panzi meaning Fat Fat Boy in Chinese.

So what could I be in a James Bond film? I could carry his bags, I did work in a 4star business hotel for 3 years. So I have the practice. I could carry James Bond’s bags up to his room and knock a few things over, or spill things on James Bond and try to wipe him down with a towel, so James Bond pushes me over the balcony into the pool.

Then the next day Bond lounging by the pool, and me/the porter trips over him so Bond throws me in the pool again. Later in the day I knock his Aston Martin with my trolley, so I get thrown in the pool again.

Finally I/the porter annoys him again, so this time he shoots me. And Bond says “I never believed in tipping.”

Now if Lee Evans is not available for the above then I’d do it. Wouldn’t we all love to be in a Bond film, just think how much they could charge for the privilege.

don't spam just buy and read my books

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