Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Body Language

Body Language ©
By Michael Casey

I was wondering what to write about today when I looked out the window and saw a parked car, inside a woman was on her phone, she was arguing. Not because her passenger had made her stop before using her phone; I just wish everybody followed her example instead of trying to kill me when I cross the street. No I could tell she was arguing because of the way her free hand was moving, shaking about, stabbing the air angrily.

So despite me being inside I knew what was happening outside in a parked Mercedes, a lady was angry very angry. A few minutes ago she drove away, swearing and ranting as she went, I never knew women, could swear like that, I had to look up three of the words in a dictionary.

You can see body language in action everywhere, when a new person meets me and I mention I am a writer you can see the arms go up and cross the chest. As I carry on I see the arms going down, this means he knows I was not BSing him. So the conversation ebbs and flows and the body language moves in sympathy with the level of trust in the conversation.

If you have ever watched farmers haggle at a market, you’ll see the buyer move away and half turn his back on the seller. Then the buyer will half turn back and make a higher offer, the seller will say he feels insulted by such an offer and then he will half turn away. Can you meet me half way says the seller, and the buyer takes his cap off and scratches his head before putting his cap back on. They move closer and a price is agreed for the 3 calves and a milk cow. They spit on their hands and the deal is done. We’ll go for a pint says my Uncle Henry, and so it goes on.

If you see a girl that you like there is other body language, Nature’s body language, if you don’t know what I mean then ask you mother, who’ll probably throw a bucket of water on you. Girls tend to stroke their hair, you both move closer, your eyes dilate. She may touch your arm, you’ll straighten your tie, or just puff up your chest. If you were a bird you’d show your display of feathers, anything and everything to prove you are interested.

People lie to get what they want, to get that girl, to get that boy, politicians even carve things in stone, a la Moses if you like. You can tell a liar because they lick their lips or look skywards as if their script is written on the inside of their eyeballs. They cannot look you in the eye, Hitler however could look you in the eye, and look what happened to him. And to Us.

Our bodies deceive us, we quiver in fear, or swell with pride, we jump for joy or slump in a heap. People talk with their hands, I do so myself, though I have to be very engaged to do so, but if you see me gesticulating, and they cannot touch your for it as Eric Morecambe would say, then you know Michael Casey is really interested in this subject.

If me or anybody else is just like a puppet without the strings, then you know the Duracell battery of Life, of Hope has not been inserted. Somebody inserted a Duracell into David Cameron and look what happened to him.

Body Language can win the girl, win the race, win that contract, keep that factory order book swelling. So use your body well, learn to dance like Ed Balls, learn presenting skills, be honest, look people in the eye and say let’s make love and in the Spring there will be growth, just like Chancy Gardinier predicted. 

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