Saturday 3 August 2024

Olympians hate me, but love my writing, maybe

Olympians hate me, but love my writing, maybe

I have readers from 167 places. NO. Not all at once, but the tally is 167 countries, probably even more.

I’m an Olympian Failure, because NONE of you pay me

BUT you all read me

Though I don’t think I’m a failure

I’d get Gold Silver and Bronze for my TINNITUS and other diseases

Though in my head I’m still 20 and dangerous

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore

 michaelgcasey  Uncategorized  15/05/2020 1 Minute

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore


OUT이 아닌 300Download


KOREAN Quick StoriesDownload





Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick StoriesWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015 – Copywin Wiersze dla wszystkichVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerTURKISH tRANSLATION OF bbuThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationsspanish-bbuSpanish BBUportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019PORTUGUESE BBU2019polish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translationschinese translation BBUchina-bbu-converted-1China BBU-convertedChina BBUbengali-translation-of-bbuBengali Translation of BBUbbu-russian-translation-microsoft-wordbbu-italian (2)bbu-in-arabicbbu-germanBBU UrduBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU ITALIANBBU IndonesianBBU in KOREANBBU in Indian HindiBBU in HebrewBBU in HebrewBBU in ArabicBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019В поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015   

It is nice to see every day where you all are as you read my stories

It is over 80 places worldwide

I’ve covered all the major language groups and you can all buy my Original English

on Amazon

I only read emails in ENGLISH with a decent subject line and I never click links

Junk emails just get deleted unread

Now curl up in bed and read my stories


yes this is me on  14th Oct 2019, I think

There are other TRANSLATIONS just go look

Don’t fight just laugh and love


For Amazon Prime, and old couples too

 michaelgcasey  Uncategorized  13/10/2022 4 Minutes

The Bickers ©


Michael Casey

The Bickers were in fact Mr and Mrs, but I’m not going to tell you their name as The Bickers was what they were know by, ask the post man and their long suffering neighbours. Why The Bickers? Was it rhyming slang for No Knickers, no. They were an old couple, a couple of old dears, and no that’s not rhyming slang either. They were called The Bickers because they lived next door to the Vicar’s, well no that’s a lie, they did live next door to the Vicar’s, but they were called The Bickers because they were always bickering. BICKERING. It became a place on the map, well known to delivery drivers, better than any Sat Nav, The Bickers.

Have a parcel for anybody on that stretch of the B82 then just drop it off at The Bickers, they’ll sign for anything. And Mr Bicker would, it was his way of having contract with the outside world. People would drop by for their parcel and give him a bar of chocolate or a few lines of chat, it did not matter what, it was nice to meet people, anybody.

Mrs Bicker had a cleaning job in various places, so she was always out and about, she always smelt of Pledge, forget Chanel no.5.Pledge was her perfume. Though she was given plenty of Chanel no.5 by very satisfied customers, she was a good scrubber in the best use of that word. So she hated the dirty boot marks from all the couriers who past by her house, Mr Bicker even gave them a quick tea, he always had his fast brew kettle on the hob. So the bickering as a result of their different life styles.

She was always cleaning, and he was always dirtying, she even complained about the amount of toilet paper he used. He just retorted when he died he’d make sure it was on her best floral carpet, image getting the marks of death off that. She said she’d buy him rubber nappies so if he died while she was out, they’d be no mess on the floor. Treating me like a Death Row Prisoner about to be executed, shouted Mr Bicker. That’s too good for you, if you ruin my new carpet from John Lewis with your coffee, I’ll put you over my knee and spank your bare arse. Do it now then retorted Mr Bicker.

So there he was spread over Mrs Bicker’s knee in her new Parker Knoll chair with his bare arse in the air, when Mrs Knowit, the local gossip came in for her parcel. The doors were never locked as he was always in and ready to receive parcels. Mrs Knowit gasped and grabbed her parcel. In 5 minutes the whole village Knewit, SPANKING, and at their age. However the Agatha Raisen was a newcomer to the village so she was impressed, very impressed and knew 1/2 the village would be giving it a go that very night. But I digress.

I’ll put the sterile gloves on next time, she said when she had finished giving him 6 of the best, Mrs Knowit was still outside gasping for breath, so she heard that too. However she looked at her watch, if she hurried the local Post Office and general store would still be open, she was sure they sold sterile gloves.

The Bickers loved to Bicker, it was their form of tv, they did have a tv but stopped watching when Arthur Negus was no longer on talking about furniture. So they listened to BBC Radio4 instead, and yes for them Nicholas Parson and Just a Minute was King. The Vicar always seemed to appear naked having his shower when Nicholas Parsons was on the radio. They always spotted him from the snug in their cottage kitchen, his bathroom overlooked their kitchen. And with BBC Radio4 Extra, Nicholas Parsons was a daily event, as was the naked vicar in the shower.

The Bickers would bicker about repetition, deviation, though thanks to Mrs Knowit’s observations all the village were all learning about repetition and deviation. In the best context of a stable and caring relationship, jut ask the stable girls, but I digress.

One day the Bickers were bickering so much the whole village heard. It had been Amazon Prime Day, so there were stacks and stacks or parcels to collect. They gathered outside for a couple of hours, all they could hear was the crash and bang, crash and bang, and bang and crash. After 3 hours, they were very polite people after all the Vicar suggested they all went to his bathroom, not to baptise them but so they could look down in to the Bickers’ kitchen.

What they saw shocked them, I could not possibly put it on the page, it would singe the very page. Ok, I’ll tell you. The parcel men had clubbed together to get them a present for their 40th wedding anniversary. It was Karma Sutra for beginners, the Bickers had been trying it out all around my house, and other places and positions. This was much much more then mere spanking.

The villagers crept down the stairs only to trip over the vicar’s bondage gear, he said he was minding it for somebody who was in jail. Mrs Knowit, winked, she would return after dark. As for the rest of the villagers, they hurried to place orders on Amazon Prime, it was a primal instinct in them. What was good enough for the Bickers was good enough for them. Agatha Raisen would fit in perfectly in this village.

2015 Clarks Shoes Uncool Dad of the Year , yes really

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Friday 2 August 2024

4918 I'm bringing this back. Influencers TOO stupid for words

 I'm bringing this back

Influencers TOO Stupid for Words

I was going through the Press, and I’m fed up to read about Influencers

Take this first sentence. What is Press?

Where you press your clothes?

Like an ironing machine.

Or the Newspapers, because of Printing Press.

Which spread Knowledge, because Books were mass produced.

And is mass a Mass, as in a Holy Service.

Or a kind of Weight, but let Physics people explain that

Now, I’m fed Up

Does that mean a very fat bastard, who ate all the pies?

Or does it mean I’ve had enough, so I’m fed up.

Like a mark inside my belly, an internal Plimsoll line

If I go over the line, I’ll fall over maybe?

Or does it mean, I’ve had enough BS from ignorant people

Talking about stuff they could not be bothered to do Research about

Quora , or Donald Trump’s mouth do not speak the Gospel Truth.

And that does not mean they are Preachers.

Though Social Justice does descend from Preachers.

Go back to the Marches and Bus Rides, for examples

And what is an Influencer?

Your mum, or the Virgin Mary who asked for more wine indirectly

So Jesus performed his first miracle

Do as HE says, she said

And the rest is History.


Read a book, do some research, and realise

Things aren’t what they appear.

Linguistics Matter, or are you just in it for the MONEY maybe

Michael Casey the Fat Silver Haired Writer in Shades from Birmingham. ENGLAND

And speak clearly,or Snoop Dog might start commenting in the most direct way

As only Snoop can, TRUMP man TRUMP man, Just TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP you TRUMP

which should be clear enough in Any Language

and YES Trump is the Worst Word in Any Language of the World

Or maybe I’m just an ignorant fat man from Birmingham England

Trying to use TRUMP as the newest word to cause OFFENCE

as TRUMP really is the record breaker for that

Man was not born in chains, so avoid TRUMPING TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

I am a SOB after all, a real SOB

Son of a Blacksmith, from County Kerry EIRE

Tororo my Ninja Cat

Thursday 1 August 2024

Missed a Day 1st August

Missed a Day 1st August

missed a day 1st August

too much Tinnitus, I missed one GP apointment



but I’m glad Joe Biden got his Prisoners back

and the girl got the best birthday present

Her DAD returned from Russia

and yes i cried over that

Loads of readers from all over the place

So there is HOPE

and SainT Anthony Pardoners day today

I’m on the mailing list

Google dave allen as well if you are under 40

he had many priest jokes

just for balance

and read Don Camillo

even the Pope read Don Camillo

was it Pope John, go ask your priest

clicca qui se non visualizzi il contenutoIl Perdon d’AssisiUnisciti a noi per celebrare il Perdono di Assisi!“Signore, benché io sia misero e peccatore, ti prego che a tutti quanti, pentiti e confessati, verranno a visitare questa chiesa, conceda ampio e generoso perdono,con una completa remissione di tutte le colpe”San Francesco Ciao MICHSEL, pace e bene! Con il cuore pieno di gioia ci prepariamo a vivere un momento molto significativo per noi frati francescani: il “Perdono di Assisi”. Cos’è il Perdono di Assisi?In una imprecisata notte di luglio dell’anno 1216, san Francesco, chiese a Gesù che tutti coloro che visitassero la piccola chiesa della Porziuncola nel periodo compreso tra il 1° agosto e il 2 agosto, ottenessero il perdono dei peccati. Privilegio esteso a tutte le chiese francescane del mondo. Ormai da otto secoli, milioni di pellegrini intraprendono questo viaggio spirituale verso la redenzione, grazie all’intercessione di Francesco, confermata dal Papa. Anche in Basilica del Santo l’appuntamentocon la festa francescana della misericordiaDal mezzogiorno di giovedì primo agosto alla mezzanotte del giorno seguente anche la nostra amata Basilica di sant’Antonio celebrerà questo momento di grazia celeste e di perdono. Anche tu se lo desideri potrai visitare una chiesa francescana nei luoghi dove abiti, oppure potrai unirti a noi con la preghiera. Preghiamo per tutte le donne e gli uomini che stanno vivendo un tempo di sofferenza e dolore affinché trovino pace e vivano l’esperienza del perdono. Ti abbraccio caramente.Pace e BenePadre Giancarlo Zamengo Via Orto Botanico 11, 35123 • Padova • Italia • Tel. +39 0498225777 • P.Iva 00226500288
Click here if you don’t see the contentThe Pardon of AssisiJoin us in celebrating the Pardon of Assisi!“Lord, although I am wretched and sinful, I beg you to grant ample and generous forgiveness to all who, repentant and confessed, come to visit this church,with a complete remission of all guilt”San Francesco Ciao MICHSEL,peace and good!With hearts full of joy we are preparing to live a very significant moment for us Franciscan friars: the “Pardon of Assisi”. What is the Pardon of Assisi?On an unspecified night in July in the year 1216, St. Francis asked Jesus that all those who visited the small church of the Porziuncola in the period between August 1st and August 2nd obtain the forgiveness of sins. Privilege extended to all Franciscan churches in the world. For eight centuries now, millions of pilgrims have embarked on this spiritual journey towards redemption, thanks to the intercession of Francis, confirmed by the Pope. Also in the Basilica of the Saint the appointmentwith the Franciscan feast of mercyFrom noon on Thursday, August 1st, to midnight the following day , our beloved Basilica of St. Anthony will also celebrate this moment of heavenly grace and forgiveness. If you wish, you too can visit a Franciscan church in the places where you live, or you can join us with prayer. Let us pray for all women and men who are experiencing a time of suffering and pain that they may find peace and live the experience of forgiveness. I hug you dearly.Peace and GoodFather Giancarlo ZamengoVia Orto Botanico 11, 35123 • Padua • Italy • Tel. +39 • P.Iva 00226500288

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Feeling the heat

Feeling the heat

Trump changing his lies, 2025 manifesto was just a joke

Vance he has to decide about

dump him and look weak

or keep his veep


how does Party of law and order support him

Hostile Takeover

MERK adverts with every Trump message

put yourself on the mailing list

AND SEE the amount of TATTY MERK 

they try to SELL

its all exposed on

Legal AF

Midas Touch Network


Trump campaign

it's a dollar and dime store

i have to slap on pain killer on my left shoulder

So I'll stop

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Olympics 2024

 olympics 2024

are you all reading me in the Village

probably not

at this time I feel 9,000,000,000 could have been better spent



added why?

Grand Prix next?

It just seems so commercial to me

yes there are the Ma and Pa stories that got athletes to the top

but all sport seems so stressed out

no fun and games

I remember the Russian female athletes with facial hair

and East Germans too from long ago

Torvel and Dean on ice was amazing long ago

but that was the winter one

It seems more like an over grown albatross

YES you will all hate me

more than if I called you a Cat Lady

But stop and think

where has all the FUN gone

Football Matches in No Mans Land

and I could go on linking

Love and Joy and Fun

But what has the Olympics become?


well autumn is here, our cat keeps on going out despite the weather

well autumn is here, our cat keeps on going out despite the weather she's a WHOer cat, if you use the Irish pronunciation On one level y...