Thursday 25 July 2024

post 4909 not yet 5000 but I'll get there

post 4909 not yet 5000 but I'll get there

I was not lying to our one night lodger this morning over breakfast

won't mention the name, don't want to ruin their street cred


with a black belt

while I was in my Barry White dressing gown

my head still screaming

the Tinnitus never stops nowadays

thanks for the flowers

I'm not dead  yet, just smell that way

at least I look slightly better than the swim wear models  below

Wednesday 24 July 2024

diversity candidate

diversity candidate 

i was really angry to hear this from the GOP

or the Fascist Trump Party

America is made up from everybody

Trump wants to remake USA in his own image

Lying Cheating Stealing and so on

Watch The Producers the old Mel Brooks film

Springtime for Hitler song

who built USA

the Irish and Chinese navvy

their bones span the continent


Who did this, who did that


who got USA to the moon

German scientists

My Own family has FOUR

nationalities attached

so to Diversity Candidate 

is an insult to the Entire Human Race

and just so you know

My kids are Chinese Irish

Shanghai Birmingham girls

Trump wants to recreate the human race in his own image

Imagine 8,000,000,000 DONALD TRUMP CLONES

vomiting abuse via a phone

WE are all the colours of the Rainbow

ALL of us are as good as the other

we live and work together

and celebrate and cry together

Because we are the HUMAN Race

not a Disgrace called Trump

He needs to be sent packing

sent to Jail

so we can all 


and the stain on History he has made

TRUMP can solve the Energy Problem in just one day,

Tuesday 23 July 2024

4906 Kamela nailed her first President Event

4906 Kamela  nailed her first President Event

that's my opinion

Just repeat ad infinitum what we know is True about HIM

Trump is

and go down the list

DEBATE don't bother

he's just a LIAR

He is the past

and as the new mantra says


9/10 for todays effort

play his tune. Donald where's your trousers on Utube

Good Morning Singapore are you READY?

Good Morning Singapore are you READY?

So Singapore is afraid HK was going to take the reading Crown

Well hurry up and read the lot

4900 or so pieces just here on this Blogger

and I know all of you can afford to BUY all 20 books on Amazon

so what have you got to lose, you lost that already

discuss 4000 words by Midnight tomorrow

I lost what to Michael Casey

My ignorance

My sense of humour

My farts in a jar

You tell me


nice to see you suddenly there again

or are you a Dyson Vacuum factory


i went out for  bloods 

and for a 2nd shot of Shingles vaccine

i stumbled over an old neighbour

so spontaneously I gave him a USB

with 2,000,000 words on

SO he will suffer

but I hope he will laugh too

I also had some extra keys cut

by a man with tats

and is assistant with no teeth

But his daughter is doing all kinds of everything at University

so I said to the toothless man

His daughter could match cartoons to my old words

so long as she did not think they were a load of old cobblers

I was in the key and cobblers shop after all

I also put an old vacuum outside in the street

I told a passing Pole she could start a Cleaning Business

15 an hour to house clean, she now has  a battery powered vacuum form me

So i hope my idea works for her

As I go a long, I am a Little Bee. Pollinating

Now my new air dryer for the washing arrived

so i have to construct that

But I am exhausted already as I was out walkin in the heat

and my arthritis left shoulder has kicked off

as  well as the TINNITUS

will a Singapore millionairess arrive

to take me away from all this

I'll let you know

Though I may just run for President instead

Monday 22 July 2024

TICTOK chance

TICTOK chance

well a week is a long time in Politics

Harold Wilson said that

and most. of you won't even know who he was

Prime Minister of England

and he retired because

he knew he had Alzheimer's

it was sudden

and back then in the 1970s

it did not really have a name

SO is History repeating itself

is History repeating itself


in USA everything would drive you Mad

and in USA Retirement age is just the beginning 

for Politicians


for regular people

go to God's waiting room, FLORIDA

and don't tell us what to do

in our Bedrooms

etc etc etc

Trump is selling rubbish to mark his own

near assination

look on his website

and he complains when people

mock him still

BUY a Tshirt or trainers or a whisky glass with bullet in it

everything probably imported from a 3rd world country

so Trump can make even more profit

to pay off his lawyer

GOP is his Private money making company

all this pompous rightousness

Is just sickening



500,000,000 USD is fines already

Documents Top Secret Documents

littering his bathroom


I wouldn't trust him to collect litter in a car park

Maybe that's what he'll get for the HUSH MONEY case

He LOST the Populat vote to Hillary


but lied for 4 years about it

Instead of creating Jobs for Americans

he just created jobs for his Lawyers

and used GOP money to pay them

So now you get a chance to

Finally be rid of him


get off the couch and go VOTE

before he Brings back SLAVERY

Sunday 21 July 2024

The song that beat Donald Trump Trousers

Michael Casey

14:53 (38 minutes ago)
Check out Lies Lies Lies by Morgan Wallen on Amazon Music

Maybe in eurovision song  contest together  singing 

Donald Where's your Trousers 
An old  Andy Stewart song go Google 

and put on Tik Tok

 to save the world from both of them

the song that beat Donald
14:53 (37 minutes ago)

not found

Saturday 20 July 2024

BE LOGICAL Biden appears weak so for God's sake and USAs replace him

BE LOGICAL Biden appears weak so for God's sake and USAs replace him

It has to be Kamela too


because if not her you are saying Biden and Her are BOTH rubbish

And giving it all away 


Pick Kamela

Then a prosecutor

is running against a CRIMINAL

and you list his crimes ever time anybody is interviewed


TRUMP the Criminal

Repeat ad infinitum

A white Racist against a Black Woman

Trump wants take every woman's rights away

Hell Man, he probably wants to bring back Slavery

BLUE team needs a tight message and repeat

Economy is GOOD

etc go through the List

Trump just loves to LIE

he has been lying all his life

4 years lying about the Election he LOST

BLUE team needs a tight message

Every time Trump says anything

List his crimes

Tight message

Photos of Trumps bathroom

SEcrets everywhere


If Biden wants the biggest Bang for his Buck

he could totally resign

So Harris is the President already

and then she can run for 2 terms

What is the most important thing?



Sanity in the White House

Project 2025 is alive and will destroy USA from within

So Joe has to be Humble so USA stands tall

Turning Point in History again

Or is USA just a Billionaire's Plaything

People Matter, all the People

not just Billionaires selling CHEAP memorabilia 

all over Truth Social TAT is being sold

in between Trump's rantings

And if you had an open primary instead

that would just weaken you

why is she Vice President in the first place

BE Logical and be Srong

and Last 4 to 8 more years

not weeks

well autumn is here, our cat keeps on going out despite the weather

well autumn is here, our cat keeps on going out despite the weather she's a WHOer cat, if you use the Irish pronunciation On one level y...