Friday, 12 July 2013

Where am I ?

Where am I ? (c)
By Michael Casey

Do you ever type in where am I. I do just to see how wrong it always is. Right now FB says I'm in Bideford Devon. Doesn't David Cameron go to Devon for his hols? I'll have to check the newspapers to see if he's there. Picture the scene DC is looking at my files on FB, I hope he can find me a bit of writing work. Or after dinner speaking, I mean at least I'd get a free dinner, who said there's no such thing as a free dinner? As well as being in Bideford Devon, and maybe DC is hacking me, I typed in where am I on a google search and it said I was in DC, not David Cameron but in DC, as in Washington DC. Then I zoomed in and it said I was in The White House. So are Obama and the family gathered around the family PC in the President's private living quarters and they are hacking into my PC. Look Mr President my books are only 3 dollars each, apart from the 6th book which is 4 dollars. Anyway you can afford to buy your own copy
so get the secret service to download my 6 books to your kindle. I know you are still sore because they beat you at bowling again, on your regular Tuesday bowling night, but they siad sorry and siad they'd get you something to read, even in UK we know you love to read. Or could all this be my imagination? I once did where was I am it said Palo Alto several times, so does Mark Z also like to read my stuff? Even if I said he was a roadie with tattoos on his leg. I'm the least important man in the world, so why is where I'm at so wrong. Not unless Lestrange and Snowden are playing tricks, again why? I'm of no importance whatseoever. I would like a slot on the radio and in print and/or in newspapers. I love the idea of syndiction. It's great because you get paid many times over for writing just one thing. Or is Rupurt Murdoch about to give me a job, with free Sky TV everything package. On balance not, though I did send him my 90 seconds with Michael idea. All this sounds like a conspiracy theory, so perhaps I should be in the Xfiles, I did have 2 Xrays the other week, so I'm half way there, I'm X which as they say is X marks the spot, which goes back to where am I.

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