Saturday, 6 July 2013

No Hiding Place (c) by Michael Casey

No Hiding Place ©

By Michael Casey

The thing about email and facebook is that you cannot hide anywhere. You will be found and will get mail, just as in the film “you got mail.” North South East and West, email and facebook will get you. Sometimes it’s hard to find the contact details page on  a site so you have to waste time on Wikipedia  
to find the email, then you can send your opus.

At this very moment in a bathroom at Moscow airport Edward Snowden is  being swamped by my emails asking him to read my material on his radio station. It’s just a link he has on his Wikileaks app on his computer. It connects him to the bathroom in the London embassy of Ecuadar, where thestrange is holding up this past year.

So their computers are being hacked by the IDHAC, which stands for I don't have a clue spy agency. All they can get on their computers is my material

The  thinking behind it is that after a week of just Michael Casey it will drive them insane and they'll both come out with their hands up. There is also a screen saver of me in my Orange Polo, the one with the Polo scene on it, I'm 
moon-walking and I'm singing "you're bad, you're bad."

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far