Wednesday, 13 February 2019

KOREAN Valentine Poem plus a woman's beauty

Michael G Casey에게 이메일

당신은 사랑에있을 결코 혼자가 아닙니다 ©


마이클 케이시

사랑은 함께하고, 사랑은 미소,보기, 터치

또는 한숨 쉬다, 왜 당신이 서로를 선택했는지 정말로 알지 못한다.

그럼에도 불구하고 당신이 죽을 때까지 함께

사랑은 당신의 몸을 따뜻하게하는 볼에 부드럽고 온화한 키스입니다.

마음을 쓰게되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

키스는 많은 것을 이끌 있지만 나는 열정을 안전하게 잠그고 떠날거야.

침실 뒤에서

열정은 사순절을 위해서조차도 포기하지 않을 것입니다.

너는 따뜻한 포옹에 거짓말을하고, 잊어 버린 것을 기억할 것이다.


속삭임과 약속이 만들어지고, 미래를위한 계획과

그녀는이 방법으로 그녀의 머리카락을 넣어, 당신은 그것이 그녀에게 어울릴 것이라고 생각하니?

다음 킥킥 웃음과 이상의 포옹, 밤이 끝날 때까지

갈빗대에서 발굴하면 그를 움직일 있습니다.

그럼 당신의 하나가 완성, 당신은 그의 차가운 발로 참아!

그러나 당신이 떨어져있을 당신의 마음은 여전히 ​​하나입니다.

생각 반은 결석 당신은 여전히 ​​하나입니다.

침대 밑에있는 양말과 네가 말대로.

그의 "장난감"은 흩어져 있었고,

그가 돌아 오는 몸의 보온과 따뜻함.

그가 당신을 흥분시킨 후에 당신을 차게하는 그의 차가운 발은 아직 결석하고 있습니다.

생각은 당신을 미소 짓게합니다, 적어도 당신은 잠시 동안 편안함을 느낍니다.

그의 미소와 leers, 적어도 당신은 미소 지을거야

잠시 동안 평화.

그러나 그의 마음은 여전히 ​​당신과 함께합니다. 사랑은 항상 거기에 있습니다.

너의 공정한 머리카락처럼 밝은.

눈을 감고 그는 여전히 거기에있다.

그는 당신의 얼굴을 가로 질러 손가락을 연주했습니다.

꿈을 꾸고 귀에 속삭이는 것을 기억하고 따뜻하게 해주세요.

그가 과감하기 전에 어깨에 키스. 사랑의 온기

당신의 피로 솟아 오릅니다.

꿈을 길게, 깊은 꿈을, 당신의 남자는 수면 중에 수고를합니다.

너는 별거 . 너는 아직도 날씨가 무엇이든간에 너와 함께있어. 너를 위해서.

그가 당신의 마음에 갇혀 있기 때문에 결코 분리되어 있지 않습니다.

때로는 그가 시도 수도 있지만, 절대로

당신의 사랑을 위해 우는 것은 ying은 것입니다.

그가 항상 떨어져 있어도 마음을 채운다는 것을 항상 기억하십시오.


A Woman’s Beauty ©
By Michael Casey
A woman's beauty has many seasons too, the first smile that floors any man, the kind word that heals any hurt, the tears that break any heart.  The touch that offers sympathy,  the consoling hug. The softness that brings hope to all of us. Softness is strength. All kinds of graces that are like pearls throw before swine, swine being men in the main.
A woman loves from her  heart, a man tends to love from his loins until he is educated  by the love of a good woman. Women don’t battle and try to win all the time, tender words are given to children, and men are just children who pretend they are all grown up. Words and curses are used and it’s the women who are the peacemakers, when all the wars are over its women who are left to bring the family together.
Family is woman, the home the hearth is woman, men are out working and the mother glues the family together while the men are at work. Times changed but still its mum and the kids, they are the family, dad is out working up to 16hours a day, at least my dad was. When dad is off work for the weekend then the family is full and complete, laughter rings out and when the ice cream van is heard in the street dad sends us out to get some ice creams. TV shows are watched together, kids snuggle up to dad to rest their head on his fat belly, dad’s Winnie  The Pooh like belly.
As kids it’s the mother who teaches the children their first prayers, it’s the mother who spread the Faith, but why is it that only men are the priests? A mother encourages and sooths, a dad gives the pocket money out  at the weekend so you can go to the Grove Cinema. On a Sunday there is cake and tea, dad goes to the pub and comes home with cheese and onion crisps in his pockets. Warm memories, memories that make up Family, then one Saturday night in May , mum is gone. Mum is dead, the priest comes to the house in the early hours returning with brother and sister, dad cries it finally hits him, his wife of nearly 50years is gone. Dad said mom had all the Graces, “She was as strong as a horse” which is high praise coming from a blacksmith.

 여자의 아름다움 ©
마이클 케이시
여자의 아름다움에는 많은 절기가있다, 어떤 남자든지 마루로 밟는 첫번째 미소, 어떤 상처를 치유하는 친절한 낱말, 어떤 심혼든지 끊는 눈물. 동정심을 제공하는 접촉, 위로 포옹. 우리 모두에게 희망을 가져 오는 부드러움. 부드러움은 힘입니다. 진주와 같은 모든 종류의 은혜가 돼지 앞에 던져지며, 돼지는 남성들입니다.
여자는 사랑하는 여자의 사랑에 의해 교육받을 때까지 자신의 허리에서 사랑하는 경향이있다. 여자는 항상 싸우지 않고이기려고 노력하며, 부드러운 말은 아이들에게 주어지며, 남자들은 모두 자란 척하는 아이들입니다. 단어와 저주가 사용되며, 모든 전쟁이 가족을 함께 데리고 오는 여성들보다 많을 때, 평화 주의자 인 여성입니다.
가족은 여자, 난로는 여자, 남자는 직장을 나가고 어머니는 직장에있는 동안 가족을 함께 붙입니다. 시간은 바뀌었지만 여전히 엄마와 아이들, 그들은 가족입니다. 아빠는 하루에 16 시간을 일하고 있습니다. 적어도 아빠는 적어도있었습니다. 아빠가 주말 동안 일을 그만두면 가족은 완전하고 완전합니다. 웃음 소리가 나고 거리에서 아이스크림 밴을 들으면 아빠가 우리에게 아이스크림을 보내기 위해 나옵니다. TV 쇼는 함께 지켜보고, 아이들은 아랫배에 머리를 안기 위해 아내에게 푹 빠져 있습니다. 아빠의 위니는 배처럼 푸우입니다.
애들이 애들에게 첫 번째기도를 가르치는 어머니인데, 그것은 신앙을 전파 한 어머니입니다. 그러나 왜 그것은 오직 남자들 만이 제사장인가요? 어머니는 장려하고 격려하며 주말에 아빠가 돈을내어 그 로브 시네마에 갈 수 있습니다. 일요일에는 케이크와 차가 있고, 아빠는 술집에 가서 주머니에 치즈와 양파를칩니다. 따뜻한 추억, 가족을 이루는 추억, 5 월 한 토요일 밤에 엄마가 없어졌습니다. 엄마는 죽었다. 제사장은 형제와 자매와 함께 돌아 오는 이른 시간에 집에 간다. 아빠는 결국 그를 때려 부르짖으며, 거의 50 년이 된 그의 아내는 사라진다. 아빠는 엄마가 모든 은혜를 가지고 있다고 말했습니다. "그녀는 말처럼 강했다."이것은 대장장이에게서 오는 높은 평가입니다.

and yes I really am a Blacksmith's son, 4th son in fact.

Japanese A Woman's Beauty plus Valentine Poem

Valentine in Japanese plus A Woman’s Beauty

Subject: Valentine and a woman’s beauty

Valentine Poem in Japanese

しかし彼の心はまだあなたと共にあります、愛はいつもそこにあります –
from Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

Valentine Poem in Japanese

しかし彼の心はまだあなたと共にあります、愛はいつもそこにあります –
      Michael G Casey email
You’re Never Alone When You Are in Love ©

Michael Casey
Love is being together , Love is a smile , a Look , A Touch
Or Just A Sigh , Not really knowing why you chose one another .
Yet Together Till You Die

Love is a Kiss soft and gentle on the cheek which warms your
heart and makes you glad you chose one another .
A Kiss can lead to more but I’ll leave Passion locked Safely
behind a bedroom door
Passion spent you’ll not give up each not even for Lent .
You’ll just lie in warm embrace and remember you forgot to say
grace .
Whispers and Promises are made , plans for the future and if

she put her hair this way , Do you think it would suit her ?
Then giggles and more embraces ,  Till the Night is over and with
a dig in the ribs you make him move over .
Then your oneness complete , you have to put up with his cold feet !
But when you are apart your hearts are still one ,
Thought half is  absent you are still one .
His socks under the bed , and after what you said .
His  “toys” scattered about ,  and the clout you’ll  give  when  he
returns and the warmth of your body he yearns .
His cold feet to chill you after he thrills you , are absent yet the
thought makes you smile , at least you have the comfort for  a while.
His grins and leers ,  which makes you smile at least  you’ll  have

peace for a while .
But his heart is still with you , the love is always there – as
bright as your fair hair .
Close your eyes and he is still there ,  Remember the embrace as
he played his fingers across your face .
Let your dreams go and remember the whispers in your ear, warm
kisses on your shoulder before he gets bolder . The warmth of love
that soars through your blood .
Dream long , Dream deep , your Man toils while you sleep, though
you are apart you are still together whatever the weather , for you
are never apart for he is  locked in your heart .
Though sometimes he can be trying , there’s Never any need of

crying for your love is Undying.
Always remember he fills your heart even when you are apart

A Woman’s Beauty ©
By Michael Casey
A woman’s beauty has many seasons too, the first smile that floors any man, the kind word that heals any hurt, the tears that break any heart.  The touch that offers sympathy,  the consoling hug. The softness that brings hope to all of us. Softness is strength. All kinds of graces that are like pearls throw before swine, swine being men in the main.
A woman loves from her  heart, a man tends to love from his loins until he is educated  by the love of a good woman. Women don’t battle and try to win all the time, tender words are given to children, and men are just children who pretend they are all grown up. Words and curses are used and it’s the women who are the peacemakers, when all the wars are over its women who are left to bring the family together.
Family is woman, the home the hearth is woman, men are out working and the mother glues the family together while the men are at work. Times changed but still its mum and the kids, they are the family, dad is out working up to 16hours a day, at least my dad was. When dad is off work for the weekend then the family is full and complete, laughter rings out and when the ice cream van is heard in the street dad sends us out to get some ice creams. TV shows are watched together, kids snuggle up to dad to rest their head on his fat belly, dad’s Winnie  The Pooh like belly.
As kids it’s the mother who teaches the children their first prayers, it’s the mother who spread the Faith, but why is it that only men are the priests? A mother encourages and sooths, a dad gives the pocket money out  at the weekend so you can go to the Grove Cinema. On a Sunday there is cake and tea, dad goes to the pub and comes home with cheese and onion crisps in his pockets. Warm memories, memories that make up Family, then one Saturday night in May , mum is gone. Mum is dead, the priest comes to the house in the early hours returning with brother and sister, dad cries it finally hits him, his wife of nearly 50years is gone. Dad said mom had all the Graces, “She was as strong as a horse” which is high praise coming from a blacksmith.
from Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham  England
(and Blacksmith’s son)
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Tuesday, 12 February 2019

are you part of my cult yet?

United States


Unknown Region

United Kingdom

United Arab Emirates




 are you part of my cult yet?  The people above have joined in the cult of the bewildered readers of Michael Casey, Spanish and Arabic translations are also being read on my Wordpress site today too. So I hope you are not just stealing essays to bewilder you English teachers.
EVERYTHING REMAINS MY COPYRIGHT. Nobody sends me money, but Prayers are welcome to keep the Pain Monster at Bay.

I've not had any wisps of ideas float past my window yet, but always check at Midnight UK time, just in case the urge hits me. Eczema over my knuckles has arrived/returned so that's an excuse not to bore you all, it makes typing irritating, and reading me is even more irritating, you are all so cruel, I may cry and  leave my snot all over your computer screens as revenge. I'm an Artist I am, an Artist, I'd say it in Kenneth Williams voice, but you  can go Google him instead.

I know you all think I'm a Picasso, or just an as____, you are all so cruel, why do you come to my page anyway, are the camels still filling up from the hotel swimming pool. That's a joke for my UAE readers, as if camels would be allowed to drink from a swimming pool. They wouldn't be allowed in, not unless they had matching swimming costumes.

As for my Japanese readers,I'd solve the low birth rate single-handedly. The Japanese would read my Valentine Poem and feel sick and go to bed, and you cannot hide forever so one thing leads to another. Or is the truth that they don't want future generations suffering from Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades, so nobody wants to breed any more. The end of humanity is because Michael Casey made people feel glum, and I thought it was all  Donald Trump's fault.

Who else have I upset. EVERYBODY. You really are HORRID, and why do girls use that word HORRID? No doubt a Michael Casey will become a term of abuse, my UAE readers won't say he's less use than something that comes  from the back of a camel, even from a well dressed camel in a swimming suit having a message beside the pool.No, UAE readers will say he just a Michael Casey. Imagine the shock and horror of it, being called a Michael Casey, children will be led away crying , and old women will faint, and young girls will scream. Old men will just spit, mainly in my direction.

Or am I being too Negative about myself, I'll get a ride in Police cars, and not just talking me to the airport to be deported like or like unwanted parcel, or wrong size winter coat.

No please God, or as my mother would say, with the Help of God and Two Policemen, I will have the police escort  to my hotel, so I can get to the bathroom in time, and then I can laze by the 7 star deluxe hotel pool. All I have to do is fight for space with the camels, though the camels may just say I smell and go for a swim in the pool. I adore Ck1 but obviously camels do not.

Portuguese Translations

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 167 countries so far