Sunday, 9 February 2014

What are Dreams For

What are Dreams For? ©
By Michael Casey

What are dreams for? They are there to help us, to guide us, to share our love, to give us hope. If we are without dreams then we are without hope. If we don’t dream then we are just a block of wood, or worse a lump of rock.

With dreams we can turn a piece of wood into furniture, we can create the perfect desk for a writer. This writer will have such a nice desk once he sells enough books. Like one Charles Dickens had, and HE was a great writer.

Dreams give us a destination to aim for. A goal, a dream, a hope, without hope there cannot be any dreams, we are just lumps of rock. But with dreams a lump of rock can be turned into a David by Michelangelo, into many many great works of art. We all have to dream.

Today Britain got its first medal ever at the Winter Olympics, this is because of dreams. One girl’s dreams that today became a reality. That today became an Olympic medal for Jenny Jones.

So we should reach for the sky with our dreams. But what of the sleeping variety?  Night dreams are there to untangle the spaghetti which is our thoughts, to knit order into the tangled wool of thought. To produce that Xmas jumper in our minds wool.

Dreams are the cinema of our hopes and desires, we want that job or house or love. Dreams can give us that many years before hard work will bring it to us. Castles in the air my mother used to call them, when dad was saying how he’d like a nice house, and if ever he won the lottery he’d buy all of us a house each. And yes I have that same dream still.

Night time dreams can be very strange, like Salvador Dali paintings, twisted and distorted, taking the ordinary and changing it totally. There is no logic in dreams, they are what they are, dreams. Too much Greek feta cheese does enhance dreams, so beware of night time cheese on toast.

We may dream of lost parents, of lost hopes, lost loves. The process of dreaming is complicated. If you awake it’s hard to return to the same spot, there is no sat nav in dreams.  Dreams guide themselves, you are just a feather being blown by the wind of dreams.

Too much tv can lead to nightmares, so don’t watch too many Japanese horror films before bedtime. Yes watch studio Ghibli but not the horror movies. Your mind has some cache in it too, just like your PC, so don’t fill it with fear before bedtime.  Or when you sleep you’ll be uploading it to your dreams, and you will scream.

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