Friday, 17 September 2010

My New Computer Part 2

A new home computer is an event. You think how quick it will be. You prepare by backing up your files, but you have so many of them. Then you have email accounts and  favourite sites and so forth. You think you've thought of  everything but you haven't. BUT you do have a safety net, you've emailed your important files to yourself, in fact you have a couple of email accounts so your stuff can be safe. Only you forget the passwords.

I'm sure we've all done it. Luckily the nice folks at Google can help. But then there is GMX can they fix it too? 

Then you get 60 day trial of software  from Norton which features an online backup, so your files are safe on a server in the USA. 
So I had loaded our family photos  to the new PC and then deleted them  from the memory stick thing. 
So that was ok, only I then lost them from the new PC. So I have to rely on Norton, only there's a glitch, I can see my files on their  Server but I cannot restore them to my PC. It may just be I need to click somewhere I cannot see. So I send an email to Norton, thats a couple of hours ago,  but I'm  sure those guys are just as nice as Google. 
Have I learnt my lesson. Yes, buy 2 memory sticks and don't delete anything.
Footnote I first used a computer back in 1978, DEC PDP 1170s but then computers were as big as washing machines and dealt in megabites and tape decks were as big as wardrobes.

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